Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 395 Within Meters, There Will Be No Shadow of You

Chapter 395 Within a hundred meters, there will be no shadow of you
On the first day when Bo Qingwei dropped out of school, she came to the store and sold clothes with Feng Qinqin.

Niu Feng felt overwhelmed by the fact that Bo Qingwei also came to sell clothes.

Feng Qinqin invited a princess over here.

They can't afford the salary, right?
Bo Qingwei is so smart, he can see what Niu Feng is thinking right away.

"Why, I don't want your salary, I just need to include food, but if you give me a salary of one or two thousand, then I will be happier."

I know that my sister-in-law's store hasn't made a lot of money yet, but there are already quite a few employees. There are four employees in a small store. It seems that my sister-in-law has also dug out a gold medal in the company to sell it.

So, it costs a lot of money just for the salary, not to mention that my sister-in-law has to prepare for the launch of Aunt Liu Ping's new design.

She came here just to have fun, so it's good to be able to help sister-in-law, at least she can't be a disservice.

Hearing Bo Qingqing's words, Feng Qinqin shook his head and laughed.

"One or two thousand, it's not even a fraction of your monthly pocket money, so I'd better eat with fingerbags."

"Since this is the case, then three meals a day!"

Bo gently took her arm and shook her body.

Niu Feng didn't know about Bo Qingqing yet, when she introduced the clothes to the guest, Niu Feng pulled Feng Qinqin aside.

"Hey, what's going on, why did you bring Miss Qianjin here?"

This, this is the daughter of the Bo family!
Can you let people come here for nothing?

Feng Qinqin closed her eyes and pursed her pretty lips tightly.

"Don't worry about it, just do your own thing."

The matter of Qingqing coming to the store was discussed between her and her mother-in-law. It is not a good thing for Qingqing to stay at home at this time. If she is not careful, she may be depressed.So, she agreed.

It's possible that she won't be able to offer her a high salary, but I don't care about it lightly.

She will go to Zhuoyuan International to work tomorrow, and she can't stay here and watch Qingqing, so she has to entrust her to Lao Niu.

"I will continue to study at Zhuoyuan tomorrow. As for you, always pay attention to slight emotional changes, and call me if you find something wrong. Also, let her get in touch with customers as much as possible. If there is only one person in the store Guest, just pretend you didn't see it and let her negotiate, okay?"

Niu Feng was confused when he heard it, but they were all here, keeping Miss Bo's family busy all the time, it's not good, and they didn't pay her salary.

"No, little lunatic, you are shameful. Bullying your sister-in-law like this means that she will marry into Yi's family sooner or later, right?"

Hearing this, Feng Qinqin bit her lip and stared at him, scolding him in a low voice.

"Is your mind full of shit?!"

Niu Feng: "..."

Ignoring his expression, Feng Qinqin continued, "From now on, in front of Qingqing, these two words, Yijia and Yizuo, are not allowed to appear, do you know?"

Niu Feng: "...Understood."

It seems to know something great.

"Sister-in-law, can this dress be cheaper?"

While the two were talking, Bo's soft voice came over.

Feng Qinqin glared at Niu Feng and walked towards Bo gently.

"Okay, one hundred cheaper."

Bo Qingqing was so happy to successfully sell a piece of clothing.

Pulling Feng Qinqin's arm, Bo Qingqing said with a proud look on his face.

"Sister-in-law, I'm good, so I gave her a [-]% discount, and she bought it at a discount of only [-]."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

[-]% off!
Feng Qinqin's eyes widened, and then she turned away from looking at her in pain.

Please let me calm down, I'm afraid I'll beat you up.

My sister, regular customers only get a [-]% discount, and it can’t be any cheaper. You even came to ask me if I could get it even cheaper with a [-]% discount.

Suddenly, he wanted to take back what he had just said to Niu Feng to try his best to get in touch with customers lightly, and they would pay for it.

Resisting the urge to go berserk, Feng Qinqin forced a smile, thinking about how to tell this girl that there is no discount.Niu Feng and Liu Ping on the side watched their interaction and laughed.

The little lunatic is notoriously a money fanatic, so this must be a pain in the ass.

But seeing that the little lunatic still didn't have the nerve to say it, Niu Feng laughed.

"Miss Bo, in our store we only offer discounts to regular customers, but only [-]% off. New customers are all at the original price."

Because Feng Qinqin didn't want to bargain with others and found it very boring, so he stipulated as much as he wanted, and never bargained.

Niu Feng and Bo Weiwei said it was because they didn't want her to break this rule in the future.

Hearing Niu Feng's words, Bo was slightly taken aback, then laughed dryly on his sister-in-law's face.

"Sister-in-law, I don't know."

Feng Qinqin held back the pain in his flesh, forced a smile and smiled at her.

"Well, it's okay, you should ask the question for the first time, just remember it in the future."

Fortunately, it is not an expensive dress, otherwise she would really cry for her to see.

It was already after ten o'clock when Yi Zuo drove to the Bo's compound.

Today was Monday, he thought that Bo Zhongye and Bo Zhongqing would go to work, so he went over to have a look. As a result, none of the Bo family went to work.

In the end, he had to come here.

Through the indoor mirror, Yi Zuo looked at the side of his face that had been slapped by his father. Although it had been a day, it still hadn't completely disappeared.

He patted his face, forget it, it is more important to see Wei Qing now, maybe seeing his bruised face, Qing Wei will feel sorry for him.

Now Qingqing must be very sad, he must not let Qingqing bear so much by herself.

Therefore, he must step into this door today.

He got out of the car and walked towards the gate.

