Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 391 Discharged

Chapter 391 Discharged (1 more)
It was the first time that Bo Weiwei rejected Yi's family members, but he was still not used to it.

However, she doesn't care about that anymore.

Bo Songyuan and the others were quite surprised when they heard Qingqing say these words.

Yifeng and Ke Qian's expressions became more and more bad.

After all, Yijia is sorry for Qingqing.

"Gently, uncles and aunts won't disturb your rest, we will come to see you in the afternoon."

"Uncle and aunt, I'm going to be discharged from the hospital, so you better not come."

Being rejected again, Yifeng had nowhere to put his old face.

"Gently, Yi Zuo is sorry for you, your aunt and I just want to make up for you."

"Yes, Qingqing, the daughter-in-law of our Yi family must be you, and Auntie will recognize you."

Ke Qian said anxiously.

She was anxious in her heart, such an indifferent expression made her a little flustered.

If a girl's heart is dead, it doesn't matter.

"Uncle, he didn't apologize to me. We broke up peacefully. Since we broke up, we won't be together in the future. As for the child, it's not his, it's mine, so you don't need to feel guilty."

Bo gently looked at Zuo Yao and said.

"Auntie, thank you for your great love for me. You will always be my elders, but we are destined not to be mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. If you want to make up for me, let me take a good rest."

It may be very rude for Bo to say these things, but they are from her heart.

Now that we've talked about it, Yifeng and Zuo Yao have no reason to stay here.

Neither of them could stay here, let alone the son who stood outside.

"Okay, Gentleman, take a good rest, and my aunt will visit you after you are discharged from the hospital."

Saying that, Zuo Yao pulled Yifeng and left the ward.

Standing outside the ward was a man, unshaven and unkempt.

Seeing his parents coming out of the ward, Yi Zuo hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed his mother's hand, and asked anxiously.

"Mom, how is she, can I go in and see her?"

If this wasn't the hospital phone number, Yifeng would have definitely slapped it.

Humming at him, Yifeng left first.

Ke Qian looked at her son, she couldn't help him this time either.

"Ah Zuo, don't go in yet, she needs to rest gently, you go back with us first and then talk about it."

It is impossible for this matter to pass like this, and it is inevitable for the son to be beaten, whether it is at home or at the brother of the Bo family.

Yi Zuo looked towards the ward, although he couldn't see it, he still wanted to.

Outside the hospital, Yifeng left his footsteps behind. Before Ke Qian and Yizuo could react, Yifeng slapped Yizuo with his backhand.

The sound followed the applause.

Immediately, five finger prints appeared on Yi Zuo's face.

Ke Qian was so distressed that she was about to go forward when she was told off by Yifeng.

"Yi Zuo, you are really good at it, ah!"

First she abandoned Qingqing, then she lied to Qingqing, and now, she let Qingqing abort for him, which is really a good skill.

He is the most capable of all Tongcheng people.

Yi Zuo lowered his head and didn't speak.

Let's fight, everyone come and beat him, it's better to kill him, so that he won't suffer anymore.

Now he has no thoughts at all, no more thoughts, no more children, and he doesn't even know that he is going to be a father.

Is this the happy event that Qingqing wanted to tell him yesterday?
It's just that he hasn't heard it yet, and the child is gone.

He didn't know how Qingqing survived when she learned that the child was not healthy.

And how did he walk into the operating room alone.

No matter what it was, he didn't stay by her side.

But what she endured was all because of him.

I don't know how I went home with my mother, and when I got home, I didn't know how I touched the phone and dialed the phone just like that.

The moment the phone was connected, he only said one word.

"Abolish Jiang Linhui."

Since then, there has been no such person as Jiang Linhui in this world.

After the order to go out, he sat in the bedroom all day. 
At noon, Feng Qinqin came to the hospital with Wang Ma. Zuo Yao had already woken up and was feeding the baby on the bed.

After lightly eating a lot, everyone in the Bo family was very happy.

