Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 396 Like a Beggar

Chapter 396 Like a Beggar (2 More)
Through the car window, Yi Zuo looked forward, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Investigate where Qingqing went after she was discharged from the hospital, confirm her current location, and send it to me."

Even if Qingqing drops out of school, he won't stay at home all the time, he needs to know what Qingqing has been doing these two days.

So he ordered Zhao Yu to investigate. No matter how well the Bo family protects Youqing, they will not let anyone know where you are.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Yu called.


"President, Miss Qingqing has returned to the Bo family compound since she came out of the hospital the day before yesterday. She went out once yesterday morning. After buying a toy in the toy store, she went to a community in the suburbs, and then returned home. This morning Went to the store with Mrs. Bo, who is selling clothes in the store now."

Zhao Yu reported Bo Qingqing's itinerary for the past two days one by one.

Hearing this, Yi Zuo was not surprised that he was able to find out so many things so quickly, and could not help frowning.

"What are you going to do in the countryside after buying toys lightly?"

Zhao Yu didn't know either, because the driver told him a rough address, and the driver left after delivering her, naturally he didn't know what Miss Qingqing did.

"You send me the detailed address."

After speaking, Yi Zuo hung up the phone.

Later, Zhao Yu sent him the address.

After seeing the message, Yi Zuo frowned even more.

There is a faint feeling that he dare not approach.

But in the end, I still couldn't hold back my hands and feet, and the car drove towards the destination.

Arriving at the destination, Yi Zuo got out of the car and walked in one direction.

I don't know why, as if something was pulling him, he walked in one direction as if he didn't obey his orders.

Soon, a land full of flowers and grass appeared in front of his eyes.

Yi Zuo was dazzled for a moment.

Yi Zuo walked inside, step by step, until he finally saw a small hill, and Yi Zuo stopped.

He squatted down, and after seeing the words on the ground, Yi Zuo's heart seemed to be pinned by a hand, and it was difficult to even breathe.

His big hand caressed the two words on the ground. At some point, his eyes gradually blurred, and tears fell from his eyes.


As if afraid that his hand would erase the two words on the ground, he withdrew his hand in shock.

The man who hadn't shed tears for many years couldn't stop crying when he looked at the ground.

"Baby, Daddy is here to see you."

Very strange father.

The baby should blame the father, the father made the mother sad, and the father is sorry for the mother.

The moment his hand touched the hill, Yi Zuo's body trembled.

He knew that there were toys bought lightly inside.

"Baby, Dad will chase Mom back. Dad will be very good to Mom, and he will never make her sad again."

Yi Zuo wiped away the tears from his cheeks, but there was a smile in the corner of his eyes, but the smile was very sad.

"Baby, Dad is going to find Mom, and Mom and Dad will visit you often in the future."

Standing up, Yi Zuo staggered weakly and almost fell.

He won't fall, he can't fall in front of him and the little one.

Turning around, Yi Zuo went decisively.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the clothing store.

Yi Zuo got out of the car with scars on his face, his suit, shirt and tie were wrinkled, and even his trousers were covered with dirt. Bo Qingqing and Feng Qinqin were both stunned when they saw Yi Zuo like this. His eyes were instantly replaced by indifference.

Feng Qinqin didn't expect Yi Zuo to come here, and appeared at the door of her shop in a beggar's costume. Those who didn't know thought she was here to beg.

(End of this chapter)

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