Pride of Heaven and Dragon Slayer

Chapter 80 Shaolin Skills

Chapter 80 Shaolin Skills
Looking at the gradually shrinking distance, two miles, 500 meters, 300 meters, 350 meters... At this time, Xue Yi, who was leading the way, roared, and the speed under his feet was a little bit happier. The starting point was more than 200 meters away, roaring all the way, like a crazy cheetah, rushing straight to the starting point at the fastest speed. After a while, the blood roared all the way to the starting point, threw down the iron bucket in his hand, and immediately sat on the ground, mouthing Panting heavily, bead-sized beads of sweat were all over his body, rolling down his skin.

Immediately afterwards, the second person also rushed over, then the third, and the fourth....When half of the blood blades rushed towards him, Ao Kuang raised his voice and said to the blood blade personnel who had already arrived at the starting point and were on the way: "In an hour and a half, there is not a drop of water in the iron bucket. It's more than half of the original time. It's just I can forgive you for the first time. Let me talk about the rules now, because at the beginning, I can give you half a month to adapt. The so-called adaptation is to add five hours to the three and a half hours originally planned to run three laps. Remember that only Half a month. After half a month, you must run a lap before the water leaks out, and then you have a quarter of an hour to rest and recover your strength. If you can’t complete the run within three and a half hours after half a month Three laps, then there will be no food for the whole day. Also continue the penance at noon and next night.” Speaking of this, Ao Kuang paused and continued: “What’s more, after each lap, the quarter of an hour The time can be arranged freely. You can hurry up to run the next lap, or use it to adjust your breath, or do other things, but I only look at the results of the last lap. The nine people who finished the last lap will not have lunch. If there is Whoever doesn't finish one of the three laps before the water runs out will have nothing to eat for a day."

As soon as the words fell, I saw some blood blades staggeringly carrying the iron buckets and walking towards the sea. At this time, Ao Kuang said slowly: "Regulating the internal force when the true energy is exhausted will have a positive effect on the improvement of the internal force. At the same time, after recovering well, you can gain some advantage in the next lap."

Hearing what Ao Kuang said, those Blood Blade personnel immediately sat cross-legged to adjust their breaths, and some Blood Blades who were panting quickly followed suit.

Seeing everyone like this, Ao Kuang said: "Next, you make arrangements on your own, and I will come back before the third punch is over." After speaking, he turned and walked into the jungle.

Ao Kuang is going to prepare some meat, so as to save some time, so that Blood Blade can prepare for the next penance.

During this period, Ao Kuang not only captured enough meat to feed 73 people for a day, but also found some medicinal materials.Seeing these medicinal materials, Ao Kuang was extremely happy, although he had prepared some medicinal materials and poisons when he came.But those weights now seem to be insufficient to recuperate the sequelae brought about by this high-load penance.No one comes and goes on Binghuo Island, since the medicinal materials are found, it means there must be more, and no one comes and goes here, that is, no one picks them. Doesn't it mean that as long as you look for it, you will have as many as you want.

Ao Kuang happily searched, and sure enough, he found many kinds of medicinal materials, and the quantity was quite large.Calculating the time, it has been two hours, and the blood blade should be running the third lap.

Thinking of this, Ao Kuang immediately went back, tied the captured four deer and three wolves together and carried them towards the coast.

Arriving at the starting point on the coast, Ao Kuang waited for an hour before he saw the blood blade personnel coming towards him. The blood blade crowd.

As it got closer, the leader was still Xue Yi, who was also the first to rush to him, sitting cross-legged on the ground to adjust his breath.

After a while, after all the blood blades arrived, Ao Kuang said slowly: "After adjusting the breath, there is still a quarter of an hour to eat, and the last nine have nothing to eat."

A quarter of an hour later, seeing everyone gobbling up the meat in their hands, he smiled arrogantly and gratifiedly.

After lunch, Ao Kuang took the blood blade to the top of the volcano, looking at the gravel-covered slope below.Ao Kuang opened his mouth and said to the Blood Blade crowd: "I will tell you an experience, that is to hold your breath, no matter how painful the impact with the stone is, you must try your best to hold it back. Otherwise, if you breathe out the breath, then you You have to enjoy the helpless pain without any resistance."

Ao Kuang let the blood blade stand in nine rows, and said to the first row: "Remember to protect the vital points. Start now." With an order, the eight people in the first row rolled down from the top of the mountain at the same time, and then The second row, the third row until the ninth row all rolled down.

At this time, Ao Kuang performed lightness kung fu and followed behind. It doesn't take long to roll down 500 meters from top to bottom.Ao Kuang stood on the ground and watched the crowd rolling down the hillside.When the enemy was lying on the ground, before he got up, he was pressed down by a person behind him, and he was used as a back pad.Look at these blood blade people who are covered with bruises and scratched by stones.Ao Kuang said: "Rest for a quarter of an hour, and then climb to the top of the mountain to continue. This will last for three hours."

In this way, for three hours in a row, Ao Kuang didn't carefully count how many times they rolled over in total. He only knew that when the last time was three hours later, none of their skin was of normal color.Rested for half an hour.

Ao Kuang asked Xue Ren to pick up the knife and walk towards the coast, standing in a line in the waist-deep seawater, facing the oncoming waves and performing Shaolin 72 unique skill "Burning Wooden Knife Technique" to cut the waves, this "burning wood knife technique" "Wooden Sword Technique" has only two moves in total, vertical chop and oblique cut, although there are only two moves, but with arrogant eyes, I found that this kind of sword technique is not simple. In martial arts, there are countless methods and skills of using swords, but this "Wood Burning Knife Technique. "Only practicing chopping and chopping, the connection between the transformation of the two is natural, no matter what direction or technique the knife is drawn from, it can be transformed into chopping very naturally, and vice versa.It can be said that there are only three key points in this set of knife techniques, one is chopping.The second is chopping, and the third is speed.This "Burning Wood Knife Technique" puts aside all the means of using a knife, and only focuses on chopping and chopping.After participating in the research of Shaolin eminent monks in the past, these two moves have been brought to the extreme, and the speed refers to the speed of the knife.Ao Kuang tried to use his own kung fu to follow the method recorded in the "Burning Wooden Knife Technique", and he was able to use his own knives to cut the waves 53 times in an instant in the afterlife. The effect was to split the waves into pieces Thumb-sized lumps of water.And none of the pieces are connected.This is water, the softest water in all things, and "Burning Wood Knife Technique" can actually separate them abruptly with a split second of speed and skill.

After seeing the consequences of using the "Wood Burning Knife Technique", Ao Kuang was delighted besides surprise.I have never heard of any kind of sword technique that has such a speed of attacking the sword. With this speed of attacking the enemy, it absolutely has the advantage of seizing the first opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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