No one mentioned the child who was aborted because of being unhealthy, just distressed.

Seeing Qingqing eating so happily, Feng Qinqin wanted to ask her if there was anything she particularly wanted to eat, and she could prepare it for her in the evening, but just as she took a step closer, her mother-in-law suddenly came between her and Qingqing , seemingly inadvertently blocked what she wanted to say.

Feng Qinqin immediately froze in place.

Seeing this scene, Bo Zhongye hurried over, put his arms around her waist, took care of her to sit on the sofa behind, and sat down with her himself.

Feng Qinqin bit her lip and said nothing.

Seeing his wife suppressing her grievance, Bo Zhongye pursed his lips and held her hand even tighter.

Bo Qingwei finished eating, Zuo Yao called them all away, took off her shoes and lay down with her daughter.

As soon as the door was closed, Bo Qingyou got into her mother's arms, crying softly.

Catching her daughter's body, Zuo Yao hugged her tightly.

"Baby, cry if you are sad, don't suppress yourself, mom is here."

As a mother, I know this feeling all too well.

The child is gone, no matter how hard you try to smile, it's fake, and only crying can relieve your inner emotions.

Bo Qingwei really cried aloud, crying out all the grievances.

She told herself that this was the last time she cried for Yi Zuo, the last time she shed tears for her past, and after walking out from here, she would be the reborn Bo Qingwei.

Hearing soft hoarse crying in the ward, everyone left silently.

Cry, it's okay to cry.

I don't know how long it took, Bo Weiwei was tired from crying, and then Zuo Yao heard her steady breathing.

Daughter fell asleep.

Looking at the time, it was only one o'clock, and Zuo Yao fell asleep with her daughter in her arms.

Three in the afternoon.

Zuo Yao was awakened by her daughter's "baby".

Zuo Yao sat up quickly, shaking her daughter's body to wake her up.

"Gently, gently, wake up."

Bo lightly sat up with a jerk.

He stared blankly at the quilt in front of him, and touched his stomach unconsciously, which was as flat as before, but the child was gone.

There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and he turned his face to see his mother sitting beside her bed.

"Mom, you're awake."

Zuo Yao nodded, she is awake, woken up by you.

"Is there any other discomfort?"

It was her daughter who gently shook her head who replied to Zuo Yao.

Then Zuo Yao heard her daughter say.

"Mom, I want to leave the hospital."


Zuo Yao rejected her without even thinking about it.

The surgery is over and I can't leave.

Bo gently looked out of the window, and a voice came slowly.

"Mom, I don't want to stay here anymore. If I stay for a second longer, I will feel more uncomfortable. When I see the people here, I will think that my first child will stay here. Mom, I really want to stay here." I don't want to be here."

I don't want to now, and I won't come again in the future.

Hearing her daughter's words, Zuo Yao was very distressed.

"Okay, let your brother handle the discharge procedures for you in a while, and let's go home."

Hearing this, Bo gently hugged her.

"Mom, don't worry about me. You have seen many girls go home after receiving water after surgery. I can do it too."

Zuo Yao nodded.

Well, as long as it's good for her, it's fine.

After completing the discharge procedures, Bo Zhongye came to pick them up.

Seeing the slap print on the eldest brother's face, Bo frowned slightly.

Dad hit my elder brother, it must be because of her.

The car drove into the courtyard of Bo's family, and Bo Zhongqing walked over from the courtyard and carried her into the living room.

After just one night, Bo Qingwei felt as if he had changed his soul.

It seemed like she didn't care about anything anymore, only her family.

"Brother, where is sister-in-law, did you wake up during lunch break?"

"Get up, I'll ask her to come down and talk to you."

Qinqin must have been waiting anxiously at home, if not for his insistence, Qinqin would have gone to the hospital with her.

After the elder brother left, Bo Qingwei obviously saw that her mother's face was not good when she mentioned her sister-in-law.