As soon as Yi Zuo arrived, the butler saw him, went to the gate, opened the door, but didn't intend to let Yi Zuo in, and closed the door after he walked out.


Yi Zuo greeted him. Usually, the housekeeper must have opened the door to let him in.

However, Yi Zuo frowned and was blocked by the housekeeper when he was about to speak today.

"Master Yi, you should go back, our family doesn't want to see you."

After bullying their young lady like this, he still has face. I really don't know who gave him face.

It's because their lady likes him so much, doesn't she?
But it's not the case now, who still likes whom!
Yi Zuo froze for a moment, frowning tightly.

Did he know that he would come a long time ago, so he asked the housekeeper to stop him?
"Housekeeper, please tell me gently, I want to see her, I have something very important to tell her."

He must let her know the reason why he went to see Wen Jing, so that they will have a chance to be together, otherwise, if the misunderstanding is delayed again and again, it will only deepen the misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Yi, I won't let you in. You should not come here in the future. Everyone here doesn't welcome you."

He should be glad that the only person who received him was his housekeeper. If it was the three young masters in the family, it would be so simple.

Yi Zuo turned his face away, biting the corner of his lip and making a sharp arc.

"Housekeeper, can you pass a few words to Qingqing for me."

As long as you know the reason, I believe she will definitely come out to see him.

"Sorry, no!"

In the end, the housekeeper ruthlessly refused.

Yi Zuo was tongue-tied for a long time, he turned his head, he had never been so powerless, never.

What the hell did he do.

He glanced to the side, not seeing the three brothers coming out of the living room, and continued to speak.

"What if I have to go in today?"

"Oh, how do you want to get in?"

As soon as the words fell, a cold and abnormal voice came over with a probing voice.

Yi Zuo turned his head abruptly, and saw that Bo Zhongye had already walked in front of him, and he was the one who was asking questions just now.

Bo Zhongqing and Bo Zhongwen are right behind him.

Seeing that the three young masters had come, the housekeeper stepped aside.

"Master, I'm going back to the living room first."

Master Yi's family is definitely going to be unlucky this time.

No one cared about what the butler said, Bo Zhongqing took a step forward and grabbed Yi Zuo's collar, pushed him against the wall next to the fence, and looked at him with dark eyes.

"Yi Zuo, do you still have the face to come here?"

He grabbed Yi Zuo by the collar, and his bow tie and shirt were deformed.

"Let me take a look."

As soon as the words fell, Yi Zuo felt a star floating on his head, and swung his fist towards his face.

"Damn Yizuo, who gave you the courage to think that all the men in our Bo family are dead?!"

Yi Zuo's face was glanced aside, and he staggered twice before he stabilized himself.

Raising his hand to wipe the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, Yi Zuo lowered his head and chuckled.

This punch was what he deserved, and just as he raised his head to say something, another punch came from the other side of his face.

Five minutes later, Yi Zuo was beaten and lay on the ground without getting up.

I can't get up anymore, the brothers have three hands and six legs, they are really three heads and six arms in the legend.

Bo Zhongqing shook his arm, glanced at the man on the ground, took out a piece of paper from his pocket with his long hand, wiped the blood on his hand, and said.

"Yi Zuo, from now on, there will be no shadow of you within a hundred meters of the Bo family's compound."

Bo Zhongqing and Bo Zhongwen left first, and Bo Zhongye walked over to stand in front of him. At this moment, Yi Zuo had sat up, but he still didn't stand up. He needed to slow down.

I have never seen my brother so embarrassed.

"Yi Zuo, do you still remember what you promised me?"

Yi Zuo didn't speak.

"Yi Zuo, I gave you the chance, but you didn't want it. Do you think you and Qingqing still have a chance now that you have developed to this point?"

Not to mention that Qingqing gave up completely this time, but that the family members will no longer agree to the marriage between Yizuo and Qingqing after this incident.

"Brother, others don't know, don't you know? I went to Wenjing for the future of me and Qingqing. I was worried that Wenjing's stay in Tongcheng would affect me and Qingqing in the future, so I let her left."

Of course Bo Zhongye knew, but it was useless to say anything now.

"Yi Zuo, it would be a good thing for you to do these things before you and Qingqing reached an agreement, but you promised her that you would not see Wenjing."

Now, he doesn't want to see this kind of situation either. In the past, he thought that he would be relieved to let Qingqing be handed over to Yizuo, but he didn't expect it to develop like this.

Doesn't he know his sister's character? This time it's really sad.

"Yi Zuo, these young people follow you in everything. As long as it is something that makes you happy, she is willing to do it, but have you ever thought that because of this, once her heart is broken, it will be difficult to heal. You Have you ever thought about the last time you left her alone at the party, how sad she was at that time, said she wanted to break up with you, but finally forgave you, but you must not know, that was your last chance Bar?"

Yi Zuo didn't know, but he didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

Standing up slowly, she straightened her clothes and looked at Bo Zhongye with obvious determination.

"Brother, I know that Qingqing really doesn't want to be with me now, but I won't give up. In this life, I only recognize Qingqing as one person."

After speaking, Yi Zuo walked out step by step with heavy steps.

Looking at Yi Zuo's lonely back, Bo Zhongye felt that Qing Wei was destined to be uneasy.

After returning from the Bo family compound, Yi Zuo got into the car with no less than twenty wounds all over his body. The three brothers really didn't hold back, but the most painful thing was not the wounds on his body, but his heart.

The elder brother was right, the last time was the last chance Qingyou gave him, but he didn't grasp it.

He still lost her, all this can only be blamed on himself, who else can he blame?

(End of this chapter)

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