Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 389 Missing 2

Chapter 389 Missing 2 (1 more)
Bo lightly ate the steamed dumplings, and when she was eating the fourth one, she felt her head hurt more and more.

After barely taking a sip of the soup, she raised her hand and touched her forehead.

It seems to be a little hot, but it's okay, maybe it's a fever.

You should be fine, just see a doctor before you go home.

She is pregnant now, so she can't take medicine at will.

She also thought about it clearly, so let's break up.

Otherwise how can it be?

She has family, and children.

Thinking of the baby in her womb, Bo Qingqing forced a smile on her face.

It is definitely not possible to take the baby at home. Perhaps, she can try to go abroad.

Thinking of this, Bo lightly picked up a steamed dumpling, but his eyes became more and more blurred, and finally fell headlong on the table.

After that, I lost consciousness completely.

Yi Zuo came to the girls' dormitory of Huayu College, and went up without saying a word.

"Hey, who are you, come down for me!"

Before the aunt in the dormitory could react, the man was already running to the second floor.

"Security! Security!"

The dormitory aunt shouted loudly downstairs, but Yi Zuo had arrived at Bo Qingqing's dormitory.

"Have you come back lightly?"

There are only four beds in the dormitory, and Bo Qingqing doesn't live here often, so there are only three girls.

Seeing such a handsome man, one, two or three were dumbfounded.

Yi Zuo ignored their gazes, seeing them would only make him feel more upset.

"Did you come back lightly?"

He asked again impatiently.

The three girls shook their heads at the same time.

"Do you have anything to do with her? She usually doesn't come back to live."

Yi Zuo didn't say any more, turned around and left.

"Oh my god, it's so handsome."

"Could it be Bo Qingwei's boyfriend?"

"What do you think, how could such a good man be ours, what a noble status the young lady of the Bo family has."

After Yi Zuo ran downstairs, the security guards had already arrived, without looking at them, Yi Zuo strode towards the car.

"Hey, take a picture! Take a picture! Leave evidence."

Aunt Guan's voice was still ringing behind her, and the people around saw such a handsome man and immediately took photos as souvenirs.

After taking the photo, the girl still felt that she had picked up such a bargain.

If it wasn't for rushing to find Qingqing, Yi Zuo would definitely turn around and threaten them to delete the photos completely.

Not long after getting into the car, the car jumped out and disappeared after a while.

Driving on the street, Yi Zuo looked outside from time to time, for fear of missing the slight shadow.

It's so late, where would she go if she didn't go home?

The school obviously didn't go back.

Gentle, even if you are disappointed in me, you can't hurt yourself.

Yi Zuo's heart aches when he thinks that Qingqing might be crying alone in a corner.

Patting the steering wheel irritably, the car made a screeching sound, and Yi Zuo stopped the car.

He carefully thought about the places that Qingqing would most likely go to, but he found that his understanding of Qingqing was really very little.

Suddenly, I felt that Wen Jing's reason for breaking up with him was not just because of Wen Jing. In this relationship, he paid too little, and it was already seriously unbalanced.

Maybe he doesn't consider other people's feelings.

When dating Wen Jing, he can be said to have gone too far. He has done almost nothing, and Wen Jing is taking care of him.

Ever since he was with Qingqing, he has already started to learn how to get along well with a girl, after all, he really loves Qingqing.

However, he still failed.

Wei Wei is the daughter of the Bo family, and has been loved and loved by everyone in the Bo family since she was a child.

And he is the only child of the Yi family. It is undeniable that the parents of the family also follow him.

Originally thought that both he and Qingqing were people who would not consider others, but later he discovered that it was him who did not consider each other between him and Qingqing.

This relationship was uneven from the very beginning.

Yi Zuo was thinking, there was a lot of noise around him, he glanced outside anxiously, it turned out to be a restaurant, what's the fuss about a small restaurant?
Annoyed, he turned his gaze away, restarted the car and left.

At 07:30, the boss of the restaurant ordered two female employees to carry a fainted girl in the restaurant to a simple clinic.

After going in, I took my temperature and it was already 40 degrees.

"What food do you eat when you have such a high fever?"

A store door murmured that if they died in their store, they would not be in business in the future.

The two girls chattered, and then ordered the doctor to give her a fever-reducing injection.

I'm so dizzy, it's definitely impossible to take medicine to reduce the fever.

She took out her mobile phone from her bag and was about to call her family.

Damn, there is no card inside!

"No, what should I do?"

It is impossible for a patient to get an injection here alone.

"See if WeChat and QQ can be used."

Both have program locks and cannot be opened.

A woman shrugged indifferently.

"Then we can't blame us. Check to see if there is any money in her wallet, and pay for the medicine first."

