Chapter 120 The most discordant team in history 2
"That old man is so boring, he actually made you into a group." Mei Ji dressed up as a man, smiled charmingly, and joked.

Yun Xiao and the others looked at each other a few times, but didn't speak.

As for Xuanyuan Fei, who was close to Yun Qianxue, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on her face when she heard that she was not able to be with Yun Qianxue, so she glared at Yun Xiao and said, "Hmph, it's a good deal for you."

"It's okay, we can exchange." Yun Xiao shrugged.

She was in a group with Yun Qianxue, fighting side by side until the end of the game. She couldn't imagine such a style of painting.

If it is possible to change, she is absolutely willing!
Xuanyuanfei was about to agree when Elder Qinglong announced, "Group [-]: Feng, Meiji, Yunlan, Ah Fu; Group [-]: Xuanyuanfei, Thyme, Night Rain, Lan Linger ..."

When Xuanyuan Fei heard that she could be with Ye Yu, she jumped up for joy. She has always been very interested in Ye Yu.

After seeing Ye Yu last time, he fell into a deep infatuation.

Hearing that they could be in the same group as Ye Yu this time, she almost fainted with joy, imitating Yun Qianxue's shy look, Xuanyuan Fei pretended to be somewhat similar and said, "Young Master Ye, please give me more advice in the future." .”

"Ahem... I also ask the princess to give me some advice." Ye Yu replied with a pale face and embarrassed.

And his little servant, A Fu, couldn't help joking in his heart, the young master's luck is really good.

Miss Lan has been chasing after him, and the princess is also interested in him. Although Miss Baili has a vague attitude, she must have some interest in the young master.

The princess of the empire, the eldest lady of the Lan family, and even a half-orc, the young master is simply a winner in life!

Ye Yu is so smart, how can he not know what Ah Fu is thinking, seeing Ah Fu's malicious smile, he can't help but blame, "Don't think about it."

"Master, Ah Fu is not thinking about anything, Ah Fu is happy for you!"

"You, you, you should think about yourself." Ye Yu shook his head and smiled helplessly.

His own friend, he never knew, Ah Fu must be interested in Thyme.

But because of his identity, status, and character, he dared not confess.

If he had the chance this time, he would definitely talk to Ah Fu about the matchmaking.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu smiled knowingly, when did he start working as a matchmaker?
"Wow! Brother Ye, you look so pretty when you smile!" Seeing Ye Yu's smile, Thyme spoke honestly.

"Hillbilly! Brother Ye is mine, get the hell out of here—" Xuanyuan Fei said disdainfully.

"Xuanyuan Fei, haven't you learned enough from last time?"

"Thyme, do you still have the face to say the last time? You dared to lie to the princess last time. See if I don't teach you a lesson today!"


While there was a lot of noise here, a girl in a blue dress slowly walked over.

The girl has fair skin, a charming temperament, and a pair of big eyes that are aura and compelling. She looks very pleasing.

And this person was Lan Ling'er who had met Yun Xiao once in Qin Palace!
As soon as Lan Linger came out, she took Ye Yu's hand directly, as if declaring her sovereignty, and said loudly, "My man, of course he looks good when he smiles!"

With such a tough opening remark, it seems that the eldest lady of the Lan family is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Yun Xiao looked at Lan Linger and thought of the "someone Lan" who had been chasing and killing him. If he started from Lan Linger, he might be able to get some clues.

Thinking of this, Yun Xiao smiled at Lan Ling'er and said hello, "Miss Lan, long time no see."

"Miss Yun, is it you? I didn't expect us to meet again." Lan Ling'er smiled mischievously at Yun Xiao, like a little girl next door.

Lan Ling'er was a little more normal when faced with things that had nothing to do with Ye Yu.

Yun Xiao smiled calmly, and continued, "Speaking of which, my mother is your father's younger sister, and you and I are still cousins."

After Lan Ling'er heard this, she immediately said sweetly, "Hello, cousin!"

Yun Xiao saw Lan Linger's cuteness once again, no wonder even Lu Lingfeng, a man with a heart higher than the sky, was also interested in Lan Linger.

Not only because of Lan Linger's identity, but also because of Lan Linger's character.

At the beginning, it was not unreasonable for the emperor of the sky to decide to let Lan Linger be the princess of Qin.

Thinking of the last engagement turmoil, Yun Xiao paused for a while.

Last time, when she and Lan Linger met, the other party also wished her and Xuanyuan Che a happy marriage for a hundred years.

I didn't expect that after only a few months, I would go through a ghost marriage to a divorce. This process is really bizarre!

"Everyone, the candidates for the team have been determined, and members are not allowed to be replaced for any reason, otherwise they will be disqualified from the competition.

Also, since it is a team battle, if one of the teams is eliminated, the entire team will also be disqualified. "Elder Qinglong continued to read the rules of the game.

Hearing this rule, Yun Xiao was rather happy. In this way, if anyone wants to harm her, get rid of him.

Then, for the sake of the competition, Yun Qianxue and Lu Lingfeng, who hate her the most, will definitely spare no effort to save her.

Thinking of this, Yun Xiao couldn't help but secretly feel happy!

This rule is good!
"Everyone, if there are no other questions, the game will officially begin."

"Grandpa Elder, I have a question!" Thyme was the first to raise her hand.

"Little girl, tell me." Seeing a little beauty asking the question, Elder Qinglong responded with a smile.

"As long as you don't get eliminated, even if you don't find the Qiankun Mirror, as long as you pass through the fifteen days safely, can it be counted as passing the second trial?"

"Of course you can. However, the premise is that your team can avoid all pursuits and survive for fifteen days in the periphery surrounded by monsters."

"I understand!" Thyme nodded obediently.

"My lord, I also have a question." Lu Ming, one of the three lowly guests of the Lu family who had never had any sense of presence, raised his hand and asked.

Elder Qinglong looked at Lu Ming. This kid is neither a little beauty nor a handsome guy, so he is not interested.

So, Elder Qinglong ignored it directly, and then gave an impassioned speech, "Brave boys! Smart girls! Now, choose your team leader, and start your treasure hunt for the Universe Mirror!"

After finishing speaking, Qinglong and the tutor team of the four colleges all left the scene.

As for the neglected Lu Ming, he became a passerby again and was ignored.

Back to the topic, now, the fifteen-day fight officially begins!
After Elder Qinglong left, the candidates followed the prompt and started to choose the team leader.

Ye Yu's team was undoubtedly Ye Yu.

The Meiji group is undoubtedly Meiji.

The Yunxiao team ran into a little trouble.

No matter if it was Yun Xiao or Yun Qianxue, Xuanyuan Che or Lu Lingfeng, none of these four influential figures wanted anyone else to be the captain.

"I have the most points, I'll be the captain!" Yun Qianxue suggested.

From the gossip that the crown prince Xuanyuan Yi got, Yun Qianxue learned that the captain's points could be doubled in the end!
How could she resist such a temptation?
"I am No.1 of the Sky Academy, I am the captain, everyone expects me!" Lu Lingfeng revealed his identity and put gold on his face.

Lu Lingfeng was not interested in being the captain at first, but seeing Yun Qianxue being so active, he knew there must be something tricky!

"This king is the captain, this is an order!" Xuanyuan said coolly, the reason was as cool as the tone.

When it was finally Yun Xiao's turn, Yun Xiao looked at the other three who were full of confidence, and said calmly, "You will definitely choose me as the captain, because..."

(End of this chapter)

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