Chapter 119 The most discordant team in history 1
As time went on, there were more and more noises, but there was only one focus of discussion: where did the referee of the second trial match go?

Not only the referees, but even the instructors of the four major colleges, no one saw it.

Now it's strange, there is no shadow of the mentor, how should the second selection match be carried out?
"His Royal Highness King Qin is very careful, but have you discovered anything?" Lu Lingfeng smiled modestly and asked Xuanyuan Che politely.

Xuanyuan Che responded indifferently, "Why did I tell you?"

Received such a direct rejection, Lu Lingfeng's face froze, but due to Xuanyuan Che's status, it was not easy to get angry on the spot, so he could only laugh along, "Ling Feng was just asking casually, and had no other intentions."

"This king is just answering casually, and has no other intentions." Xuanyuan Che looked calm and continued to be cold.

Seeing Lu Lingfeng being shut out, Yun Xiao also felt a little happy, that kind of scumbag should be hit more.

"Everyone, there is no way for us to wait. Qianxue even began to doubt whether this is a test." Yun Qianxue frowned slightly, and spoke softly, her voice was sweet, like the sounds of nature.

Hearing what Yun Qianxue said, the candidates nearby all began to pay attention.

Someone continued to ask, "What does Miss Qianxue mean?"

"Perhaps, this is a game that tests reflexes."


"That's right." Yun Qianxue used her "intelligence" to analyze carefully for everyone, "The first match was about strength. So the content of this match must be different from the last one.

As far as I know, the geniuses that the four academies want are not rigid geniuses, but flexible geniuses.

Perhaps today, the teacher will not show up at all. What they want to see is whoever first understands the meaning of the exam and whoever leaves first wins.

Of course, this is just my personal conjecture, not accurate, let everyone laugh. "

After Yun Qianxue finished speaking, she showed Bai Lianhua's signature smile.

Regarding Yun Qianxue's analysis, Yun Xiao only wanted to say one word: pretend!

When they were in Shengbao Pavilion, they got accurate information from Leng Jiyan, and the second game was to test the teamwork.

Yun Qianxue, the white lotus, actually tricked other candidates into leaving. Isn't this digging a hole for others?Whoever believes is stupid!
However, other people didn't think so, especially the group of young men near Yun Qianxue.

To them, Yun Qianxue is the goddess in their hearts!
Now that the goddess has said this, is it still false?
So, there really were a few brain twitches, and after listening to Yun Qianxue's words, they actually started to leave!
"Miss Qianxue, why don't you come with us?" A man who was very interested in Yun Qianxue suggested.

"I'm sorry, Qianxue still has to accompany the princess, so I can't accompany everyone."

"En! Miss Qianxue, take care!" They waved their hands and turned to leave.

The departure of these few people immediately triggered a butterfly effect, spreading the word, and Yun Qianxue's analysis became official news!
All of a sudden, one tenth of the 2000 people left.

Moreover, the number of people at the scene is still decreasing.

Seeing this effect, Yun Xiao was also speechless, didn't those people bring their heads to the exam?
On the other hand, Yun Qianxue continued to stand there smiling, her smile was perfect but dangerous.

Looking at Yun Qianxue, Yun Xiao couldn't help complaining, "In order to reduce your competitors, you are really 'smart'."

"What does Nine Sisters mean? Qianxue doesn't quite understand, Qianxue just said her own analysis." Yun Qianxue continued to pretend.

"Yun Qianxue, don't think that everyone else is a pig. When you meet a wolf, be careful that you become a pig too." This is the end of the conversation, Yun Xiao doesn't want to waste his tongue.

She is not a holy mother. She doesn't care at all whether the other candidates can pass the examination. If one of them is willing to be deceived and the other is willing to be deceived, she will not participate.

Anyway, all she cares about is the Universe Mirror!
Being exposed to lies, Yun Qianxue's face turned blue and pale, but when she thought of the rules the prince said, she endured it again.

Later, when she laughs!
The scene was in turmoil for a while, and when no one left, the elders of the four major colleges finally appeared.

Seeing the remaining people at the scene, the faces of the elders showed a hint of joy.

The elders of the Qinglong Academy who were leading said firstly, "Congratulations to the [-] candidates who stayed. Your second trial is now officially starting!"

Hearing Elder Qinglong's words, everyone was very happy. Fortunately, they didn't listen to the rumors just now and left.

Otherwise, it must be a big loss now!
As for Yun Qianxue who posted the message, everyone responded with vicious and hostile eyes.

Although she is a beautiful woman with the aura of a white lotus, the things she does are extremely disgusting!

Yun Xiao glanced at Yun Qianxue with a hint of confusion on her face.

No, with Yun Qianxue's intelligence, she would never do anything that would damage her image.

Unless, there are more important interests than the image of the Virgin!
Sure enough, when the thought of Yunxiao came to mind, Elder Qinglong continued, "The second match adopts a points system, because of you, you will get as many points as you are eliminated.

The one with the highest points is this year's rookie king.

Now, student Yun Qianxue has [-] points, ranking first.Keep up the good work, young people! "


As soon as Elder Qinglong finished speaking, there was a huge commotion in the audience. How could this be possible?Pit father ah!

Faced with such rules, some people are dissatisfied, some are excited, and some are sad.

Yun Xiao, on the other hand, remained calm.

She knew that the real highlight was yet to come.

"Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet—" Elder Qinglong waved his hand, telling everyone to shut up slowly with absolute majesty.

"Although student Yun Qianxue is leading for the time being, you still have a chance, as long as you find the key to this competition - the Universe Mirror, you can still become the rookie king of the Sky Division.

As for the benefits of the rookie king, needless to say, everyone understands.

Now, the competition will be a group competition of four people. The competition time is [-] days. After [-] days, if no one finds the Universe Mirror, the competition will be won by the person with the highest points.

Now, the team members will be drawn by me at random, please quickly form a group with the students who read their names..." Elder Qinglong began to read his name incessantly.

Yun Xiao originally thought that the team was formed by himself, but he didn't expect it to be assigned by the academy. It seems that the probability of himself and Thyme and the others forming a team is very small. doesn't matter, as long as they don't form a group with Xuanyuan Che, Yun Qianxue, and Lu Lingfeng, then it's fine.

The rest of the people probably thought so too.

Hearing that they were going to be grouped randomly, Xuanyuan Che, Yun Qianxue, and Lu Lingfeng all glanced at Yun Xiao.

Xuanyuan Che's eyes were full of deep meaning, Yun Qianxue's eyes were naked disgust, and Lu Lingfeng's eyes were condescending and cold.

Read the names one by one, Elder Qinglong spoke quickly, and soon arrived at Yunxiao, "Nine members of the No. 90 group: Yunxiao, Xuanyuanche, Yun Qianxue, Lu Lingfeng..."

Hearing this result, the faces of the four people who were not on the right track were all shocked, then stiffened, and finally stiffened.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a strange state.

(End of this chapter)

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