Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 388 Missing 1

Chapter 388 Missing 1 (2 more)
At 05:30, Zuo Yao brought Feng Qinqin back angrily.

As soon as he entered the house, he smashed a piece of porcelain in the house.

"You three brats, come out to me!"

Feng Qinqin stood aside in fright, all she knew was that it was over.

Bo Zhongye was just about to pick them up, when Qinqin called him and told him that they were already on their way home, and urged him to go home quickly, his mother got angry.

When I came back, I had just changed into my home clothes when I heard the sound of things falling downstairs.

Bo Zhongye went downstairs in a few strides, and saw his mother sitting on the sofa in the living room, with tiles scattered all over the floor, and his little wife standing beside him, still a little scared.

Bo Zhongye walked over, put his arms around his little wife's waist and took a step back.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, did Qinqin make you angry?"

It shouldn't be, let's not say that her little wife doesn't quarrel with her mother at all, and the two of them are like mother and daughter all day long, how could they be angry.

Feng Qinqin tugged at his arm, signaling him not to speak.

Then everyone in the family came out of their respective rooms.

Zuo Yao is really glad that her father-in-law and mother-in-law have gone to the countryside, otherwise she would have died of anger if she knew about it.

Bo Songyuan walked towards his wife and asked.

"What's wrong? Such a big temper."

Didn't you go to meet friends with Qinqin?
Zuo Yao pointed at the three sons in front of her angrily, and asked angrily.

"Ask your good sons!"

Bo Zhongye: "..."

Bo Zhongqing: "..."

Bo Zhongwen: "..."

What did they do?
Bo Zhongqing is also very helpless, he has been very good recently, and he plans to have a girlfriend.

Bo Zhongye asked in a low voice to his little wife beside him.

"what happened?"

Feng Qinqin said in the voice of only the two of them.

"It's a light thing."

Bo Zhongye was taken aback, what happened to Qingqing?
Thinking about it, before he came back, there was something wrong slightly, no way, mother was so well informed, she knew it so soon.

Bo Songyuan frowned and said.

"What's the matter lightly?"

Zuo Yao calmed down the anger in her heart, and looked at the three sons, the eldest son first.

"Boss, did Wei Qing and Yi Zuo attend a party not long ago? Did Yi Zuo drag his ex-girlfriend away in front of everyone!"

The three brothers raised their hearts to their throats.

This, mother still knows.

Feng Qinqin nodded towards Bo Zhongye.

She got up at 02:30 in the afternoon to pack up, and went to meet her friends with her mother-in-law beautifully. As a result, she didn't know who it was shortly after arriving there. To put it bluntly, Miss Bo's family can be said to be very happy at the party. shame.

Yi Zuo actually left her alone at the banquet for an unknown person.

After the mother-in-law heard it, she went to argue with others immediately.

As a result, everyone talked about the situation at that time, and the conversation between women inevitably added fuel and vinegar.

Yi Zuo obviously pulled Wen Jing, but in the end he said that he left with Wen Jing in his arms.

When the mother-in-law found out, her face turned pale with anger.

Angrily walked out of the meeting place, the mother-in-law said that she would come back.

That's how it happened.

"Mom, this matter is over, it's a matter between Wei Qing and Yi Zuo, let's not get involved."

Qingqing and Yizuo were not at peace in the first place, and they don't know what kind of trouble is going to happen today.

Bo Zhongye was thinking that they still need to solve the relationship matters by themselves.

Besides, it's been so long.

What's the point of bringing it up again?
Zuo Yao straightened her arm and pointed at Bo Zhongye.

"Not getting involved? You said it lightly, did you already know it?"

No wonder they don't know.

The three brothers still dare not speak, and Bo Zhongwen, the only one who can speak, has nothing to say at this moment.

He knew about this, but he thought the same as his elder brother, the more his relatives intervened in emotional matters, the more chaotic they would become.

Everyone doesn't know that Qingwei likes Yizuo, so they can't break up just because of this matter.

Not yet.

"That's how you treat elder brothers, these are nothing in your eyes, so what is Qingqing, ah!"

That was the one on her heart.

Although she usually seems to care more about her daughter-in-law, in her heart, being gentle is the most important thing.

"Just tell me, why didn't you tell me?"

How could they stand it.

"The day I found out, I beat up Yi Zuo severely. I think after all, he is the person Wei Wei likes, so I can't make Wei Wei sad."