Fortunately, there are hundreds of yuan in it, give it to my doctor for one hundred.

In this way, after seeing that she had received antipyretic injections, he gave her another water infusion.

Bo Weiwei fell asleep here, and the Bo family and the Yi family were completely in chaos.

Qingqing can't be found anywhere, it's 08:30, what should Qingqing do if she's outside alone, especially after learning from Yi Zuo that they broke up this afternoon.

If possible, Zuo Yao really wanted to beat Yi Zuo to death.

"It's best to be fine, if something happens to my daughter today, I'll never end with you!"

Zuo Yao's eyes were red, she couldn't imagine where Qingqing would go today.

She loves Yizuo so much, she must be dying of grief now.

Pointing at Yi Zuo.

"Get out, get out, don't appear here in the future!"

Seeing her girlfriend like this, Ke Qian also felt very uncomfortable.

However, she didn't understand why so many things happened in one day.

Before, my son and Qingqing repaid you and me, why did they suddenly break up, and Qingqing proposed it on my own initiative.

This is really weird.

Feng Qinqin pulled Bo Zhongye away while others were not paying attention.

The voices in the living room continued.

"Yi Zuo, my daughter is sorry for you and not worthy of you, but why do you let her embarrass her in front of everyone!"

As soon as these words came out, Ke Qian and Yi Feng frowned.

Yifeng looked at Bo Songyuan with obvious eyes, they didn't know what happened.

Bo Songyuan didn't want to argue with them, after all these things have passed.

But now Qingqing doesn't know where to go.

All of this is because of the fault of the Yi family kid.

"Yi Zuo, not long ago, did you leave Qing Qing alone because of Wen Jing?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Yifeng and Ke Qian changed instantly.

Yifeng walked up to his son in a big stride, his face completely darkened.

"Yi Zuo, tell me clearly whether what your uncle said is true!"

Simply excessive!

How could he be so confused.

Yi Zuo lowered his head, he knew that sooner or later the parents would know about this matter.


Yi Zuo replied in a low voice.

One is that the sound is not very loud, but everyone present can hear it.

with a snap.

A slap sounded in the living room.

Everyone looked over there, and Yi Zuo's face was deflected by Yi Feng.

"Damn things!"

Yifeng was in a hurry, he really wanted to beat him to death right now.

Bo Songyuan and Zuo Yao looked away, they didn't feel bad at all.

"You all go."

Bo Songyuan waved his hands to the three of them and said.

"Since we have already broken up, Qingqing and Yizuo will not associate with each other in the future," said Bo Songyuan, looking at Yizuo, "Yizuo, don't come to Qingqing again, from now on, Qingqing has nothing to do with you guys .”


Yi Zuo became anxious and took a step forward.

"Uncle, you can't do this. I love Qingqing, and Qingqing loves me too. You can't separate us like this."

What Bo Songyuan said just now undoubtedly sentenced him to death.

Bo Songyuan let out a breath, and winked at Bo Zhongwen.

The latter understood, and walked towards Yifeng and Ke Qian.

"Uncle and aunt, too many things happened today. My parents are also in a hurry. I hope you don't mind." Bo Zhongwen paused and added, "Now we have to find Qingqing, you should go back."

Bo Zhongwen is a junior, it is impossible for him to get angry at them like his parents did.

However, he also disliked them.

"We look for it with you, the chances will be higher."

Bo Zhongwen looked at his parents and said.

"Uncle, it's good if we come. We have three brothers in our family. If you look for your sister, you can still find them."

"Uncle and aunt, I hope you can leave. We still need to assign people. It is already 08:30."

If the parents don't want it, then he, Bo Zhongqing, can say it.

Yifeng and Ke Qian looked at Bo Zhongqing, but didn't say any rebuttals.

"I'm sorry, if there is any light news, please give us a call, and we can rest assured."

Bo Zhongwen made a gesture of invitation, which was regarded as respectful.

"Uncle and aunt, you go slowly."

Yi Zuo didn't want to leave, but seeing his posture, he couldn't do without.

That's right, it's useless here, he wants to go out to find Qingqing.

After Bo Zhongye was pulled over by his wife, Qinqin frowned and asked.

"Honey, doesn't the family train such dead men? What else, anyway, is the kind that is very good at finding people, so hurry up and find them."

Wei Wei is pregnant and is still outside alone. The most important thing is that they don't know why the two broke up.

But I think it must be because of Yi Zuo, slightly sad.

If something happened outside, it would be fatal.

Bo Zhongye was also in a hurry, he had already dispatched people.

But Tongcheng is so big, it's too easy for a person who doesn't want to be found.

Feng Qinqin didn't give up.

She thinks it can still be found.

"Search all the restaurants, all of them, especially those small restaurants, as well as large hospitals, small hospitals, and clinics. If you search one by one, you will definitely find them."

