Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 392 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law reconciliation 1

Chapter 392 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law reconciliation 1 (2 more)
Zuo Yao hesitated and didn't say anything.

Bo Songyuan sighed.

"I know you feel sorry for you slightly, but you can't treat Qinqin like this, can you?"

"I see, I will apologize to her."

Bo Songyuan took her hand and said while walking.

"As an elder, apologizing will scare her, just change your attitude."

I believe that Qinqin is a smart person, as long as Yaoyao changes her attitude, Qinqin will know.

In the evening, Feng Qinqin made fresh carp soup, pork liver porridge, eggs and red dates, and Wang Ma cooked the main meal.

Wang Ma first filled Bo Qingqing with half a bowl of eggs and red dates, worrying that she might not be used to it, so she put an egg in it.

Bo Qingwei finished eating obediently, although it was a little sweet, but his eyes lit up when he looked at the fish soup.

"Drink some pork liver porridge first, then fish soup."

As Feng Qinqin said, she was about to get up and serve her.

"Sister-in-law, I'll come, I'll come."

The pork liver porridge also looks delicious.

Picking up the spoon and taking a sip, Bo Qingqing showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Well, it's delicious!"

"Just eat what you like, eat more, and think about what else you want to eat when you go to bed later. I'm fine at home, and your elder brother won't let me work."

With Mr. Bo's face beaten like this, he definitely can't go to the company to embarrass himself. If he doesn't go, she can't go either.

"Well, good."

Seeing his daughter-in-law being so kind to Qingqing, Zuo Yao felt even more uncomfortable.

But she has been ignoring Qinqin all day, if she took the initiative to talk to her at this time, it would be embarrassing.

"Mom, I haven't made fish soup for a long time, drink it and see if my skills have declined."

The sudden words made Zuo Yao stunned, the chopsticks in her hands gradually tightened, and Bo Songyuan who was next to her kicked her from below.

Zuo Yao turned her face to look at him, then pursed her lips, picked up a spoon to fill the fish soup.

I took a sip, well, it's still as delicious as before.

"Mom, is it good?"

Feng Qinqin asked again shamelessly.

Although she doesn't know her mother-in-law very well, she can't stay frozen like this. After a long time, it will be her family, Mr. Bo, who is in trouble. The most difficult thing to deal with in the world is the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Bo Zhongye was already very busy, she didn't want to trouble him because of her.

Since the mother-in-law ignored her, then she should have the cheek to talk to her.

Anyway, she is a junior, so she is not ashamed.

Zuo Yao was a little embarrassed by her question, she seemed too stingy.

"That's right, Qinqin hasn't made fish soup for a long time, I have to try it."

Bo Songyuan quickly got up to go to Sheng, and glanced at his wife when everyone was not looking at him.

Zuo Yao put down the spoon in her hand and said.

"Well, it's still as delicious as before."

This is the first sentence Zuo Yao said to Feng Qinqin from yesterday to now.

"Mom, as long as you like it, I will buy another fish tomorrow and make it for you."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin smiled flatteringly at Zuo Yao.

Zuo Yao was a little embarrassed and said hello.

Looking at her mother-in-law's reaction, Feng Qinqin also found it quite funny, but she didn't know that her mother-in-law was quite arrogant.

Seeing that the relationship between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has improved, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Feng Qinqin also took a proud look at her Mr. Bo, as if to say, look, even if there is no baby, I can still make my mother happy.

Bo Zhongye laughed, and filled a bowl for her too.

After taking care of everything, I don't know how to take care of myself.

After dinner, Zuo Yao took care of her and took a light rest before going to her son's bedroom.

Feng Qinqin had just come out of the shower when she heard a knock on the door.

Wrap the pajamas tightly, make sure nothing is exposed, and go to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Feng Qinqin saw her mother-in-law standing outside the door.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

After being stunned for a moment, Feng Qinqin asked.

"Well, wear thicker clothes, I have something to talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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