Zuo Yao looked at him with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Just beat him up. Since when has our Bo family's daughter been so easy to deal with?!"

Bo Zhongye frowned.

What can I do then, I can't beat Yi Zuo to a disability.

"Call me Yizuo! And Qingqing, come back to me!"

Even though it's been such a long time, as a mother, she can't let her daughter be so angry.

Bo Zhongye frowned, he didn't expect his mother to be so difficult to deal with.

Once again, I feel that my mother-in-law is easy to talk to.

"Ah Qing, call Yi Zuo."

Zuo Yao ordered.

"Awen, call your sister to come back."

Seeing that his wife was going to make a big move, Bo Songyuan couldn't help frowning.

"Yaoyao, forget it, Qingqing doesn't care anymore, we still don't care about it."

This Yi Zuo said that he is also the only son of the Yi family, and the relationship with the Yi family is so good, it is too disrespectful to the Yi family to always be like this.

"I have the final say on this matter!"

Feng Qinqin could tell that her mother-in-law was very strong when it came to trivial matters.

But think about it, the daughter is the mother's little padded jacket, if she is, she won't let Yizuo go easily.

However, if the mother-in-law knew that Wei Wei was pregnant, would she directly kill Yi's family?

Thinking about it is really possible.

Bo Zhongwen came back soon, with a bad expression on his face.

Seeing his youngest son's serious face, Bo Songyuan had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Awen, didn't I tell you to call?"

Bo Zhongwen looked at his father, then at his mother, and said.

"Dad, Mom, Qingqing's mobile phone can't get through."

This is indeed very strange, instead of displaying shutdown, it says that it is not in the service area.

So, there's probably something wrong.

Hearing his words, the whole family was not calm.

The one who was the least calm was Bo Zhongye.

Why is it not in the service area?

"Qinqin, I'll make a call while you're here."

Feng Qinqin didn't know about going to find Yizuo gently today, and didn't understand why he looked anxious, maybe it was because the phone was out of battery?

Bo Zhongqing called back and said they got through, and Yizuo would come over in a while.

Bo Zhongye went to the window and called Yi Zuo.

One beep and it's connected.

"Yizuo, what about Qingqing?"

It would be okay if Qingqing was with him, but after hearing Yi Zuo's words, Bo Zhongye wanted to go over and beat him to death.

"Qingqing didn't come with me, she went back to the dormitory first."

"Did you fucking listen to me!"

Bo Zhongye got angry right here!
Just as Yi Zuo got into the car and planned to go to the courtyard of the Bo family, he was stunned by Bo Zhongye's yelling.

Now he was already in a bad mood, and being yelled at by Bo Zhongye again, Yi Zuo really wanted to drop his phone.

He calmed down and tried to talk to him nicely.

"Brother, can I talk to you after I go to your place?"

Bo Zhongye sneered coldly and said with a smile.

"Yi Zuo, do you know that Qingqing's mobile phone can't get through now!"

Yi Zuo was dumbfounded.

Without further ado, I hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yi Zuo hurriedly called Qing Qing.

"The user you dialed is out of service area."

Yi Zuo played seven or eight times in a row, but he was not in the service area.

How can it be?

Shut down as soon as it is turned off, why is it not in the service area?
Without thinking about it, I started the car and drove towards Huayu College.

In the courtyard of the Bo family, Bo Zhongye came over and told his parents that Yi Zuo went to find Qingqing.

"Mom and Dad, you go to bed first, Ah Qing and I will go find Qingqing."

Zuo Yao wanted to say something more, but was dragged upstairs by Bo Songyuan.

Feng Qinqin pulled Bo Zhongye's arm, motioning him to come over a little bit.

After hearing what Qinqin said to him, Bo Zhongye's face changed suddenly.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Qingqing must have let herself go, just now I knew from Yi Zuo's words that these two people were angry, right?

"I, am I worried that Wei Wei will be angry?"

Feng Qinqin was also in a hurry now.

If something happened to Weiqing, she wouldn't regret it to death?
 This turning point is too sudden, but this day will come sooner or later, no matter what the reason why Yi Zuo went to see Wen Jing, he has touched the last bottom line of Qing Wei.

  This time is a growth for Wei Wei, I hope the babies can understand.

  I was thinking that this month I could make [-] more per day, but today it turned out to be [-] more. Qianqian really overestimated herself.

  Kids, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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