Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 387 Yizuo, let's break up

Chapter 387 Yizuo, let's break up (1 more)
Bo Qingwei didn't know how to get out.

She didn't ask the driver at home to take her, but ran out of the community alone and called a taxi.

She has only one idea now, she is going to see Brother Zuo.

When the driver asked her where she was going, Bo Weiwei wiped away the tears covering her cheeks indiscriminately, and gave a place name.

The driver glanced at her, shook his head, and didn't say anything more. After working as a driver for so many years, there are too many things like this.

Bo Qingwei cried all the way, at first she cried in a low voice, and finally she cried aloud, Bai Nen covered her mouth with her hand, she didn't want others to see her like this, but today, after all, she was ashamed.

The driver couldn't stand it anymore, and said while driving.

"Little girl, why are you crying? Did something happen at home, or did you break up with your boyfriend?"

Bo Weiwei didn't speak, just kept crying, his shoulders shrugged because of crying.

"Little girl, no matter what the reason is, just like this road, it will always come to an end, and your bad luck will also come to an end. You are still young, and there are still many good times waiting for you?"

Thin bit her lip lightly.

Yeah, no matter what happens, there will be an end.

Perhaps starting today, she and brother Zuo will come to an end.

When the car arrived at the entertainment club, Bo got out of the car lightly, but only after getting off did he realize that he didn't bring his wallet.

"Uncle, can I transfer the money?"

Bo gently wiped the tears off his face, and talked to the uncle driver inside.

The driver is a man in his 50s and uses an elderly mobile phone without WeChat or Alipay.

"It's okay, little girl, you can find the person you want to find, I will send you off today."

I came to this entertainment place crying and crying, it seems that it is because my boyfriend or husband is here to steal.

Hey, why doesn't the other party cherish such a beautiful girl?
Bo Qingwei was embarrassed, seeing that the driver uncle was not a rich man, and it was not easy for him to drive a taxi. Bo Qingwei asked for his mobile phone number, and paid him 500 yuan for calls with Alipay.

"Uncle, I'm sorry to trouble you."

With that said, Bo turned his head slightly and ran towards the clubhouse.

The driver stared at the message sent by the phone, and then looked at the door of the clubhouse where no one was there.

So sad for that dissatisfied man once again.

Bo Wenwen came to the front desk of the clubhouse and asked the lady at the front desk, but these are the privacy of the guests, they can't say anything.

Bo Weiwei sat on the sofa in the hall slumped, looked at his phone, it was already 03:30.

In other words, there is still an hour and a half before the conversation between eldest brother and brother Zuo will be over.

However, she didn't want to wait for this hour and a half.

Now she has stopped crying.

What's the use of crying?
If what Jiang Linhui said was true, what should she do?
She said that she would break up with Brother Zuo.

But the matter was before her eyes, but she couldn't bear it anyway.

Brother Zuo, why do you keep asking me questions over and over again.

The first time I saw Wen Jing after a few years, you left me, held Wen Jing's hand and turned around to leave. In front of everyone, you made me lose face.

Now some people will definitely say that the daughter of the Bo family was abandoned by the young master of the Yi family.

In fact, she didn't care about these things, she never cared about other people's opinions, and she lost face to the Bo family.

In front of him, she had never had herself, as if as long as he gave him a sweet treat, she would be happy for several days.

Thinking back on what she did after dating Zuo Gege, Bo Weiwei felt that she was sorry for the face of the Bo family.

Now she is pregnant again, brother Zuo, you are really powerful, so powerful that you can hurt me again and again.

But this time, sorry, she won't be willful anymore.

So what if you have children?
She can raise this child by herself, and her parents are so kind to her, isn't there room for another child?

After an unknown amount of time, Bo Weiwei felt that she was about to freeze on the sofa, when finally two familiar voices came from the hall.

She looked up, and at that moment saw her elder brother and elder brother Zuo.

Bo Zhongye and Yi Zuo were also taken aback when they saw her, and after realizing it, they immediately walked in front of her.

Both of them frowned, but Bo Zhongye spoke out first.

"Gently, why are you here, why are your eyes swollen?"

After seeing his sister's red and swollen eyelids, Bo Zhongye lost his composure, and suddenly looked at Yi Zuo.

Yi Zuo also frowned, but he only had slightly red and swollen eyelids in his eyes, and he didn't notice Bo Zhongye's questioning eyes.

Yi Zuo went to sit beside her, put his arms around her shoulders, and asked softly.

"Gently, what's the matter, is someone bullying you, why are you crying?"

The eyelids are red and swollen, she must have cried, or cried hard.

The moment Yi Zuo's arm came around, Bo Qingwei's body trembled, unconsciously rejecting his contact.

Yizuo felt her rejection immediately.

Gently repelling him?

