Chapter 131

"Stop—" Yun Lan Hefeng stared at Bai Yu fiercely.

In order to save Thyme, they even used their bodies to hit Bai Yu, but before they touched Bai Yu, they were kicked to the ground by two elders in white.

With their battle qi sealed, their combat effectiveness dropped to zero, and they were even unable to pose a threat to Bai Yu.

Secretly, Yun Xiao made a gesture and planned to rush out, intending to rescue Thyme, and by the way, settle the score with Bai Yu last time.

But just when Yun Xiao made a move, Xuanyuan Che held Yun Xiao back and refused to let her go out, "Wait a minute, since Thyme has the strength to provoke, she must also have the strength to end it.

Although she has confessed her real identity to us, we still don't know her real purpose.So, wait and see again. "

Until now, Xuanyuan Che still did not let down his guard against Thyme.

As long as Yunxiao's safety is involved, he will never be sloppy!
After listening to Xuanyuan Che's words, Yun Xiao thought about it carefully, and she was right, Thyme is sometimes funny, but she is definitely not stupid.

She dared to provoke the people of the holy religion like this, and she must have her own reasons.Just wait a little longer, when the timing is wrong, she will appear again.

Bai Yu pinched Thyme's neck, and his hands became tighter and tighter. In just a few seconds, Thyme would die in his hands.

However, after seeing Thyme's still firm eyes, Bai Yu finally let go.

Thyme, he was reluctant to kill.

On the night of nine days ago, he saw her for the first time, that proud girl who was not afraid of anything, immediately amazed his world.

Thyme, this free and self-willed girl, has a poisonous mouth, is pretty, has a few friends who go through life and death, and more importantly, like him, she is an air element.

They are also wind elementalists, and Bai Yu can see the freedom of wind in every corner of Thyme's body.

She has friends, he doesn't.

She has freedom, he does not.

This kind of thyme is so capricious that he is jealous!


"Why didn't you pinch it? Didn't you want to kill me? Why didn't you do it?" Thyme raised her eyebrows, pouted her lips, and said disdainfully.

Seeing Thyme's appearance of acting obediently even after taking advantage of it, Bai Yu smiled wickedly, "Girl, I'll give you a minute to obediently admit your mistake to this young master. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise, this young master wants you here!
Although the location is wrong, this young master prefers a big soft bed to a cold cave, but... for the sake of your good looks, this young master will reluctantly accept it. "Bai Yu looked at Thyme with a relaxed face.

In order to let Thyme know that he was not joking, he untied Thyme's belt first.

Fortunately, Thyme was still wearing an underwear, so the scene of "unlimited spring" did not appear.

Several white-clothed old men from the holy religion saw their own holy boy actually wanting to molest other girls, and their faces changed involuntarily.

They are very clear that, as the holy children and saints of the holy religion, they must maintain the chastity of body and soul before they are qualified to serve the gods.

But what Master Shengtong is doing now doesn't seem chaste at all?

Several white-clothed old men looked at each other, not knowing whether to persuade them, but luckily they finally lowered their heads and directly said, "Don't look at evil, don't listen to evil."

Feng and Yunlan, who were lying on the ground, saw Bai Yuzhen's thoughts moved, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

This time, they were not worried about Thyme's safety at all.

According to Thyme's character, if this Bai Yu really conquered Thyme from here, they wouldn't mind calling Bai Yu "Master"!
"Okay, one minute is up. Girl, you are ready to serve this young master!" Bai Yu said, making a gesture to tear off Thyme's clothes.

As for Thyme, she still maintained a calm appearance at this time, and she asked with some concern, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Of course!"

"Oh, let's do it. I didn't expect my No.90 nine men to be shorter than me. What a bad time..." Thyme sighed softly.

No.90 nine men?
Bai Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, he was sure that he heard correctly, he was actually this woman's No.90 nine men!Not the ninth!Not the first!But No.90 nine!
Immediately, Bai Yu felt as if he had eaten a fly. He immediately pulled away his hand and looked at Thyme with nausea.

Thyme didn't mind such disgusting eyes, she still said openly, "Master Bai, why don't you continue?

It doesn't matter, although you are short, you look good, as long as you take good care of your aunt, your reward will be indispensable. "

"Who did you learn the gossip of brothel girls from?" Bai Yu said coldly with a dark face.

"Oh, I learned it by myself, I forgot to tell you, I used to own a brothel. I started receiving customers at the age of five, and with my intelligence, I became an oiran at the age of ten and a procuress at the age of 12.

How about it, am I good? Thyme counted her romantic history triumphantly, the expression on her face was still proud and proud.

After Feng and Yunlan heard this, they tried their best to hold back their laughter.

Thyme is worthy of being the world's number one female liar, and she is really a set of lies when she tells lies.

Such a scene reminded Yun Xiao that when she saw Thyme for the first time, this girl was also full of words, without a word of seriousness.

It seems that her lie is still useful.

When things got to this point, Bai Yu didn't have any intention of playing tricks, he looked at Thyme angrily, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Thyme had had enough fun, she looked at Bai Yu with a smile, and said nonchalantly, "Don't be so fierce, the Lun family is really scared."

"Thyme! Be normal!"

"I'm obviously normal? Well, well, don't you want me to apologize to you? Mr. Bai! Handsome Bai! Tall Bai! I'm sorry, I was wrong, I won't provoke you anymore, is it done?"

Hearing this unrepentant apology, the expression on Bai Yu's face became even uglier.

He would rather not make such a hypocritical confession!
Forget it, if you can't catch Yunxiao, you'd better find the Qiankun Mirror first.

Thyme, this woman, he will take care of it slowly in the future!

"Let's go!" Bai Yu turned around with a cold expression, not paying attention to anyone.

The old man in white followed cautiously. They knew very well the holy boy's temper. Now that the holy boy was angry, they didn't dare to provoke him.

Thyme and the others who were tied up were still controlled by the old men in white and continued to follow behind.

Seeing how things ended in this way, Yun Xiao really wanted to laugh,

I have to say that the girl Thyme is getting more and more interesting, and that Bai Yu deserves it.

There is a kind of woman that you can't provoke if you want to.

For example, thyme.

Forget it, let's continue looking for Qiankun Mirror, and my intuition tells Yunxiao that she is getting closer to Qiankun Mirror!

(End of this chapter)

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