Chapter 132 Bravely Fighting the Giant Python 1
Yun Xiao followed Shengjiao, and seeing Shengjiao's familiarity, he knew that the other party had already cracked the mystery of the cave.

As long as I follow him, it will definitely be easier than wandering around.

"It turns out that the Holy Cult is also looking for the Universe Mirror. It seems that there are quite a few people looking for this treasure." Yun Xiao communicated with Xuanyuan Che with her soul voice.

Since she absorbed the Soul Devouring Fire and controlled the soul veins, her soul power has been greatly enhanced. Up to now, she can even use her soul to communicate with Xuanyuan Che.

"Over the years, the Holy Cult has been searching for treasures and attracting supernatural experts from all over the world, as if they were planning some terrifying plan.

In any case, this universe mirror must not fall into their hands, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. "Xuanyuan Che clenched his fist slightly.

He thought of his master, the old head of the Soul Sect. Back then, it was because of protecting the Soul Calling Banner that his master was seriously injured by the masters of the Holy Cult, and he had to practice in seclusion in the end.

Calling the Soul Banner, the Universe Mirror... These are one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times. What exactly does the Holy Cult do to collect these things?
If their goal was the top ten ancient artifacts, then the Divine Dragon Cauldron on Xiaoxiao's body must also be their goal.

It seems that a fierce battle is inevitable.

After following for about three hours, Yun Xiao and the others ran into another old acquaintance in the cave——Mei Ji.

At this time, Mei Ji, wearing her usual hot and revealing outfit, has a seductive and seductive face.

She leaned against the wall quietly like that, staring at Bai Yu with all eyes, and after Bai Yu walked in, she leaned close to her again and said in a numb tone, "

Yo, isn't this little brother Baiyu, the Holy Child of the Holy Church?What kind of wind is blowing today, Meiji is really lucky to be here with you. "

"Are you Xuanyuan Che's subordinate?"

"It's the little girl."

"Xuanyuan Che has already been killed by me, if you don't want to die, you'd better get out!" Bai Yu stared at Mei Ji unkindly.

Intuition told him that this woman was not simple, so he didn't want to negotiate too much.

But the more he didn't want to, Meiji wanted to pester him.

Meiji covered her mouth and smiled, jokingly said, "Master Shengtong is taking a big joke. My junior brother has no other skills, but he is blessed and fateful. If you can kill him, Meiji will cut off his head and give it to you Kick the ball!"

Although Mei Ji's voice was frivolous, her trust in Xuanyuan Che came from the bottom of her heart.

Back then, the master chose Xuanyuan Che as suzerain from among so many outstanding disciples, so there was a certain reason for it.

Therefore, no matter what Bai Yu said, unless she saw it with her own eyes, she would not believe that Xuanyuan Che was dead.

"Believe it or not, get out of the way, don't block my way!" Bai Yu pushed Mei Ji away and continued to walk forward.

"Master Shengtong, don't leave in a hurry..." Meiji stopped Bai Yu and refused to let Bai Yu leave.

During this process, Mei Ji skillfully made Bai Yu step on a few places, and after achieving her goal, she immediately got away and ran to the distance!
Bai Yu looked at Mei Ji in the distance, frowned slightly, feeling a little baffled, and then he felt something was wrong!
Not only him, but even the elders behind him, including Thyme, Yun Xiao and others, noticed something was wrong.

This cave...why did it start to tremble?

Thick dust fell on her shoulders, and Yun Xiao in the dark had no time to take care of it. She looked nervously at the front of the cave, and the sound of huge footsteps echoed in her ears.

On the other side of the cave, a huge creature is slowly approaching, and at the same time it announces the danger.

"What did you do to me?" Bai Yu looked at Mei Ji viciously, just now he felt strange why Mei Ji stopped him on purpose, it turned out that there was a special reason.

And the half-smile look on Mei Ji's face made him even more convinced of his guess.

"I didn't do anything, I just let you touch the organ of the Guardian Beast of the Universe Mirror.

As long as you defeat the Guardian Beast, you can get the Universe Mirror.I'm here to help you..."

Mei Ji's "I'm doing it for your own good" expression made Bai Yu even angrier after hearing it.

But before he had time to get angry, a behemoth appeared in front of his eyes.

This is a giant python 15 meters long and half a meter wide. Its whole body is covered with black snake scales, and its fangs are extremely sharp.

"A mere human, actually interrupting Dare Ben's cultivation!" The giant python spit out human words, the tone was the same as its appearance, with a hint of cold air, which made people feel chills down the spine.

"Master Shengtong, I will leave the rest to you!" Meiji ran away immediately after finishing speaking.

While escaping, she attempted to manipulate the python's soul with mind control.

But unfortunately, she and the Snake King are not at the same level at all, so it is useless at all.

Looking at the Shengtong who was dueling with the giant python, Meiji's eyes showed a hint of amusement, next, let's sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!

"Master Snake King, this junior accidentally stepped on a mechanism, please forgive me." Bai Yu frowned slightly, and answered with a brave face.

The reason why he has been wandering around in the cave is waiting for the best opportunity to attack the giant python.

Unexpectedly, this Mei Ji had the same idea as him, and wanted to use his hands to destroy the giant python.

Damn it, it was just one!
Sighing, Bai Yu knew he couldn't beat him, and wanted to escape, but it was already too late.

The huge and flexible python ignored Bai Yu's explanation, flicked its tail directly, and threw Bai Yu to the cave wall, saying without any emotion, "Anyone who dares to disturb this king's cultivation will die!"

"Pfft—" The power of the giant python is so great, with just one blow, Bai Yu vomited blood, and his fighting power plummeted.

The rest of the white-clothed old men saw that Master Shengtong was injured, and immediately stepped forward to rescue him, but their luck was even worse.

Two of them were directly swallowed by the blood-mouthed giant python, and there was no residue left. The remaining one was lucky, only one arm was bitten off, barely saving a life.

In such a bloody scene, Thyme and the others on the side only felt chills.

As for Yun Xiao and Xuanyuan Che who were in the dark, they were calmer. Anyway, the one who died was a member of the Holy Cult, so a good death!
Seeing that Bai Yu and the others had almost solved it, the giant python shifted its gaze to the three of Thyme.

This time the giant python didn't do anything directly, but asked Thyme, "Aren't you human?"

Thyme twitched the corner of her mouth. Although this sentence sounded like a curse, what the other party said was indeed the truth.

So Thyme responded, "I'm not human."

"But it's not a monster?" The giant python continued to ask.

"Yes, I'm a half-orc." Thyme didn't expect the giant python to have such a high level of cultivation, and she could see through her true identity at a glance.

Half-orcs belong to an unwelcome race, no matter whether it is among monsters or humans. It seems that I will definitely die even worse!

Sure enough, after Thyme finished speaking, the giant python immediately showed its power.

"Hmph, the existence of half-orcs is simply a disgrace to our Warcraft family! You must die!"

The giant python opened its mouth again, aiming at the direction of Thyme and biting down——

(End of this chapter)

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