Chapter 121

How to avoid, how reluctant, what is coming will still come, Guiyuan held my hand even tighter, he had a vague premonition, and asked me: "Who is she?"

I turned my head to look at him, because Li Min's face was not as cold as before, I admired myself, I could still laugh out loud at this moment, I leaned on his chest and said: "You know what? How I loved you..."

Tears fell silently.

Xiao Chuanchuan grabbed my skirt with his small hands. He had never seen such a battle, his face was full of confusion, and he asked me: "Mother, mother, why don't you say hug Xiaochuanchuan when you come back?" , but showing affection with your stepfather, has your conscience been taken by a dog?"

I stroked his head and said with pain in my heart: "Yes, I let you have it..."

Xiao Chuanchuan turned around in anger, I straightened his small round body, he looked at me with bright pupils, and I looked at Guiyuan again, finally unable to speak a thousand words.

Bigu saw my predicament, walked around my body, hugged Xiao Chuanchuan, walked up to Guiyuan, looked at Guiyuan and then at Xiao Chuanchuan, and scratched Xiao Chuanchuan's nose: "Xiao Chuanchuan, you are better than me!" Uncle Gu, I can't lie, you have to see clearly today..." He sent Xiao Chuanchuan to Guiyuan's arms, and Guiyuan hugged his small body instinctively because he didn't know, "Remember to be serious in the future , he is your father, your father, your own father, the fourth son of the Emperor of Heaven Guiyuan..."

I covered my face, trying not to cry out.

Xiao Chuanchuan looked at me with surprised eyes, as if asking for an answer he sincerely wanted to know, but Guiyuan kept looking at me for a long time, then slowly put down Xiao Chuanchuan and pulled me, I I wanted to turn my back and not look at him, but he held me in his arms with big hands, and said something that made me cry: "Don't think that I will leave you. Although my memory is incomplete, I can't guess that between you and me I knew it before, but don't push me to anyone wishful thinking, whether I am Guiyuan or Li Minzhi, what I want in my heart is you..."

I pushed him away slightly, stroking his face with my hand, wishing that time would stand still and slower every time, I wanted to talk, but I just kept crying and whimpering, I can only remember him frowning and looking at me at this moment look like.

The light of Buddha and the shadow of Dao illuminated the Wangchuan River like the day of the nine heavens, and the image of Guiyuan was broken into pieces before my eyes. When I stretched out my hand, what I could grasp was nothingness.

I cried on the spot.

Xiao Chuanchuan also burst into tears at the right time: "Mother...Mother..." His little hands grabbed at random, and I bent down and hugged him in my arms.

From then on, the world is so close, and the world is far apart.

Guiyuan Baize became a faint fragment in front of my eyes, only the Buddha was left outside the Three Realms, watching our mother and son who were obsessed with love.

The Sanskrit voice of the Buddha gradually dissipated, and what he said was: "Be willing, be willing..."

I smiled wryly again and again, this time I was a little bit angry.

Bigu, Siyu kicked me out of the Nether Division when I was in such a bad mood. In the long cold night, I hugged Xiaochuanchuan and sat quietly by the Wangchuan River. He never saw me so sad. The little hand kept scratching his face, and I turned my head to look at him. He used to torture Guiyuan, but he was a little guilty, and he shrank his head. I nodded his brows: "Stepfather, stepfather, is it fun to call him? This time, your own father Are you proud that the call is gone? Are you in a better mood?"

He pursed his mouth, twisted his tender little hands, and moved his bulging buttocks away, making an excuse in all sorts of aggrieved ways: "That, that...then you didn't say he was my own father..."

I patted the back of his head again: "It's not your father, how can I treat him like that? Do you treat me as your mother, a loose woman?"

Xiao Chuan Chuan didn't dare to raise his head, and muttered something like Si Yu, I held up his little face, he looked at me, and then made his words clear with dodge eyes: "Well, then, why are you old Si Yu? Daddy jumped to Zhuxiantai, the immortals of Jiuchongtian said so, I thought, I thought..."

He still has a bit of eyesight, knowing that I was upset, the remaining half of the words were swallowed into his little stomach.

I hugged him and rubbed my chin on the top of his head, "Xiao Chuanchuan, you have to remember, if you run into him... If you run into him, you must not call daddy rashly..."

Xiao Chuanchuan struggled to look at me, "Mother, Dad and that woman are gone, don't you want us?"

I pinched his little nose, "Who told you that you didn't cherish it before, and called you stepfather?"

Xiao Chuanchuan flattened his mouth aggrieved: "Mother didn't say that either." He looked at me again after he finished speaking, and then started to play with my hair after looking at me, "Yes, it's all my fault. If you say it, I will Can't believe..."

I held him in my arms again, the overflowing Wangchuan River and the enchanting flowers on the other side seemed to be the same as usual, but for me, day and night, the Nether Division without Guiyuan was like a prison without warmth.

So cold.

