Pluto's Favorite: Miss Nine

Chapter 24 Undead Legion 2

Chapter 24 Undead Legion 2
In the hazy light, Yun Chuxi could clearly see the faces of those black figures—withered, distorted, ferocious, and greedy. They turned their gazes, their pupilless eyes, looking at her without blinking.

"Hiss!" He gasped.

"Cousin, I, I... I'm scared." Lin Yingying lay limp on the ground, shaking all over her body.

Yun Chuxi's heart is actually broken. After all, when people encounter things beyond the scope of cognition, fear almost becomes an instinct.However, she knew it was useless to be afraid.

He swallowed and lowered his voice: "What is the Necromancer Army?"

"I can't say, people will die!" Lin Yingying shook her head, with snot and tears intertwined. She looked at the white fishbone lamp with a kind of sad despair in her eyes.She dug her fingers into the soil, trembling uncontrollably.

"Your Majesty Underworld? Your Majesty Underworld. His Majesty Underworld has come!" Finally, someone couldn't bear the fear in his heart and screamed.

In the next moment, the man's body burned violently with a "bang" as if it had been poured with oil.

Yun Chuxi looked back, there were only a few of the hundreds of people left at the moment, and the purple-clothed woman at the head no longer knew where to go.The smell of burnt human body wafted in the wind, and she subconsciously held her breath.

Almost at the same time, the sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and in the sky surrounded by fishbone lamps, a group of red and fiery strange creatures circled and neighed in the air, and a piece of red feather fell off from it——the forest with feathers stained with naked eyes Seeing the speed wither and decay, from point to line, from line to plane, expanding and spreading...

In the blink of an eye, in the corner of the world where the guards were, all the flowers and plants withered, and all the vegetation decayed.

In the white sky, a man in red, holding a bone flute, stood lazily on the lotus of death.

The moment he appeared, all the fishbone lamps were extinguished, replaced by a ball of light shining with blue light.

He stood quietly, his eyes were cold and desolate, as if he had come to hell.Even though there was a long distance, she could faintly see his eyebrows.

However, only his eyebrows can be seen clearly - light purple, flirtatious, and depressing.

Suddenly, her body was out of control, and Yun Chuxi staggered forward.At this moment, a warm hand suddenly covered her eyes, and a slightly angry voice said, "Damn woman, do you want to die?"

Before she had time to think about what happened, her body suddenly vacated, and a familiar masculine breath enveloped her.

She poked her head out in surprise, and what she saw was Zhao Fengyang's dark, dignified face.

"Zhao Feng, Mr. Zhao, why are you here?" She did not forget what she did to him more than half a month ago.

Zhao Fengyang snorted coldly, without even raising his eyelids, he carried her quickly through the undead army, but the undead didn't seem to see them, and walked towards the place where they stayed before with neat steps.

"Cousin...Cousin, save me, save me...don't leave me, I don't want to die..."

"Ah! Don't, don't come here..." Lin Yingying screamed hoarsely and terrified.

Yun Chuxi turned her head suddenly, and saw a skeleton soldier holding Lin Yingying, looking at her helplessly like a dying person.

Yun Chuxi's heart suddenly turned cold, and almost instinctively, she threw the leaf in her palm. The leaf, which condensed her seven layers of internal energy and was strong enough to penetrate the human body, fell lightly on the skeleton of the skeleton soldier like a feather. wiped off.

Zhao Fengyang scolded: "Yun Chuxi, are you dying?"

"Let go of me, I'm going to save Yingying." She promised Lin Yingying that she would not abandon her.

(End of this chapter)

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