Chapter 616
Naturally, she would not narcissistically think that these wraiths were afraid of her.

When she was crossing the swamp just now, these things scrambled to rush towards her. If it wasn't for the protection of the barrier, she might be left with pink and dry bones.

What does the amulet mentioned by Yuan Ji refer to?
"Chu Xi is dull, please tell me, sir."

Yuan Ji stopped, raised his handsome eyebrows, and smiled lightly: "Want to know?"

"Yeah!" She answered truthfully.

"Guess for yourself."

Yun Chuxi: "???"

She looked forward to waiting for his answer, but he asked himself to guess, did he make a mistake?

Why didn't you think he was so hateful before?

Before she could react, she walked away with long legs, leaving her with a gorgeous back.

Yun Chuxi ground her teeth and snorted, "Stingy."

Although he didn't tell her clearly, but after contacting her back and forth, he also guessed a lot.Xihe's avatar must occupy a pivotal position in this necromancer formation.

But what it was, she couldn't guess after all.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xihe's face was almost crooked.A Yuan was really merciless when dealing with her.

"A Yuan, are you really going to do this to me? Kill me? How can you be so cruel? I just love you. Is it wrong to love someone? Why are you so unfeeling and never give me a chance?" Xi He was pitiful and clear His eyes filled with tears.

She betrayed all relatives for a man, and exiled to the lower realm for nearly ten thousand years.

But the person she was thinking of wanted her to die.

Yuan Ji stopped, and kept secret: "Isn't this deity never killed? You like this deity, so I have to be grateful? What a face? You want to humiliate yourself, and this deity will not stop you. But how to deal with you is up to this deity." Mood. And..."

He paused for a moment, raised his eyes to look at Xihe, his face was as cold as ice: "Love? Does a person like you have love? What you have is just perverted possessiveness and insane methods. Everyone in this world is qualified to say love, but Xihe, you didn't..."

"I don't?" Xihe struggled frantically, his eyes were ferocious, sweeping away the nobility of the past.

It's just that her face is too good-looking, even in a state of madness, it is still as beautiful as a picture.

Yun Chuxi grabbed the silver thread in his hand, trying to make himself transparent.Xihe likes Yuanji, she knew it early on, but it's so crazy, it's beyond her cognition.

But at the beginning she had a close relationship with Yuanji, Xihe hated her because of jealousy, and deliberately tried to kill her.

Another person who lost himself because of love, sad!

However, Yuan Ji's non-procrastinating style in dealing with feelings still satisfies her.

Love is love, and if you don't love, you don't love.

There is no so-called grievance, follow your heart.

Just like when he rejected him back then, he was straightforward and without any hesitation.

Xihe was really irritated, and made a lot of noise, which was annoying.

It was rare for Yuan Ji to keep silent after a long speech. This kind of blatant ignorance made her even more angry.

For the next part of the journey, no matter how much Xi He yelled, Yuan Ji remained indifferent.

Xihe loves madly and humblely, but those are all to blame.

There is no such kind of happiness in this world, and it is obtained by ruining others. If there is, that person is either a lunatic or a pervert...

Yun Chuxi did not sympathize with Xihe's situation.

She took love as a prison and imprisoned herself.

Without any suspense, after the two broke out of the magic circle, Xi He was immediately killed, and Yuan Ji's voice, which was as faint as running water, simply said: "Noisy!!"

(End of this chapter)

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