If you can't find it on the streets of Tongcheng, it can only be found here.

Thinking of something, Feng Qinqin added.

"You have something to do with the underworld, right?"

Bo Zhongye nodded.

Of course it is related, and they have come to the present, if there is no one in the underworld and the police station, they will not be able to do it at all.

It's just that I don't understand what she means.

Feng Qinqin felt that her husband had short-circuited his mind today.

Hey, it should be because I care too much.

"You are still calling their boss and telling him that everyone is not allowed to take on the task today. Not only that, everyone should pay attention to the corners of the streets and alleys, so that the danger will be greatly reduced."

Bo Zhongye came to his senses immediately, but he still didn't expect his little wife to be so smart.

He followed Feng Qinqin's request, but he couldn't find Bo Qingqing even after a whole night.

It's like the world has evaporated.

At five o'clock the next morning, it was still dark, and the Bo family and Yi family stayed up all night.

They didn't even know what was going to happen overnight.

Yi Zuo seemed to be a different person overnight, sitting in the car with dazed eyes.

He was regretting, regretting why he didn't explain it earlier and gently, why he delayed until now, and let an outsider tell her.

It's been a whole night, there is no news about Qingqing, and now he dare not hear news about Qingqing.

Worried it would be news he didn't want to hear.

At 08:30, Bo Weiwei woke up in a small clinic.


It's the only feeling she has right now.

Opening her heavy eyelids, Bo Weiwei saw the dilapidated room. She was lying on an iron bed, so hard.

where is this?
Turning his head sideways until he saw the hanging bottle next to the bed, Bo sat up gently.

Why is there a hanging bottle beside her? Who uses it? !
A bad premonition came to her heart.

"Anyone? Anyone?"

As he spoke, a man in ordinary clothes came over.

"Girl, you're awake, how are you feeling? Has the fever gone?"

She has a fever?

Yes, she has a fever.

"How did you bring down my fever?"

She dare not listen to this man, but when you are unlucky, everyone will be against you.

People say that misfortunes never come singly, but Bo Weiwei feels that misfortunes never come singly.

The doctor pointed to the hanging bottle beside her and said.

"I gave you a fever-reducing injection first, and then lost three bottles of water."

The man is a little puzzled, isn't it all like this?

Although his hospital is not in normal operation and there is no signboard, he can still cure such minor illnesses.

"Why do you give me an injection, why do you give me water!"

Almost at the same time, Bo gently yelled at him.

The doctor was baffled by her yelling.

"You have a fever, very bad."

This girl must be insane, why don't she get an injection if she has a fever.

"It's none of your business if I have a fever!"

Angrily, she got the medicine given to her yesterday from the doctor, and Bo Qingqing didn't know how she got to the Municipal People's Hospital.

How to do?
Cold medicine is very irritating during pregnancy, and the doctor obviously doesn't know anything.

I took the medicine list and registered and went to the doctor.

The doctor looked at her with a frown after reading the medicine list in her hand.

"Don't you know that you are pregnant? You can't use any kind of medicine, but you can see how many kinds you have taken."

Those that cannot be used are used up, and the child specified that they cannot be used.

Hearing this, thin soft tears welled up all at once, crawling all over her cheeks.

"Doctor, what are the chances my child will be healthy?"

Hearing the girl's trembling cry, the doctor couldn't bear it, but now she strongly advises against keeping the child.

"The health rate is less than one percent. You have to know that the medicine you use is not the same."

The next second, Bo Qingqing buried his head between his legs, crying uncontrollably.

Tears seemed to burst a bank, she never thought that she would experience so much in these two days.

The doctor couldn't stand it either, she remembered the girl, she still remembered the girl's happiness yesterday, but it was only a day later, and this happened.

Although I don't know why she poured water, I believe that she must have done it unintentionally.

"Girl, you will still have children. A disabled child is not as simple as you think."

Bo gently covered his eyes, she knew, she knew.

"Operate on me."

The moment she was lying on the operating table, Bo Weiwei thought, this must be a joke made by God on her.

Maybe when she woke up, Brother Zuo was still by her side, and the child in her belly was still there.

But the doctors in front of her and the instruments in their hands let her know that she was dreaming.

Baby, mom is sorry for you.

Mom has no courage, maybe you are more courageous than mom, but mom can't bear to see you living in this world with a broken body.

Before anesthesia, Bo gently left a string of numbers.

"Call my parents for me and let them pick me up."

After finishing speaking, Bo gently closed his eyes.

When Bo Songyuan received the call from the hospital, he managed to calm down and talked to his wife beside him.

"Yaoyao, Qingqing asked someone to call us, let's pick her up first."

(End of this chapter)

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