Pluto's Favorite: Miss Nine

Chapter 25 Undead Legion 3

Chapter 25 Undead Legion 3
"You can't save anyone, and none of us can escape." Zhao Fengyang's expression changed abruptly, and the hands holding her gradually lost their warmth. For the first time, Yun Chuxi saw an expression that was out of character on his face—fear, despair ,helpless.

She followed his gaze, but saw the skeleton who was attacked by her, suddenly turned his head stiffly, opened and closed his mouth, and let out a strange smile.

After that burst of laughter, more and more spirit soldiers turned their heads, and thousands of ghost eyes stared at them.

Countless black shadows attacked them, and Zhao Fengyang's black cloak flicked to protect her tightly.

Immediately, she heard his heavy groan and shallow complaint: "You damn woman, I'm really going to be killed by you."

She struggled to get up, but Zhao Fengyang firmly held her down: "Ahem, don't... don't move around, there are... spells on the cloak, spirit soldiers... can't hurt you." He spoke intermittently, obviously injured Not light.

Yun Chuxi didn't understand why the person who taunted her all the time would protect her regardless of his life.Shocked, unbelievable, all over my head.

After a long while, the noise outside gradually stopped, and the two could be faintly heard talking.

Through the thin cloak, she saw a headless monster with four wings and six legs, happily playing with a blue ball of light. If she read correctly, the ball of light came from It flew out of Zhao Fengyang's body.

"Master, I caught an interesting soul!" The monster could speak even though it had no head.

"It's just a stubborn puppet!" The tone of disdain.

"Can the master give me this soul? I have never eaten such an interesting soul!"

"Anything!" Casually.

Eat Zhao Fengyang's soul?

Lightning fast!

Yun Chuxi jumped up suddenly, and slammed into the monster fiercely. It seemed to be very afraid of the cloak, and it didn't care about the bead in its hand being snatched away, so it staggered back.

In the next second, she wrapped the bead that locked Zhao Fengyang's soul together with the cloak engraved with charms towards Zhao Fengyang's body.

Yun Chuxi didn't know if this would help him, but right now the only way to survive is to do so.

She wasn't someone who spared her life, but she didn't want to owe him his life.Today, if she can escape this catastrophe, it is her luck, if she cannot escape, it is her life.

"Ah! So fragrant, such a fragrant soul!" The monster let out a joyful exclamation after standing still. The tongue of the cicada wing flew out.

The moment he saw his stomach burst open, Yun Chuxi knew something was wrong, and his body was ejected like lightning.However, the next moment, she was surprised to find that her ankle was pierced.

Fast, incredible fast!

"Ah!" Yun Chuxi fell from midair, and her body slammed into a boulder protruding hard. The moment she landed, she heard the cracking sound of her own bones breaking, and the pain in her body made her more conscious.

The ankle pierced by the tongue did not bleed, and the flesh around it was unhealthy dark black. When the hand touched it lightly, the skin suddenly fell off piece by piece.

What made her feel even more horrified was that the wound on her ankle was spreading rapidly...

Yun Chuxi trembled and didn't know what to do. At this moment, she felt a cold and sharp gaze staring at my back. Immediately, something cold was pressed against her chin, and a cold voice It sounded: "Hiding well, why did you come out?"

(End of this chapter)

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