Why, this is impossible.

"Gently, tell me what's going on?"

Brother Zuo's gentle words were still in his ears, still the same as before, gentle and magnetic, but Bo Qingwei couldn't feel any comfort.

She raised her head and looked at her elder brother, forcing a smile.

Bo Zhongye thought, she must not know that her smile is uglier than crying.

"Gently, tell big brother if there is something wrong, no matter who it is, big brother will vent your anger on you."

That's what he said, but Bo Zhongye knew that his sister wanted to let him go.

Could it be that Yizuo really did something to be sorry for Qingqing?

No way, these two people have been glued to each other recently, wishing they could stay together every day, besides, apart from Wen Jing before, no one can threaten their relationship.

But Wen Jing has already been chased away by Yi Zuo.

"Brother, brother Zuo and I have something to talk about. My sister-in-law and mother went to a party together, so I guess it's time to come back. Go and pick them up."

I believe that as long as my sister-in-law is mentioned, my eldest brother will definitely go back.

In fact, Bo Zhongye did agree to go back, but it wasn't because he felt that his sister was less important than Qinqin, it was just that Qingqing needed a space to be alone, before he left, he looked at Yizuo, and his tone was not very good.

"We must send Qingqing home, understand?"

Bo Zhongye's intention was obvious, no matter what happened, he would send Qingqing home.

Yizuo nodded.

After Bo Zhongye left, Bo Qingwei broke free from Yi Zuo's arm.

Yi Zuo's hand froze in mid-air.

Bo stood up lightly, without looking at Yi Zuo from the beginning to the end.

"Let's go out and find a quiet place to talk."

Yi Zuo's hand was still frozen in mid-air, before he could react, he walked out lightly.

Five minutes later, on the small road around the clubhouse, the surrounding trees had almost lost their leaves, and a gust of cool wind blew over, making Wei Wei feel even colder.

Shivering uncontrollably, Yi Zuo quickly took off his coat and put it on for her.

Before taking off the coat, Bo took another step back gently.

Clearly alienated.

Yi Zuo was completely dumbfounded.

It would be a fool if he didn't realize at this time that he was slightly angry because of his words.

Putting the coat on his arm, Yi Zuo wanted to pull her to sit on the bench next to him.

"Just say it here."

Bo gently shook his hand away.

Yi Zuo frowned.

"Gently, tell me, what's wrong?"

Bo Qingwei finally looked up at him.

"Brother Zuo, do you still remember what you promised me?"

Yi Zuo was stunned.

There are many things he promised her. I don't know what she meant by saying this?
Seeing his reaction, Bo smiled lightly.

Sure enough, I don't remember.

"Brother Zuo, you promised me that you would never see Sister Wen Jing again, do you remember?"

Hearing this, Yi Zuo's body froze instantly.

Gently got it.

No need to guess, Jiang Linhui must have told her!
Damn, he was busy today, so he didn't have time to deal with him, and his movements were really fast.

"Gently, listen to me, it's not what you think."

Just this one sentence wiped out all her hopes.

Thin smiled lightly.

Not what she thought?
What is that like?

Whatever the reason, it has nothing to do with her.

"Brother Zuo, I remember you said that you don't love Miss Wen Jing anymore, I believe it."

She really believed it.

Although that day, he left her behind.

Yi Zuo wanted to reach out to hug her, but he didn't dare to move.

He was worried that as soon as he stepped forward, Qingqing would resist, but looking at Qingqing's sad and hopeless eyes was like stabbing his heart severely.

"Gently, what I said is true."

He didn't know what to say, he went to see Wen Jing just to get her out of this place.

"Brother Zuo, tell me, what you told me is true, right?"

Yi Zuo wanted to nod, but he didn't. His intuition told him that if he nodded, the fate between them would completely change.

Don't dare to say it?

"Since brother Zuo has forgotten what he promised me, I'll say it again."

"I said, if you see Miss Wen Jing again, we will break up, and you agree."

Yi Zuo took a step back and looked at her in disbelief.

Afterwards, Yi Zuo walked up to her in a big stride, and hugged her with his long arms.

Bo Weiwei felt pain from being hugged by him, and felt for the first time that being hugged by a lover is also a kind of torture.

"Gently, can you listen to me first?"

Bo Weiwei wanted to break free from his embrace several times, but due to the physical strength between the man and the woman, she couldn't move at all, but was held tightly by him.

"Let go of me first."

How could Yi Zuo let her go, once he let her go, she would run away.

"Gently, I saw her because..."

"You let me go!"

Before Yi Zuo could finish his sentence, Bo Qingwei broke out instantly and pushed him out.

Yi Zuo didn't expect her to have such great strength, and he almost stopped when he was pushed aside by her.

Bo wrapped her body lightly, staring straight at the man in front of her, the man she had loved for many years.

