Pride of Heaven and Dragon Slayer

Chapter 81 Melting Poison

Chapter 81 Melting Poison
In this way, for two hours, during the period, the blood blade staff demonstrated the "burning wood knife technique" to chop the waves over and over again.When they climbed to the shore, each of them was so limp that they didn't even have the strength to sit up.

After resting for a period of time, I recovered some physical strength and watched them prepare to adjust their breath on the spot.Ao Kuang said: "I can't adjust my breath here, I have a better place."

He led them directly to the stone room in the volcano, and saw that Ao Kuang had already placed 72 large wooden barrels. At this time, Ao Kuang said: "You guys adjust your breath and meditate in the wooden barrels at night. I prepared some medicines to help Your cultivation, and the medicinal juice in the bucket is highly poisonous, don’t worry they won’t poison you to death. The poison you soak in it won’t hurt you, otherwise you can meditate and exercise to absorb the toxicity in the medicinal juice Fusion with your own zhenqi, over time your zhenqi will become highly poisonous, and when you fight with someone in the future, as long as you inject your zhenqi into that person's body, he will be poisoned."

Hearing Ao Kuang's words, everyone in Blood Blade looked at Ao Kuang curiously, as if they were willing to listen to him.Seeing this Ao Kuang opened his mouth and said: "I know a kind of poison technique, using cinnabar as the main material and adding some secret medicinal properties, you can mix the poison contained in the cinnabar with some other poisons and mix it into the true energy That is to say, the more you absorb, the stronger the toxicity in it. When you reach a certain level, you don’t need to absorb the toxicity of the outside world, and your own true energy will naturally produce highly toxic. It is precisely because of this that I let you come to Binghuo When it’s time, prepare most of the cinnabar.”

As soon as the words fell, Xue Yi asked: "How far will it go so that it doesn't need to absorb the toxicity of the outside world?"

After listening, Ao Kuang responded: "These concoctions are for one-time use. I used a catty of cinnabar and other poisons in each bucket of concoction. If this amount is used every time, more than 100 times will be enough. Yes, although I can't make an accurate judgment, I can guarantee that it will never exceed 150 times."

As soon as the words fell, the scheming blood blade personnel jumped into the barrel with a 'boom' and soaked in the thick and bright red concoction like blood, and then everyone entered it one by one.

Seeing them like this, Ao Kuang said slowly and helplessly: "Why are you so impatient, aren't you hungry in the afternoon? The food is right next to you, remember to get up early tomorrow, and make a good meal for the day. You can't be like today every time. In this way, I will cook for you." After speaking, Ao Kuang turned and walked towards the bottom floor.

Sitting on the rock, Ao Kuang took off his clothes and only wore a pair of big underpants. Looking at the fire silkworm that was leaning on his body and refused to leave, Ao Kuang played with it in his hands, thinking how to break through his current state , Let martial arts to a higher level.One accidentally felt a pinprick pain from between his fingers.

Feeling the pain, Ao Kuang first turned his hand and looked at it, only to see that distinctive fire silkworm, with a purple horn on top of its head, stained with a drop of his own blood.Ao Kuang looked in disbelief at the purple unicorn, which was only one centimeter in size at most.My "Golden Body of Glass" has already touched the realm of 'unbreakable', even swords and weapons can hardly hurt me, not to mention the horn on the creature's head.

Just when Ao Kuang was in doubt, bursts of fire pain suddenly came from the wound between his fingers.Feeling this pain, Ao Kuang was startled, this is fire poison, pure fire poison.What exactly is going on?

Benben didn't give Ao Kuang time to think, this fire poison traveled through his body along the meridians.Wherever it went, it left behind, hot sores.This fire poison is too huge and too pure.For a while, I couldn't refine it myself.

Put aside all distracting thoughts at the moment, and use all your strength to urge Huo Jin to refine the fire poison.What makes Ao Kuang unbelievable is that with his own skill today, it took a stick of incense to refine it, and what makes Ao Kuang even more ecstatic is that the refined fire poison dissipated uncontrollably in the muscles of the whole body.It is really unbelievable that the long-suspended "Golden Body of Glass" actually has a tiny increase.

Ao Kuang opened his eyes, held the fire silkworm in his palm as if he had found a treasure, and carefully observed the purple horn.At this time, Ao Kuang really wished that this fire silkworm could talk and tell himself directly that this time would make his "Golden Body of Glass" grow.

Recall the content of "Golden Body of Glass" carefully in my mind without letting go of any word.After a stick of incense, I have no clue.An hour later, still nothing.At this moment, Ao was furious, he stretched out his hand to catch the fire silkworm, and forcefully let the purple unicorn pierce his skin.Didn't you pierce your own skin to let the fire poison enter my body, and then I refined it to grow the "Glass Golden Body"?If that's the case, I'll come again.

, while trying a cup of tea, Ao Kuang couldn't help cursing.No matter how hard you try, how hard you try.The purple unicorn seemed to be playing tricks on itself, becoming elastic like rubber, not as penetrating as before.If the purple unicorn had always been like this, Ao Kuang would not be so angry. When it was in the hand, it was hard and penetrating, but once it touched the skin, it was like rubber.After encountering this kind of situation countless times, Ao Kuang was finally convinced that he had been tricked by the fire silkworm in his hand.

Thinking of this, Ao Kuang retaliated maliciously and kept squeezing Huo Cang's body with his fingers.It didn't take long before the fire silkworm was squeezed and spit out a light red liquid.Seeing that Ao Kuang was about to let go, a sense of crisis rose in his heart.

Feeling this hint of crisis, Ao Kuang immediately followed the feeling and turned his head.Then there was a cool feeling on the left face, and then I felt liquid rolling down my face.Stretching out his hand to touch it, he put it in front of his eyes and looked at the red one, which smelled like blood. Ao Kuang looked at the harmless and cute fire silkworm in his hand even more incredulously.

So far, I haven't found out how I was injured, and what method the fire silkworm used to attack.Fortunately, following this blow, I no longer felt any danger in my heart.Ao Kuang looked at the fire silkworm in his hand vigilantly, only then did he realize that there was a thin, crystal-like silk thread in its mouth.

Seeing this, Ao Kuang stretched out his hand to grope carefully on the left side of his face, and sure enough he felt a silk thread at the wound.Ao Kuang searched along the silk thread.Sure enough, the other end was connected to Huo Cang's mouth, and he took a breath when he saw this arrogant man, what the hell is this?He actually hurt himself cleanly with a silk thread.What's even more rare is that this silk thread is transparent, and it is even more silent when attacking. If it is used as a sneak attack, who in the world can defend against it?

As soon as I thought of this, there was another pain in my hand, and I looked down to see that the silk thread in my hand was gone.Looking at the corner of Fire Silkworm's mouth again, there was nothing there either.At this time, Huo Cang seemed to understand Ao Kuang's surprise.Showing off, he opened his mouth at a slow enough speed, only to see a crystal-like silk thread hesitating for a long time and a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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