Xiao Chuanchuan is sensible and appropriate, although he is still young, he knows how to do things that make me happy from time to time, because I said, don't be rash, but I didn't make a fuss about going back to Jiuchongtian to see his dear father.

Indeed, he spread his small hands and said: "I don't know what it will look like. In the past, if you lack a father, you will be recognized everywhere. If you are nearly a thousand years old, if you are reckless, you will be laughed at by the gods in the nine heavens."

The most ingenious weapon of time will heal the wounds of the past without leaving any traces.

Siyu still comes over often, bringing some clothes that Xiao Chuanchuan will wear as he grows older, and takes advantage of Xiao Chuanchuan's going out to find Black and White Impermanence, to play wildly, and to say some letters from Jiuchongtian.

He said, don't worry, Guiyuan is fine now.

Biting my lower lip bitterly, what I thought in my heart was that no one would live a more carefree life than him.

With the title of the fourth son of the Emperor of Heaven, and Bai Ze's single-mindedness, he no longer remembers the past when I hurt him. Naturally, he can't remember that there is a mother and son who have missed him for a long time in the underworld of the Nether Division. .

Time will fade his face in my memory, Tuliu will have a burst of pain in the middle of the night, deep and shallow, and occasionally Xiao Chuanchuan will look up and ask me: "Mother, mother, will Daddy remember me? Yes, yes , I used to call him stepfather?"

I laugh while saying nothing.

Flesh and blood is really a magical thing, it will make father and son who are connected by blood get close instantly, I hold Xiao Chuan Chuan tightly in my arms, he is my only warm support in the cold environment, the emperor of heaven will also often condemn Xian'e to come Picking up Xiao Chuanchuan, Xiao Chuanchuan grabbed the hem of his clothes and dismissed the fish with his head bowed and aggrieved: "Mother, mother is lonely here..."

Every time I look at this scene, I feel lucky that Guiyuan left me the most precious gift, Xiao Chuanchuan who treats me so well like him makes me feel warm.

I thought it was to make up for the debt he owed me and his father in the past, and Xiao Chuanchuan, who was only a thousand years old, could do the laundry and cooking with ease. I regained my hobby in Jiuchongtian and picked up the book.

Every time I saw a joke about the love between the two, I closed the book and was in a daze for a long time.

In the days without him, it is also happy to have memories.

However, recently Xiao Chuanchuan has acquired a new hobby, and often misses dinner time, lingering in the small yard of black and white, not knowing what to do.

I was just about to get up to look for him, when I heard three rings from the courtyard door, I pulled up my shoes and went out to look, but it was a distinguished guest from the Heavenly Palace.

The Heavenly Emperor, the Taishang Laojun and my three fathers made my small courtyard full of brilliance.

I looked up at the sky of the Nether Division, the sun was still receding slowly from the west, and there was no sign of rising from the west, the Emperor of Heaven came and said: "Wang Chuan, I have suffered for you these years..."

I bowed my head and smiled, my father came and hugged me in his arms, the tears had been shed as early as the day I pushed Guiyuan away, I couldn't shed a single tear for the hurtful past.

Xiao Chuanchuan jumped in and saw all the heavyweights of the Emperor of Heaven, but he was not astonished as he imagined. He still has the demeanor of a small adult, and he is watching the seats and setting fire to cook. I think this momentum is a bit wrong.

Waiting for those who are full of wine and food, I put down my chopsticks and faced the Emperor of Heaven: "This kind of momentum is coming, presumably there is something going on?"

The Emperor of Heaven coughed for a long time, as if his throat was choked by these words, the old fellow Taishang Laojun has not changed his habit of laughing for many years: "It has been a long time since you have not returned to Jiuchongtian..."

Xiao Chuanchuan raised his head and interjected halfway: "Old Baibai, pick the most important ones..."

I turned my head and glared at him, my father stroked his beard and smiled, Xiao Chuanchuan stuck out his tongue, and I slammed my fingers on the table with my straight words: "How do you say the words in the mortal world? From the palace?"

My eyes turned to Xiao Chuanchuan, and he responded in a timely manner, "Three Treasures, Three Treasures Hall..."

"That's right." I straightened my sleeves, "If Father Heaven thinks that I've had a miserable life these years, then there's no need for it, let's talk about that day..."

Before I finished this long speech, I heard Taishang Laojun say: "Wang Chuan, you can go to Jiuchongtian to have a look, the Fourth Highness is going to die or live in Zhuxiantai, no one can stop you... …us……"

Boom, like a thunderbolt, blossomed into flowers in my brain.

I got up instinctively and made a trick to attract Xiangyun in one go. I didn't even listen to the words behind, so I climbed up to Xiangyun in three steps and two steps.After drifting a little far away, I heard Xiao Chuanchuan's faint voice, "Old Baibai, you haven't eaten for many years, and you're still eating... why don't you hurry up and follow my mother to save my father..."

In fact, afterwards, I regretted my rushing impulse.

(End of this chapter)

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