Chapter 617 Chapter 630 Nine: As You Wish

Chapter 630 Nine:
Seeing that she was about to hit him, Mo Yu lightly turned his body, and Tantai Mingyue fell gorgeously.

It's so hard to die, knocked to the forehead.

Blood flowed down the brow bone to the bridge of the nose, the corners of the lips, and the jaw...


The pain on her forehead was far less than Mo Yu's shock of waking up. She opened her mouth slightly with a dazed expression: "You..."

How could someone who was supposed to be delirious suddenly become sober?
Tantai Mingyue was full of doubts, her eyes fixed on him.

Mo Yu looked at her with a smile, fished out a soft chair from nowhere, sat on it comfortably, and curled his lips: "I woke up, are you surprised?"

Where there is surprise, it is clearly fright.

Even though he was just a child, the coercion he exuded made people tremble with fear.

"Kun Wu said that you will always be delirious, why did you suddenly become sober?"

Mo Yu crossed Erlang's legs, and smiled mischievously: "You were too noisy, so I woke up."

"You think I'm a fool?"

"Fool?" Mo Yu shook his calf and giggled: "Don't insult this word, it will feel very wronged."

When Tantai Mingyue heard this, her beautiful eyes widened: "What do you mean by that?"

Mo Yu curled his lips and snorted arrogantly: "You're so stupid, I'll call you stupid."

Tantai Mingyue was furious: "Bastard, how dare you?"

"Isn't it? If you want to harm others, you will harm yourself instead. You howled so badly just now, I thought you had repented."

Tantai Mingyue: "..."

Mo Yu dragged his chin with one hand, and said jokingly: "You won't be addicted to being abused, and you like that guy Kunwu? Are you a M-shaking physique?"

Thinking of this possibility, Mo Yu smiled wickedly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can I like him, if it's possible..." Tantai Mingyue narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "If it's possible, I wish I could kill him with my own hands."

All the humiliation in her life was given by that man... He almost raped her just now.

At this moment, Kun Wu's anger for deceit and hatred for bullying far surpassed his jealousy towards Yun Chuxi.

"Do you want revenge?" Mo Yu stood up from the soft chair and asked with a smile.

His eyes are beautiful, and when he stares at people, he seems to have magic power.

Sometimes don't underestimate a woman's hatred, once it becomes ruthless, it will never stop.

Tantai Mingyue sneered: "I did a lot of hard work when you were arrested, you would be so kind to help me? Don't forget, we are enemies!!"

She bit the word "enemy" in particular, as if she was reminding Mo Yu, and at the same time she seemed to be warning herself.

"The enemy of an enemy is a friend. If we want to escape, we must cooperate." He blinked his eyes and looked innocent, but the words he said were alluring.

Tantai Mingyue stared at him with a look of hesitation, is he really only three or four years old?
"You are just a milk baby with no power to restrain a chicken, what ability do you have to make me kill enemies?"

"You just need to answer, do you want revenge?"

"miss you!"

Mo Yu laughed, his eyes slightly bent, revealing a row of neat teeth: "As you wish."


Yun Chuxi followed Yuan Ji all the way through the border and finally found Jiuyin and the others.

When she saw the bony person in the cave, her face changed undetectably.

A person who was considered dead suddenly appeared in front of him, coupled with the gloomy wind around him, a bloody scene happened.

"Mother, did you come here to look for me because you couldn't bear Bao'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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