This man who hurt her time and time again.

There is only one thought in her mind now, he went to see him, he really went to see her.

Yi Zuo, why do you challenge her bottom line again and again?

Looking at the girl who was completely out of control, with a painful face, Yi Zuo's heart seemed to be strangled by someone, even breathing was difficult.

This is the first time that Qingqing lost his temper with him. In front of him, Qingqing has always been well-behaved and obedient. As long as he says what he says, she will do it. She never refute.

If it wasn't for this incident, maybe he would never know that Wei Wei also has a temper.

Did she react so strongly just because he admitted that he went to see Wen Jing?

"Gently, can you listen to my explanation first?"

The two can't really break up because of this incident.

How could he let go gently?

Will not die.

"Why should I listen to your explanation?"

Bo asked softly, now she is like a person standing on the edge of a cliff, when the wind blows, she will fall down, and she doesn't even know if he will say another word, will she die from heartache, "Yi Zoe, did I promise to listen to your explanation when we talked?"

Yi Zuo's body froze leisurely.

Yi Zuo?

He is no longer the elder brother Zuo in her mouth, is he?

"Gently, please calm down first."

Yi Zuo felt that something was wrong with her, and there was something wrong with Bo Qingwei, she felt that she was going crazy.

Driven crazy by myself.

"You know, I was thinking about it in the morning, and I have some good news for you."

When she just came out of the hospital, she had already imagined countless ways to face him, they had a baby.

He will definitely be happy, very happy.

However, in just two or three hours, just two or three hours, she experienced the feeling of going from heaven to hell.

Yes, Qingqing still texted him at noon, saying that she wanted to tell him a surprise.


Yi Zuo took a step forward, trying to get closer to her. '

Bo Weiwei quickly took a step back, pointed at the ground with trembling hands, and shouted at him.

"Don't come here."

Yi Zuo really didn't dare to go there.

He actually thought he was an asshole.

Wei Wei is the kind of person who cannot be hurt, but he has hurt her thoroughly time and time again.

"It's gone now, it's gone."

What a surprise, maybe a shock.

"Yi Zuo, since I liked you and fell in love with you, several years have passed. I have never had no principles in front of you. Do you know how I felt when I was abandoned by you last time? I feel that I was abandoned by you. The world has been abandoned, do you know how much courage it took me to agree to be with you again?"

Bo lightly pointed to her chest, and she found that it was really painful, very painful.

"But what did you do to me? You lied to me again. I'm tired."

She doesn't want to do this anymore, and doesn't want to let herself get lost in this unprincipled relationship.

Every word Qingqing said was tantamount to Ling Chi to Yi Zuo, he wanted to say something but couldn't say it out, he could feel that Qingqing was really going to let go this time.

But what does he do?
"Yi Zuo," Bo paused slightly, "Let's break up."

After saying this, Bo Qing was like a deflated ball, completely exhausted.

She was really tired and wanted to end it.

Yi Zuo felt that he must be hallucinating, no, Wei Wei would not leave him alone.

When I came back to my senses again, where is there a slight shadow in front of my eyes?

Looking into the distance, Qingqing has already gone far.

Yi Zuo strode towards her, and a dozen strode towards her.

"Gently, can you listen to me?"

He panicked, really panicked.

A soft sentence sent her to hell.

He has never been so panicked, even when Wen Jing left.

Bo Qingwei didn't want to hear what he had to say.

"Let me go if you don't want me to do extreme things."

Yi Zuo paused for a moment.

extreme things?
What is she going to do?
"Stop following me, if it's for my own good."

Yi Zuo was speechless.

What more can he say?
"Gently, you don't want to listen to me, when you calm down at night, I'll explain to you, and I'll send you a WeChat message, okay?"

Bo Qingwei didn't speak.

After a while she shut down.

"If you don't want to go back, then go back to the dormitory, don't go out alone."

"Are you finished?"

Very cold voice.

Yi Zuo paused.

"Slow down when you go back."

Bo lowered his eyes lightly, without even looking at him.

"After I finish speaking, I will leave."

After that, Bo turned around gently and left.

Yi Zuo didn't follow, he was afraid that she would really do extreme things.

She would not hurt him, only herself.

Not long after leaving here, Bo Qingqing turned off the phone.

I don't know how long it took to walk again, and the sky began to darken.

Looking at the wall clock on the city wall, it was already six fifty.

She rubbed her belly.

"Baby, mother is not hungry, is baby hungry?"

She touched her sore forehead.

Decided to eat for the baby.

A bowl of porridge, a steamed dumpling, after placing the order, Bo Qingqing also took out the phone card and threw it into the trash can.

 Yes, it's Yi Zuo, not brother Zuo!
  Spray me, run away.

(End of this chapter)

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