Chapter 453 Too lazy to divide chapters, let's post them together
At noon, the rain finally stopped.

The sky is still gray and the wind is cold.

When she got off the carriage, she looked at the word "Yunfu" in gold, with mixed feelings in her heart.

This is the third time she has set foot in her titular home.

She did not notify in advance, so the front gate of Yunfu was extremely deserted.

The guard stood upright, looking coldly at the carriage parked by the side of the road.

When she saw her stepping forward, someone stood by her side.

"Excuse me, who is the girl looking for?"

"I'm not looking for anyone, I'll go home." Yun Chuxi responded lightly.

The guard was startled, and looked at her puzzled.

Finally, someone realized it and yelled out in surprise, " are Miss Jiu."

"Miss Nine is back, hurry... Hurry up and inform the Patriarch." Urgently.

Yun Chuxi nodded, raised her hand, and stopped the man from moving.

Searching for memories, wandering through the corridors, pushing the door and walking into an elegant and quiet courtyard, familiar and unfamiliar memories rushing towards my face, my eyes are full of mist...

Because of the rain in the morning, the stone steps are wet.

As the wind blew by, the water droplets on the evergreen tree swayed and fell, splashing on her cheeks, feeling slightly cool.

Yun Chuxi stood at the door, clenched her hands slightly, took a deep breath, and gently pushed the door open.

The furnishings in the house are exactly as in memory, and there is a jade-carved incense tripod on the low table, and a faint fragrance wafts from it.

His eyes fell on the bed, and the curtains were hanging lightly, fluttering gently with the passing wind...

Situ Yan was not in the room.

Frowning, he turned and went out.

Before walking a few steps, a small sound came from the path around the corner.

A young woman wrapped in a lilac-colored cloak, with her head slightly lowered, walked slowly on the stone steps, taking every step, leisurely and peacefully.

Looking at the person coming, Yun Chuxi's lips trembled: "Mother."

The pace stopped abruptly, and Situ Yan raised her head in amazement, looking at the pure white of the door, the water in her eyes floated: "Ninny."

She stood quietly, not moving for a long time, but her eyes were fixed on her, as if she wanted to engrave her in her bones.

"Mother, I'm back." The memory was playing tricks.

The basket in his hand fell to the ground with a thud, and the needle and thread rolled to the ground, his voice choked with sobs: "Ninny, are you back? Or, mother is dreaming?"

Yun Chuxi chuckled, walked quickly to Situ Yan, hugged her shoulders, and said softly, "Mother, I'm the one who came back. My daughter is unfilial and went on a trip without saying anything in advance."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Situ Yan hugged her tightly, her hands were trembling, "My stupid girl, you want to kill your mother. Mother longs for you day and night, and finally she has you back."

Quiet, peaceful, longing.

This is the taste of mother.

She also has a mother.

Burying her head on Situ Yan's neck, greedily absorbing... What she couldn't ask for in the previous life, how lucky she is in this life, and finally got what she wanted.

"I miss mother too, really, really..." Acting coquettishly.

Situ Yan smiled through tears, held on to her hand, and looked her up and down: "My daughter-in-law has grown taller and more beautiful, but she's a little too thin. Turn around, mother, make up for it, it's not good for a girl to be too thin. "

"Listen to mother."

"Go, it's cold outside, go back to the house and talk."

Situ Yan squatted down, making a gesture to pick up the scattered needles and threads on the floor, but Yun Chuxi took a step ahead, her eyes full of doting: "You child."

"Mother, let's go!"

The two returned to the room, and a maid brought a brazier, and the room became warmer.

When her daughter, whom she had not seen for a long time, came back suddenly, Situ Yan was so excited that she asked the kitchen to cook something delicious.

She is over [-] years old and has been well cared for, and the years have not left many marks on her face.

The two sat side by side, her hand was soft and warm, holding it with an inexplicable peace of mind.

"Ninny, how long do you plan to stay at home when you come back this time?" When she said this, she looked forward to it.

She just came back to take a look, and didn't intend to stay in Yunfu.

It's just that, looking at the eyes full of expectation, those words of refusal suddenly couldn't be uttered.

Picking up a cup of jujube tea, she took a sip and said, "Mother, I can't stay outside for long, and I'm going back to Yungong tomorrow." This embrace is very warm, just let her be greedy once.

"Going back tomorrow? Can't you stay a few more days?" Situ Yan looked sad, with reluctance in her eyes.

It's hard to be a mother when we have just got together and we are about to part.

