Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 399 Jealous?

Chapter 399 Jealous?

Zuo Yao didn't even know whether her daughter's words were true or false.

The blind date is not enough, her family is so nice, of course it is better to fall in love.

Blind date is too casual.

But looking at her daughter's expression, she didn't mean to be joking.

Bo Qingwei really wants to go on a blind date, but it's not about really dating him, but he wants to tell Yi Zuo that they are really impossible, and he doesn't want him to pester her again in the future.

According to his temperament, it is impossible not to come to her in the future. In this case, she can only go on a blind date.

Zuo Yao didn't know what she meant, but since it was her meaning, then follow her.

"Okay, leave it to me. Mom will definitely find you an excellent person."


After dinner, Feng Qinqin and Bo Zhongye went back to rest together.

The two were lying on the bed, the girl nestled in Bo Zhongye's arms, playing with the buttons of his pajamas with her little hands.

I always feel that her husband seems to be too careless about work, but she likes his carelessness, so that he can stay with her at home.

Thinking of what happened this morning, Feng Qinqin thought it would be better to talk to him.

"Husband, Qingqing met with Yizuo today and talked for a while. I guess Yizuo has already explained the matter clearly."

Bo Zhongye stroked her heart with a careless tone.

"We don't care about this matter. No matter how much Yi Zuo tosses about, it won't be able to restore a dead heart."

Qingqing is different this time from the previous one, not only because of Wen Jing, but the most important thing is the lost child.

Feng Qinqin knew it too, but felt it was a pity.

Obviously two people who love each other very much, but because of these things that should not have happened, they have been separated for so long.

"Husband, what happened to my elder brother?"

I have been busy with light things for the past few days, and I have left the matter of my eldest brother behind.

Speaking of Feng Xiao, Bo Zhongye was rather surprised, probably that Yang Dan is already in a state of desperation.

"Qinqin, you haven't seen Feng Wenjun's youngest son, have you?"

Bo Zhongye's unreasonable words made Feng Qinqin wonder what he meant.

Why did she want to see Feng Wenjun's child?

Shaking her head in his arms.

"Why are you asking me that?"

Bo Zhongye laughed and said something.

"I guess Feng Wenjun is going to be happy to be a father this time."

Feng Qinqin: "..."

Like to be a father?
Feng Qinqin's eyes widened all of a sudden, what he meant was that Yang Dan's child didn't belong to Feng Wenjun?

She sat up immediately, riding on Bao Zhongye's waist, looking straight at him.

"you sure?"

Then what's the point of fighting her? Just let her show her true colors. With Feng Wenjun's temperament, wouldn't he die of anger when he found out about this?
Bo Zhongye looked at the postures of the two of them, his Adam's apple rolled down, and said.


Feng Qinqin lay on the man's body excitedly, hooked his neck with both hands, and rubbed her small face vigorously against his face.

After a while, Feng Qinqin froze.

Then he glanced at the man under him with a crying face, pursed his mouth, and really wanted to cry.


Bo Zhongye raised a dense layer of sweat on his forehead and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Why don't you move?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Feng Qinqin felt his world spinning for a while, and was crushed under him.

Beads of sweat dripped from the man's forehead onto the girl's face, Feng Qinqin's body trembled suddenly, and she let out a trembling cry, her voice was very aggrieved.


Bo Zhongye's throat rolled again, he lowered his head and kissed the girl's lips.

During this period of pregnancy, the little girl's body seemed to become softer and fairer, especially the skin on her cheeks, which was white and soft like dough, and it felt particularly good to the touch.

The man's kiss moved from the girl's lips all the way down to the girl's neck, and the nibbling like eating bread made Feng Qinqin's body completely limp.

The little hand covering his chest also lost strength at the moment.

"You, you, child..."

"I'll take care of the kids."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qinqin was brought into another world by him.

In the afternoon, Feng Xiao discussed the game development with the newcomer Cheng Jiyu. After they settled down, Feng Xiao looked at the boy who was not yet 20 years old in front of him, and there was a little approval in his eyes.

"With such a good mind, why didn't you go to other companies to find a way out?"

Feng Xiao was quite surprised, that's why he asked this question.

