Chapter 129 Showing Love
"Oh! Such a bad attitude? Sir, I won't say anything." Jun Wuyou's voice was twitchy, with a hint of arrogance.

Yun Xiao took a breath, now is not the time to worry about such trivial matters, she has to bear it!
So, putting on an amiable new face, Yun Xiao flattered and said, "Dear Lord Jun, dear Lord Jun. May I ask if there is any way you can save Xuanyuan Che?
As long as you can save him, the little girl will obey you in every possible way, pamper you in every possible way, and never talk back to you again. "

"Pamper? Girl, this word can't be used indiscriminately. It seems that in the future, not only the ability to survive, but also the ability to live must be practiced."

"Okay, okay, Uncle Jun said it well! Uncle Jun said it well! Uncle Jun said it so well!"

"Tch--this lord really admires you. Alright, alright, my lord is very merciful, and I will tell you how to save it.

Do you still remember the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill that you stole from Yun's house back then?No matter what kind of injury you get, even if you are dead, as long as you take the Nine-Revolution Pill, you can recover immediately as long as it does not exceed 10 minutes.

Calculate the time, girl, you still have 1 minute. "

"Damn it!" Yun Xiao had no time to be surprised, nor did he have time to doubt.

After hearing Jun Wuyou's words, she immediately dug out her Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill, and fed it to Xuanyuan Che.

After finishing this series of actions, Yun Xiao calculated the time, and there are three seconds left!
"My god, I was scared to death—" Yun Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally he could catch his breath.

In just half an hour, she has experienced so many ups and downs, and now she is not lying directly on the ground, which is already very good.

She was very fortunate, fortunately, she took precautions and kept the Jiu Zhuan Pill.

Otherwise, Xuanyuan Che is really hopeless today.

At the same time, Yun Xiao clenched her fists secretly. She decided that after these things passed, she must work harder in cultivation, especially strengthening her training as a pharmacist.

If you can reach the level of a master earlier, the level of a master of alchemy, and the level that can refine the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill.

In this way, she can protect many people.

At that time, no matter how seriously injured anyone is, she has the strength to help her friends!

After waiting for a few minutes, Xuanyuan Che's face gradually turned rosy, and his heartbeat and breathing also returned to normal.

The vital signs recovered, and Xuanyuan Che's awakening must not be far away.

Yun Xiao looked at Xuanyuan Che, and she suddenly discovered that Xuanyuan Che's eyelashes were particularly beautiful, long and curled.

How can a man have such beautiful eyelashes?

And Xuanyuan Che's face, this face is simply a masterpiece of God, so perfect, so excellent.

So good that even she was a little envious.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Che suddenly opened his eyes, just in time to meet Yun Xiao's scrutinizing eyes.

Xuanyuan Che couldn't help joking, "Lady, why do you look at me like this? Do you think that my husband is so handsome that the sun and the moon are dark?"

"Ahem, Xuanyuan Che, how could I have been helpless before, and you are so narcissistic? Too much narcissism is a disease, and it needs to be cured!" Yun Xiao pouted, pretending to be serious in response.

Xuanyuan Che chuckled, "Really? If that's the case, how about you help me treat it? Aren't you a pharmacist? For you, this kind of problem is simply a piece of cake."

"You are terminally ill and there is no cure." Yun Xiao replied calmly.

"My lady, you have to believe in your alchemy skills!" Xuanyuan Che smiled.

He held Yunxiao's hand, and there seemed to be a breeze blowing by his ears, making it a little cold.

There is a calm floral fragrance in the wind, which smells very good, like the feeling of childhood.

The smell of early summer is always as good as ever.

Yun Xiao went from being angry at the beginning, to being surprised, and finally smiled calmly.

"Che, don't worry, I'm here, always."

"Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry."

"Why did you say sorry all of a sudden?"

"I had a reason for reconciling with each other, but now, I can't tell you."

"It's okay, I trust you." Yun Xiao said softly.

After going through so much, she no longer cares about those fleeting moments.

No matter how difficult the hurdle is, there will be a day when it will pass.

Boss Shan once said that she is a cold stone and will never understand love.

From now on, no matter what the consequences are, she will work hard to love!
Looking at Xuanyuan Che, Yun Xiao's eyes were firm. This time, she must tell Xuanyuan Che what she thinks, and let Xuanyuan Che know her heart.

Communication is very important between two people, she doesn't want to cause her relationship with Xuanyuan Che to deteriorate due to inexplicable misunderstandings, such as Yu Jiangshan.

Therefore, Yun Xiao took the initiative to say, "Che, I..."

"Che? Haha, Xiaoxiao! You finally called me Che! Great! Really great!" Xuanyuan Che was as happy as a child.

Just a title made him so happy that he couldn't find Bei.

Yun Xiao smiled helplessly, this guy, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

"Che, I..."

But this time, before Yun Xiao finished speaking, he was interrupted again.

"Master! Qibao is hungry! The baby wants to eat barbecue!" At this time, Qibao patted his flat belly and begged loudly.

"Little guy, I'm in a good mood today, I'll make it for you!"

"Okay, okay, there's something to eat! Finally there's something to eat!" Qibao jumped around happily.

Seeing such a scene, Yun Xiao smiled lightly.

Forget it, let's not talk about these things.

The current Xuanyuan Che is no longer the wayward prince he used to be, and he will understand some things even if she doesn't tell them.

"Miss, you wait for me here first, I will come back as soon as I go, and I will definitely roast a delicious hare for you later."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your big meal." Yun Xiao smiled brightly, looking forward to it.

Jun Wuyou and Lu Yao upstairs, looking at this loving young couple, no, they are ex-husband and ex-wife, expressed their sighs.

"Oh, it's nice to be young. It makes my heart itch. After I get out, I'm going to find a handsome young man for a dip." The green demon said quietly, staring.

"Hmph, back then, I was much more romantic than that kid. What's the point of being a hare." Jun Wuyou's voice was high and cold, and his posture was tall.

Hearing Jun Wuyou and Master's words, Yun Xiao snickered, it was the first time that there was such a happy atmosphere in Qibao Linglong Pagoda.

During the meal, Xuanyuan Che really cooked delicious hares, and there were more than one.

Yun Xiao satisfactorily enjoyed the high-quality service of His Highness King Qin, and was in a very, very good mood.


"Stop! Stop! You can only call me 'Xiaoxiao', lady or something, I haven't promised to remarry you yet."

"My lady..." Xuanyuan Che acted coquettishly aggrieved, with a handsome face, men and women could kill each other, making people look at him in a hurry.

But for Yun Xiao, it is useless at all, "If you don't change your mouth, you won't even be allowed to call 'Xiao Xiao'."

"Okay...Xiaoxiao." Although Xuanyuan Che was reluctant, he was finally an uncle.

"That's right!" Yun Xiao nodded, with a bright and charming smile blooming on her face.

Well, after eating and drinking enough, Yun Xiao began to think about business.

Outside the small space, the second college selection competition has not yet ended, and the Universe Mirror has not been found yet.

Most importantly, her great revenge has not been avenged yet!

Yun Jinshen, Shengjiao, my mother is back, wash my neck clean, just wait!
(End of this chapter)

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