Chapter 130 The tough life needs no explanation

Yun Xiao took Xuanyuan Che out of the small space and returned to the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountain Range.

Counting the time, there are still five days before the second exam will be over. I don't know if the Universe Mirror has been found during this time.

"The aura of monsters here is very weak. Could it be that they have left the mountains of monsters?" Xuanyuan Che looked at the surrounding environment and asked thoughtfully.

"Probably not. My small space is a ring. At that time, the ring was drifting with the current. This place should be downstream of the waterfall." Yun Xiao took out the topographic map and checked his location.

Coincidentally, less than a mile away from them, there is a treasure spot, which is very likely to hide the Universe Mirror!

"Let's go, let's go ahead and have a look." Yun Xiao put away the topographic map, then pulled Xuanyuan Che to walk forward together.

As for Xuanyuan Che, letting Yun Xiao pull him, his heart was brimming with happiness.

The two held hands like this, walking together in the forest, wild flowers swaying in the wind, the picture is very warm.

"By the way, Xiaoxiao, I haven't come here to ask you urgently, how did you save me?" While walking, Xuanyuan Che didn't forget to chat with Yunxiao to enhance the relationship between the two.

"Nine Turns Pill, that's the pill I took when you helped me find the murderer last time." Yun Xiao shrugged and responded easily.

But after Xuanyuan Che heard about the Nine Turns Pill, his face was slightly surprised.

Nine-turn Resurrection Pill is a pill that can only be refined by a master of alchemy. For Xiao Xiao, it is very likely that it is her trump card to save her life...

Xiaoxiao, do you really care about me?Yeah?

Xuanyuan stared at Yun Xiao, he didn't ask the question in his heart, because he knew that Yun Xiao had already answered his question with actions.

At this time, a perfect smile bloomed on Xuanyuan Che's face, it was a bright smile that could not even be compared with the fireworks in the flourishing age.

But this smile, in Yun Xiao's eyes, turned into a smirk with no technical content.

Yun Xiao said contemptuously, "Stop smirking, the treasure spot is here, let's go in and have a look."

giggle?Xuanyuan Che touched his nose, for the first time, he began to doubt his own charm.

Those women in the past, if they saw his smile like this, would have been dazzled long ago.

And his little princess, after seeing such a smile, actually said it was a smirk?

Well, it seems that he has to increase his charm value, otherwise his little princess will be seduced by some white-faced wild man if he is not careful, and he will be very angry.

For the most beautiful man in the Sky Empire, no matter what you lose, you can't lose on your face!
"Xuanyuan Che, we have to be careful, this hole seems very strange."

"okay, I get it."

The treasure point is a cave, and there are countless lighting crystals in the cave, which seem to be artificially excavated, but also seem to be formed naturally.

The terrain inside is complex, the passage is about three meters wide, and the length is unknown.

Yun Xiao and Xuanyuan Che had only been in for 3 minutes, and they had already encountered four forks in the road, and the further they went down, the more forks in the road.

The entire treasure spot is like an underground labyrinth. After passing through one intersection after another, I just don't know where the end point is.

After walking for about half an hour, Yun Xiao even began to wonder if this place was just a trap, and there was no Universe Mirror at all.

"Xuanyuan Che, let's leave, I'm afraid that if we continue walking, we will really get lost." Yun Xiao paused, planning to go back home.

With her photographic memory, she has memorized every intersection just now, so there is absolutely no mistake.

As long as they go back the same way, they can go out.

"Xiaoxiao, we are indeed lost. Look at this small circle. This is the mark I left on purpose when we passed by 3 minutes ago. After walking for 3 minutes, we returned to the same place.

It seems that this hole is much weirder than we imagined. However, the more complicated the place, the more important it is, and the greater the hope of hiding the Universe Mirror! "Xuanyuan Che said calmly, with a calm look, confident and powerful.

Yun Xiao looked at Xuanyuan Che, and the heart that originally wanted to give up immediately became excited again.

"Okay! I'll listen to you!" Yun Xiao believed in Xuanyuan Che, and at the same time believed in herself.

It's just a small maze. As a 21st century ace hunter, it would be too embarrassing if you are afraid of even this difficulty.

Yun Xiao and Xuanyuan Che walked for a while, and she heard someone's voice in the distance.

So, she and Xuanyuan Che immediately took advantage of the terrain and hid in the dark.

After seeing who came, Yun Xiao's face revealed a look of joy, it turned out to be them.

"Short! If you have the ability, you can untie Auntie's rope. Auntie will fight you alone! How can you be a hero if you tie up Auntie like this?" Thyme stared at Baiyu viciously.

Although she was restrained by a fairy rope and couldn't move her hands freely, she talked with a clever mouth for two days and two nights without stopping, and she was in good spirits!
But Yun Lan and Feng next to Thyme were not in much better condition, both of them were bound to seal their grudges, and their spirits were getting worse and worse.

The people who trapped them happened to be the Holy Cult who chased and killed Yun Xiao that night, and Bai Yu was the leader of these people.

After Xuanyuan Che jumped down the waterfall with Yun Xiao in his arms, they searched under the waterfall for seven days and seven nights, but they had no choice but to give up because they couldn't find any clues.

After that, Bai Yu happened to run into Thyme and the other three who were also looking for Yunxiao, and after thinking about it, he directly caught Thyme and the others.

Judging from the relationship between Yun Xiao and these people, if the lives of these people were in his hands, as long as Yun Xiao was still alive, he would definitely come to him.

When the time comes, he will still have a chance to take Yun Xiao back and avenge his biological father!
"Dwarf, what are you thinking about if you don't speak? Do you want to insult my aunt? Pooh! You can't be humiliated!
As long as you dare to touch Auntie with one finger, Auntie will never end with you! "Even if she is arrested, Thyme is still extremely tough.

Maybe it was to tease Thyme, or maybe she couldn't help it anymore, Bai Yu walked up to Thyme, stopped, and then stared at Thyme.

Although the height is a bit short, Bai Yu's aura is extremely compelling, making people around him afraid to speak out.

Thyme knew that Bai Yu was angry, but she was still stubborn, she continued to yell, "What? You are finally going to fight?

come!Come and kill me if you have the ability!If you don't kill me, you're bastard! "

"Smelly girl! What are you? How dare you call our Master Shengtong a bastard!
Holy Child adults!Can't take it anymore!Even if we want to use her to lure Yun Xiao, we still don't miss her, anyway, there are still two baits here.

The subordinates implore Master Shengtong to kill this ignorant stinking girl! "An old man in white gnashed his teeth and begged.

In the past two days, they were almost annoyed by thyme.

If Master Shengtong hadn't ordered it, he would have done it long ago!
Bai Yu waved his hand, motioning for the old man in white to step back.

Afterwards, he looked at Thyme, and his white jade-like wrist grabbed Thyme's neck, gradually increasing his strength, and said in a cold voice, "Woman, it's time for you to shut up!"


(End of this chapter)

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