"Mom, are you prejudiced against sister-in-law because of my affairs?"

My mother must have known about it. My sister-in-law knew everything about her being with Yi Zuo and her pregnancy, but she didn't tell her family.

"Gently, don't think too much, mother has no prejudice against your sister-in-law."

Just disappointed.

If Qinqin had told her in advance, her precious daughter would not have suffered so much.

Bo Weiwei knows her mother's thoughts very well, that is, she feels very satisfied without conscience.

The sister-in-law that mother has always shown is more important than her in her mind, but in fact, mother is still closer to her.

"Mom, don't blame sister-in-law, I didn't let her say it, and you have to think in her position, if something like this happened to your best friend, would you tell her parents? "

Certainly not.

The relationship between girls is different from that of boys, and their ideas are also different. They are more emotional.

Zuo Yao was speechless at her daughter's words.

Since yesterday, she hadn't paid much attention to Qinqin, and only cared about getting angry at Xiaoye, which actually meant doing it for Qinqin.

But Qinqin didn't say anything.

Although she knew that what she did was wrong at the moment, when she thought of the pain she had suffered lightly, she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

"Okay, you rest for a while, let your elder brother take half a month's leave for you these few days, and take a good rest at home."

Bo Weiwei didn't refute, her mother said half a month, just half a month, as long as she could rest assured, she didn't study anyway when she went to school.

Feng Qinqin put on her home clothes and went downstairs. She sat next to Qingqing, whose face was still a little pale.

"It's fine if you come back, I'll cook something delicious for you tonight," Feng Qinqin asked her, "Qing Qing, what do you want to eat? I'll go to the supermarket with your elder brother to buy it for you later."

Feng Qinqin felt extremely guilty, Qingqing was half responsible for her current situation.

If she had spoken out earlier, perhaps things would have been different, at least, Qingqing would not have endured the pain of losing her child.

"Sister-in-law, I want to drink fish soup."

The fish soup cooked by my sister-in-law is delicious, Bo Qingwei knows it.

"Well, okay, let's make fresh carp soup. It's good for your health. Is there anything else you want to eat?"

Bo Weiwei thought about it and really didn't know what he wanted to eat.

"If you can't think of it, don't think about it. I will buy some delicious ingredients when I go to the supermarket in a while."

Bo bit his lip lightly and smiled, nodding.

"Well, I believe in sister-in-law's cooking skills."

"In the next month, I will cook for you at home, and you can tell me what you want to eat."

Left and right have nothing to do at home, Qingqing is weak now, she still needs to make up for her.

It was getting late, so Feng Qinqin asked Bo Zhongye to take her to the supermarket.

After the two left, Bo Qingwei gave her mother a look.

"Look, my sister-in-law is treating me well, don't neglect her anymore."

Knowing that Qinqin was good to her daughter, Zuo Yao sighed and didn't say anything else.

In the supermarket, Feng Qinqin bought red dates, Codonopsis pilosula, Astragalus membranaceus, Chinese yam, jujubes, pork liver, and lotus seeds according to the information she received from Baidu. Seeing the names of the dishes on the note, there are more than 20 kinds of ingredients needed. .

Let's make a fresh carp soup today, and make her a ginseng hen tomorrow.

I'll come back to buy the rest tomorrow, lest they won't be fresh by then.

Seeing his little wife busy and busy, not feeling dissatisfied at all because of her mother's indifference, Bo Zhongye felt uncomfortable.

"Honey, it's almost all over, come back tomorrow, you walk too much, take a rest."

Feng Qinqin's eyes were focused on these carp, and it was said on the Internet that it is good to eat carp during confinement.

Fortunately, she knows a little about fish and knows what kind of fish is better.

She said while picking fish.

"I'm not tired. What time is it? If I don't go back, it will be dark."

I still have to cook, and there is no time.

After buying the ingredients, the two went back.