"Mother, I am very good in Yungong. The priest treats me... very good. My daughter used to be a good-for-nothing, useless, mother took care of me hard. Now, my daughter has grown up, and it is time for me to protect you." The Yun Palace is very suitable for my cultivation, and my daughter can only improve there."

Situ Yan sighed: "Mother knows that Lord Priest treats you well. However, when you are busy practicing, don't rush, take it step by step, and don't tire yourself."

"Combining work and rest, my daughter knows." Playfully replied.

Situ Yan was helpless: "You! Everything is justified."

She was silent for a moment, then got up and went to the cabinet, and took out the neatly folded clothes with fine stitches, which were as good as Xiufang's.

"Mother usually makes this, and I don't know if it fits well." The priest's kindness to his daughter is obvious to all. Naturally, there will be no shortage of food and clothing, but she always wants to do something for her daughter.

Touching those clothes, Yun Chuxi felt a warmth in her heart. Thousands of words were turned into one sentence: "Thank you mother, my daughter likes it very much."

"I know how to coax my mother."

"That's not it." Yun Chuxi smiled mischievously, and picked up a plain outer garment: "Every stitch and thread here condenses my mother's longing for her daughter. How can I not like it?"

Situ Yan: "..." My daughter has grown up.

When the mother and daughter meet again, there is always endless talk, and by the time the two feel their mouths are dry, the sky is already a little hazy.The charcoal fire in the basin has been extinguished, and it is raining outside.

Yun Chuxi slapped his forehead, remembering something important, and innocently looked at Situ Yan: "Mother, I forgot one thing."


"I haven't gone to see grandpa yet." She definitely didn't do it on purpose.

Situ Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then took it for granted: "The old guy who can't tell black and white, we don't care if we don't see him. If he dares to push my daughter into the fire pit, he will lose the qualification to be your grandfather."

Regarding her departure from Aoyun Kingdom and what happened to her daughter, she knew everything about it.Her unreliable father-in-law just didn't uphold justice for her when her daughter was wronged, and wanted to kill her himself.


If it weren't for her family's daughter-in-law's blessing and fate, their mother and daughter would be separated forever.

Thinking of this, my heart hurts like being gouged out. It's all because of her lack of consideration that made my daughter suffer so much.

Looking at his mother's angry face, Yun Chuxi had already guessed seven or eight points.

But she likes this kind of strength to protect weaknesses.

However, for the sake of family harmony, she decided to make things clear.

"Although grandpa is old and stubborn, he didn't really want to kill me. Although he was looking for me on the surface, he was looking for someone secretly..." She explained the ins and outs of the incident in detail.

Situ Yan's expression softened as she listened.

"What the girl said is true?"

"True than gold." Yun Chuxi swore.

Situ Yan's eyes flickered: "Then let's go and see him."


At noon, Yun Ren received the news that Jiu Yatou had returned.

In order to see her, I turned over specially.Unexpectedly, after drinking a lot of tea in the lobby, Xiao Jiu'er was not seen.

Could it be that she is gone?

Thinking of this, I felt nervous for a while.He quickly sent someone to look and got the news that she was with the third lady.

Mother and daughter reunite after a long absence, so it is understandable to say some personal words.

So, after waiting for several hours, it seemed that the sky was going to be dark.

Yun Ren was not calm anymore.

Could it be that what he did back then chilled that girl and she didn't want to talk to him anymore?

Thinking of this, Yun Ren's heart broke.

He really dotes on that eccentric and maverick granddaughter.However, in the face of family interests and relatives, he had no choice but to choose the former.

He is Jiu Yatou's grandfather and the patriarch of the clan.

What he cared about was not only his descendants, but also the rise and fall of the Yun family.

Yun Hao looked at his father with a sad expression, and gave him a calm smile, reclining on the soft chair, drinking tea slowly.This tea tastes really good, and it really cost me money to take out my own treasures.

Yun Hao has always been elegant, and elegant people are a little paranoid about tea.

So unknowingly, he consumed all the good tea that Yun Ren had hidden.

When Yunren recovered from his sorrow, what he saw was the empty tea box, his face turned dark immediately: "Little bastard, have you ruined all the tea leaves that I have treasured?"

"Father, treat everyone equally, you can't be partial." Yun Hao didn't have the slightest awareness of making mistakes.

Yun Ren blew his beard and stared: "You, you... make a lot of excuses. This is what I keep for myself, and you won't leave it to Jiu Yatou at all?"

Yun Hao picked out his ears: "Little Jiu'er is by the high priest's side, will there be any good things?"

Yun Ren: "..." How did he raise such a stupid son?

"Father, Xiao Jiu'er is not the kind of person with a small belly, you can put your heart in your belly! Although, what you did to Xiao Jiu'er before was so unkind, it made people poke the spine. But, your It's not like being deceived for a while..."

