Chapter 452 Please accept my heart

It was already midnight when Yun Chuxi came out of the space.

The exhaustion of running all the way made her extremely tired, and she fell asleep while lying on the bed.

A good night's dream.

After freshening up, he planned to return to Yunfu, but it started to rain heavily.Standing on the stone steps, I watched someone walking towards me from afar, and the familiar eyebrows gradually came into view as the person walked in.

Zhao Fengyang was standing in the wind and rain, holding an azure umbrella in his hand, the corner of his robe was wetted by the rising rain, he stood silently, unaware of it.

In the rainy sky, he looked at her with a complex expression, and finally twisted into a faint smile: "You're back." The voice was very soft, and if you didn't listen carefully, you would almost be drowned by the misty rain.

However, a simple sentence warmed her heart.

Staring at him blankly, he was extremely serious: "Brother Zhao, I'm back."

The hand holding the handle of the umbrella tightened slightly, and the joints glowed blue. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar face through the rain, he clearly had a thousand words to say, but he didn't know what to say.

"Just come back," he said.

Yun Chuxi looked at Zhao Fengyang with a smile on his face: "Brother Zhao, if you continue to stand in the rain, your clothes will get wet."

Zhao Fengyang smiled awkwardly, walked quickly to her, and put away the umbrella.

"You little heartless person, you scare a lot of people to death, do you know?" Patting her on the shoulder, his tone was harsh, but his eyes couldn't hide the joy.

Yun Chuxi smiled apologetically: "It's a long story."

"Then make a long story short."

"Jiji was drunk that day, so I went back to Lanyue Hall to rest. When I woke up, I found that I was kidnapped. It took a lot of effort to escape with the man. When I returned to Yungong , found that the priest is controlled by others, that Xihe used spells..."

After simply telling what happened that day, Zhao Fengyang frowned as he listened to her words.That day, they were bound by spells, and they could hear the sound outside, but they couldn't move their bodies.

Knowing that the elders in Sanhuang undid those spells, they regained their freedom.

When he arrived at Nianyue Hall, he learned that His Majesty and her were missing.Later, it was a search all over the world, but it ended without a problem.It wasn't until not long ago that he received the news that His Majesty was still alive and that Chu Xi would return to Yungong in a few days.

"After we disappeared, Brother Zhao, will you know what happened to Xihe?"

"I heard from the elder of Sanhuang that she was severely injured and what kind of soul was taken back. I don't know the details." After he lifted the spell, everything fell to the ground. He really didn't know about Xihe's situation.

Yun Chuxi frowned, she was familiar with Xihe's face.However, in her dream, the woman with that face was not called Xihe, but Xiyue... Casual, free and easy, kind and righteous, that was the impression she gave herself.

But what I saw that day, she was sinister and vicious, unscrupulous.

"What are you thinking? With a bitter face?" Seeing her frowning, Zhao Fengyang interrupted. Although she was a 14-year-old girl, she looked like a grown-up, not at all lively like a girl.

Yun Chuxi smiled: "Some unimportant things."

Regarding the weird dream, she really didn't have the courage and outsider knowledge.If one is careless, the other party will misunderstand and think that she is missing spring.If that's the case, it's really not wonderful.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it didn't mean to stop.

She didn't have the habit of going out in the rain, so her return to Yun's house was postponed.

Two friends who haven't seen each other for a long time, once chatting, there are endless topics to talk about.From Zhao Fengyang's mouth, she learned a lot of anecdotes about Luoye City. Among them, his flirtatious fourth uncle got his wish and got his fourth aunt's name corrected.

When Yun Chuxi heard this, he treated Yun Hao even more differently.

To do this for a woman, only Yunhao can do it in the entire Aoyun Kingdom.In this way, she became more and more curious about her fourth aunt who was not masked.

Yunhao is a man with great personality, a woman who can subdue him must have something special about her.

Just at this moment, Lu Xia came in with food, looked at Zhao Fengyang who was sitting on the side, and frowned: "I said why I couldn't find Mr. Zhao, I just came to see the young master!"

There was a teasing voice and a slight smile.

"Young master, it's cold, drink this to warm your stomach."

Pale pink thick soup with a light sweet fragrance.

Scooped a small spoonful and put it in his mouth. The taste was so good, he squinted his eyes and looked up at Lu Xia: "Is there any soup in the kitchen?"


"Great, bring me four bowls."

Lu Xia was stunned: "Four bowls?" When did the young master's appetite become so good?
"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll finish eating."

After Lu Xia brought four bowls of soup over, she saw a cute little beast coming out of Yun Chuxi's collar, looking at the food on the table, her sapphire blue eyes lit up.

Picking up the jade bowl and drinking it with a gurgle, one bowl, two bowls, seeing that it was going to take the third bowl, Lu Xia couldn't calm down anymore.

"Young master, won't this little thing be full?" The volume of the three bowls of soup is three times larger than its volume.

If you eat another bowl, are you really not afraid of exploding?
Such a cute little thing, if she is fed up to death, then she won't feel sorry for her to death.

She has absolutely no resistance to furry animals.

The picture is so beautiful that even Zhao Fengyang couldn't bear to look directly at it, not sure: "Chu Xi, is this really all right?"


After finishing the third bowl of soup, Xiao Shifang burped contentedly, fluttered his little wings, and made a standard gentleman's gift to Lu Xia: "Thank you, beautiful sister, what you sent is really sweet. It's delicious."

Then he looked at Zhao Fengyang again, squinted his eyes: "You are a good person, Xiao Shifang likes you."

Yun Chuxi blinked at Shifa, and it understood: "In return, I decided to give you a gift."

The paws went into the pocket, and two mysterious spirit fruits twice the size of its head landed on the palm of its hand.

Lu Xia's eyes suddenly paused, and she looked at it in disbelief: "Is this Xuan Lingguo?" It was not a question, but an affirmation.

Zhao Fengyang, who was careless, changed his expression when he heard her words.Xuanling fruit is a rare spiritual fruit, which can forge body and shape bones, and ordinary people can increase their cultivation base after eating it.

"En." Xiao Shifang nodded, "It's yours." Saying that, he stuffed one into the arms of the two.

Holding the Xuanling Fruit, Lu Xia was flattered: "I can't take this, the young master keeps it for himself."

"I have received your kindness, but it is too precious for me to accept." Zhao Fengyang said cautiously.

"Brother Zhao, sister Luxia, this is my wish, please don't refuse."

Seeing her resolute attitude, the two looked at each other and took the things away.

(End of this chapter)

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