On the way, Bo Zhongye was driving, and Feng Qinqin was sitting in the back. Today he was in a hurry, so he didn't call the driver.

Through the rearview mirror, Bo Zhongye glanced at his little wife, feeling a little helpless.

"Honey, mom recently..."

"It's okay," before Bo Zhongye finished speaking, Feng Qinqin continued, "Mom's reaction is quite right. If it were on me, I might not bother with such a daughter-in-law."

Having said that, Feng Qinqin was quite sad and disappointed.

Since yesterday, her mother-in-law has been very indifferent to her, no need to guess it is because of the slight reason.

She can understand.

It's just that she really can't accept such a big deviation, just like at noon today in the hospital, if she wanted to talk to Qingqing, her mother-in-law was not very happy.

It's also her own fault, and she can't blame others.

The car stopped at the gate of the compound, Bo Zhongye quickly got out of the car, opened the car door for her, and took care of her down.

After getting out of the car, Bo Zhongye didn't rush to get something from the trunk, but held her hand and made her look at him.

"Wife, I know that my mother angered you and made you wronged, but don't keep it in your heart. If you are unhappy, you can beat me and scold me. It's okay. Qingqing has a very important position in mother's heart. Don't be as knowledgeable as her." , she will be fine after a while."

It happened so suddenly that his mother couldn't get out for a while, because he was worried that his little wife would be angry.

Seeing his serious appearance, Feng Qinqin's haze of the day was dispelled a lot.

"Hit you? Then why should I hit you, the right cheek?"

As she said that, Feng Qinqin pointed at Bo Zhongye's left face with a funny face.

Bo Zhongye was speechless.

The left side of the face was severely beaten by my father.

"Okay, I get it, I feel a little wronged, but it's okay."

As she said that, Feng Qinqin clasped his waist with both hands, and slipped her head into his arms.

"Mom is an elder, she should do what she should, not to mention, it's really my fault this time, I won't really care about it."

Feng Qinqin thought, when she walked out gently, her mother's prejudice against her would also decrease.

Most importantly though.

Feng Qinqin raised his head, his eyes caught his face, and he smiled.

"Besides, after our baby is born, my mother will definitely treat me very well. I have a baby."

Bo Zhongye laughed.

Only his stupid wife could think so.

"Also," Feng Qinqin slipped into his arms again, "If you treat me well, I don't care about others, as long as you treat me well."

She didn't live with her mother-in-law all her life, so why should she care so much?
Bo Zhongye's left atrium was a little sore, and his thin lips covered her heart, kissed her lightly, and said "OK".

Seeing that she wasn't really angry, Bo Zhongye felt relieved, took the ingredients in one hand, and led her in the other, and walked towards the compound.

After the two left, two people came out of the wall.

Bo Songyuan and Zuo Yao.

Glancing at his wife, the latter had regret and guilt on his face.

"Will you show Qinqin's face?"

Bo Songyuan asked her.

From yesterday to today's noon, Yaoyao's disregard for Qinqin was obvious, he had no choice but to take her to do this kind of eavesdropping.

"I didn't mean to, I just..."

 Qianqian saw that some readers said that the turning point was too sudden, maybe it was a little bit, because Qianqian felt that Jiang Linhui's role didn't need to be written much, and writing a procrastinated plot would waste words, so she didn't write it.

  Also, um, I am very grateful for the support of the darlings all the time, because Qianqian herself knows that Qianqian's writing is really bad. , but is still obsessed with writing pseudo-authors, starting from Meijiao wife, to doting marriage, some treasures have followed, Meimei, Die Lianhua, Qing Chen Yilian, and many more, Qianqian is very grateful to you for reading it.

  No matter what, Qianqian will continue to write, and will continue to work hard to practice writing, sum up experience, and try to make the writing more perfect. After all, Qianqian really likes to pass on stories and meet more readers. , is a happy thing, thank you babies for following, and thank you for not giving up, hahahahaha, okay, there is one more update, maybe eleven o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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