Mr. Bo's meeting

Chapter 400 Unusual

Chapter 400 Unusual

Just when Niu Fang's head wanted to get under the ground, a man's low laughter came from his ears.

Niu Fang glanced at the source of the sound, bit her lip and blushed.

Why does she feel that the man in front of her is different from before?
Seeing her blushing, Feng Xiao realized that his behavior just now seemed to be teasing her?
Did he have a fever today?
The things you do are always incomprehensible?

"Sit down and eat together, I can't finish it myself."

Niu Fang didn't pretend to refuse either. Aunt Liu Ping's cooking was indeed delicious.

It's just that Feng Xiao said the words, but he didn't move for a long time.

Seeing that he was not moving, Niu Fang didn't say where to eat, so she had to tidy up the things on the desk in a muffled voice.

Feng Xiao didn't stop her from packing her things.

After tidying up, Niu Fang arranged the meals one by one, then pulled a stool and sat down opposite him.

"Brother Feng, do you have something on your mind?"

Otherwise, she really didn't know where his abnormality today came from.

Could it be that his stepmother is acting like a demon again?

Feng Xiao stopped holding the chopsticks.

Is he okay?
It's just that Cheng Jiyu made him unhappy, but he said in front of Niu Feng that he would date Fangfang after finishing the family affairs in a month, and Cheng Jiyu appeared.

How does this make him happy.

"What's your relationship with that Cheng Jiyu?"

Niu Fang frowned, not understanding why Brother Feng asked such a question.

Cheng Jiyu is her senior, what else could it matter?

Looking at her clear and pure eyes, Feng Xiao felt that he was simply crazy.

"Brother Feng, did Cheng Jiyu dissatisfy you?"

Could it be that the senior didn't work well and Brother Feng didn't want to hire him?

Brother Feng ate a piece of green vegetables and didn't answer her.

It is indeed quite dissatisfied.

Seeing his reaction, Niu Fang was even more uncertain about his thoughts.

She's better off eating.

After eating, Niu Fang packed her things, found a garbage bag in the office, and put the leftovers in it.

"Brother Feng, you are busy, I'll go back first."

Now he doesn't seem to be busy anymore, he should be fine here.

It can no longer be like the last time, when the school was closed when I went back, if my elder brother finds out that I was sent back by him again this time, I will definitely be scolded again.

"You don't have class tomorrow morning?"

Niu Fang blinked.

Does she have no class tomorrow?How did he know, and does it have anything to do with her going back to school?

"I'm bored here. I heard Qinqin say that your English is good. Please translate this document for me."

Niu Fang's eyes widened instantly.

translate a file?

She, she won't.

"I, I just know how to take the exam, I really don't know how to translate."

It's not good if the translation is wrong and delays his affairs.

"It's okay, you translate yours, the Oxford dictionary is ready for you, you translate it first, and I will send you back when I am done."

The uncompromising tone made Niu Fang a little confused.

But he was also worried that if he insisted on going back, he would delay his affairs, so it was better to be here with her in the end.

Sitting quietly with a dictionary and documents in hand, Niu Fang felt a little headache.

What is it all, she can't understand a word.

I checked the dictionary three or four times for one sentence, but it was all technical terms, and I didn't know the meaning of many familiar words together.

Feng Xiao, who was working, couldn't help laughing when he saw the girl biting the tip of her pen and having a headache.

In fact, he didn't have to work overtime at all, but he was unhappy when he thought of Cheng Jiyu.

He even robbed his woman.

You are not given a chance.

After struggling for an hour to translate a paragraph, Niu Fang completely gave up after seeing only a, of, and the at the beginning of the next paragraph.

Taking a long breath, Niu Fang put down the pen in her hand, and looked at Feng Xiao very tangled.

Sensing her gaze, Feng Xiao quickly looked at the documents on the table.

When Niu Fang went to look again, the man was already 'concentrating' on his documents.

But, why did she feel that his expression was a little guilty just now?
It must be her illusion.

Forget it, don't translate, it's better to play with your mobile phone.

Do you want to tell him that he won't be translating, but he is concentrating on reading the document now, so don't disturb his work.

He picked up the earphones and listened to the music, and his eyes fell on him for a while.

Today is the first time I saw him working, he is really different from the handsome one before.

Well, how should I put it, there is a feeling of strategizing.

Looking at it, Niu Fang put her chin on her small hand, and couldn't take her eyes off.

The girl's gaze was so hot that Feng Xiao couldn't open a page in a document.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Feng Xiao raised his head.

When their eyes met, Niu Fang was stunned for a moment, sitting there with a fiery face, then suddenly lowered her head, not knowing where to look.

Seeing the girl's shy appearance, Feng Xiao laughed softly.

Hearing his laughter, Niu Fang bit her lip and looked up, looking puzzled at the man not far away.

She found that Brother Feng is really different today.

Why did she feel that Brother Feng liked her a little bit?
(End of this chapter)

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