Cheng Jiyu seemed to be only 19 years old, and Niu Fang said that he was a sophomore student, and he looked so clean, it was really unexpected that he was an IT person.

The boy touched his head in embarrassment and said.

"I came here because of Fangfang."

After speaking, the boy's face turned red uncontrollably.

Looking at Cheng Jiyu who was so shy and blushing, why did Feng Xiao look so dazzling?
A pair of eyes narrowed slightly, Feng Xiao spoke slowly.

"Do you like Fangfang?"

As soon as Feng Xiao's words came out, Cheng Jiyu blushed even more.

Feng Xiao: "..."

Why did you suddenly not want to cooperate with him?

But it seems that Niu Fang doesn't know that Cheng Jiyu likes Fangfang, does he?

If he knew, he would definitely not be allowed to come.

Feng Xiao was wrong this time, if Niu Fang knew, Cheng Jiyu must have been sent over early, and she could also see his reaction.

If he wasn't jealous, then she really didn't have to worry about it anymore.

Feng Xiao raised his hand and rubbed his broken hair, biting the corner of his mouth, he couldn't continue talking today.

"Okay, you can get off work."

Seeing him suddenly wasn't as pleasing to the eye as before.

Cheng Jiyu was puzzled, did he say something wrong, the president obviously wanted to chat with him just now.

How did this get him off work?

After Cheng Jiyu left, Feng Xiao bit the corner of his lips, and impulsively called Niu Fang.

After two beeps it was connected.

"Fangfang, I want to eat the meal made by my mother. Go to the store and tell my mother that you can get some, and you can bring them to me. I have to work overtime tonight."

"Well, you can do whatever you want. I'm too busy and don't want to go down. Just come to the office directly."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiao hung up the phone.

Hmph, you're still having a crush on him in front of him, so there's no chance for you to confess your love.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiao felt a little relieved.

While being relieved, Feng Xiao was stunned for a moment when he realized his own reaction.

What happened to yourself?
Why is the reaction so violent?
Feng Xiao shook his head, he might be crazy.

Not only was he crazy, but Niu Fang felt that she was also abnormal.

She was still in school and was planning to go back to the dormitory to rest, but she received a call from Brother Feng.

Or let me deliver food?

There's nothing strange about this at all, but it's very strange when these words come out of Brother Feng's mouth, isn't it?

Forget it, don't think about it, let's put the books in the dormitory and go to the Lin family's villa to get dinner.

While picking up the meal, Liu Ping looked at her, and a light flashed in her eyes.

"Fangfang, Ah Xiao is too inconsiderate. It's fine to give him lunch at noon. Now it's going too far. You even have to deliver dinner. I'll talk about him later."

After speaking, Liu Ping observed the girl's expression.

Niu Fang hurriedly waved her hands, even saying that it was okay.

"Auntie, I have nothing to do at school, so delivering meals to Brother Feng is considered weight loss."

Liu Ping looked at the thin girl in front of her, and said nothing more.

After coming and going, Niu Fang arrived at Fengshi Building at seven o'clock.

I came here once before, probably because Feng Xiao had already ordered her to go up, so she went up smoothly.

When they came to the office, there was basically no one else on this floor except her and Feng Xiao.

The office door was open, Feng Xiao was looking down at the documents, Niu Fang was almost dazed by his perfect side profile.

Holding back the confusion in her heart, Niu Fang raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Feng Xiao raised his head and looked this way.

After seeing her coming, Feng Xiao said to come in.

Niu Fang walked in with the lunch box, stopped opposite him, and met his gaze.

"Brother Feng, let's eat first. Auntie just made this. It won't taste good if it gets cold."

Feng Xiao looked at her, and his eyes fell on the lunch box on the table.

"Have you eaten yet?"

When she asked, Niu Fang realized that she was in a hurry to bring him food, but she forgot to eat it herself.

As if answering his words, Niu Fang's stomach let out a very unpromising growl.

Grunts rang out in the silent office, and Niu Fang wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

Can I have something to offer?

It's okay to wait for her to go back and call again.

 There's one more, about eleven o'clock.
(End of this chapter)

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