Yun Hao talked endlessly, crackling and comforting.

Little did he know that these words were like stabbing a knife in his heart, and his heart was so stuffy.

Yun Ren's face was covered with dark clouds: "..." This guy is definitely not his own.

Can it be rebuilt?

"Go to your third sister-in-law and see when Jiu Yatou will come over?"

"Yes!" Yun Hao stood up slowly, shook his robe feet, and made a gesture to go out.

Just at this time, two figures came back, Yun Hao brows happily, and put away his folding fan: "I came out after a thousand calls, Xiao Jiuer, you make Fourth Uncle wait!"

Looking for the sound, Yun Hao stood lazily, his slender body against the backdrop of the indigo Confucian robe, looking suave and coquettish.

He was already a handsome man, and with the temperament exuding from his bones, he was even more handsome.

"Fourth Uncle." Yun Chuxi called out kindly.

Yun Hao nodded in satisfaction, and rubbed her cheeks habitually: "Tsk tsk, why are you so dark?"

Yun Chuxi sweated wildly.

Subconsciously raised his hand to touch his face, is it dark?
I've been busy on the road recently, and it's normal to be a little dark because of the wind, the sun and the rain.

"Although it is much darker, it is still very beautiful." Yun Hao looked at Yun Chuxi and smiled like a fox.

Yun Chuxi curled her lips: "Fourth Uncle, are you trying to praise me or hurt me?"

Yun Hao laughed, and patted her on the forehead with his folding fan: "Naturally, I'm praising you. Who is my Yun Hao's niece? That's the person the priest has his eyes on. Looking at the entire Aoyun Kingdom, who has this honor?"

The feelings are still touched by the light of Yuan Ji.

A deliberate cough sounded in the lobby, Yun Hao blinked his eyes, and lowered his voice: "Xiao Jiuer, the old man knew you were back, so he waited for you in the lobby all afternoon."

Yun Chuxi was startled, and after a while, a smile appeared on his face.

Yun Ren looked at the few people who were chatting outside, his heart was scratching like a cat, and he wanted to go out, but he couldn't hold back his face.

Secretly scolded Yun Hao, what is this little bastard doing blocking the door?
pissed him off.

Yun Hao囧: Dad, why don't you make some sense, didn't you let me go out?

When the three of them came in side by side, Yun Ren had a sullen face, which was called arrogant.

"Father, Xiao Jiu'er is here." Yun Hao said.

Yun Ren's eyes flashed with excitement, and he tried his best to pretend nothing had happened on his face, so the originally kind face was distorted under his deliberate disguise.

Standing with his hands behind his back, he is very majestic.

Yun Hao twitched the corners of his lips, Dad, you can put on a good show.

After a while, Xiao Jiu'er patted his ass and left, don't hide in the corner alone and wipe your tears.

"Grandpa, granddaughter is back." Yun Chuxi respectfully.

Hearing this, Yun Ren raised the corners of his lips, and was soon overwhelmed by reason, and snorted: "Why did you come so late."

Did you know that he waited for her all afternoon and even drank a stomach full of tea.

"I haven't seen my mother for a long time. I had a speculative chat. I forgot the time."

Yun Ren's face trembled, and he continued to be arrogant: "You are really filial."

"My daughter is naturally filial." Situ Yan chimed in.

Yun Ren couldn't take it.

"Sis, since people are watching, go back to your mother. Anyway, some people put on airs and make it clear that they don't want to see you. Why do you put your hot face on someone's cold ass?" Although you know the truth of the matter , but it doesn't mean she forgave him.

In this world, no one is more important than her daughter.
Seeing that the two were about to leave, Yun Ren was not calm anymore, his sullen face collapsed, and he said urgently, "Stop. It's very impolite to leave as soon as you arrive."

What are you going to do?

He hasn't looked closely at Nine Girls yet?
He waited for them all afternoon with an old bone, pretending to be deep and cold, why can't he be swollen?
Yun Ren was vomiting blood in his heart, why are these three daughters-in-law so unreasonable?

"My daughter finally came back, not to see people's faces." Situ Yan replied.

Yun Ren frowned, did he have a bad attitude?

His eyes fell on Yun Hao, he blinked and nodded earnestly.

Yun Ren is not good at all.

"Ahem, Jiu girl, come here." Yun Ren greeted, his face was already light and rainy, and that cold and arrogant poker face had disappeared.

Situ Yan pulled her wrist, showing no intention of compromising.

Yun Ren took a deep breath, and happily walked towards Yun Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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