Chapter 148 Aphrodisiac, use it as it should! ~
Yun Xiao lightly jumped onto the roof, his body was as nimble as a wild cat, without making any sound.

Lifting off the bricks and tiles on the roof, Yun Xiao could see clearly what was going on in the room, especially Yun Qianxue's face.

Last time, although Yun Qianxue escaped through the space channel, when she escaped, she was scratched on the face by Yun Xiao's dagger.

If it's just an ordinary dagger, with some medicine, it will be fine in a few days.

But Yun Xiao's dagger is super poisonous, and Yun Qianxue's face can still barely see people, it must be due to the panacea of ​​the Prince's Mansion.

Seeing Yun Qianxue's upset mood and Yun Xiao's mood was a joy.

In order to make himself happier, Yun Xiao decided to give Yun Qianxue a little more dose.

However, before that, she still needs to wait for the opportunity.

"Dog slave! Get out!" Yun Qianxue, who was below, was very impatient with the servant girl's service, but luckily she started to apply makeup and powder to cover up the scar on her face.

When the servant girl heard that she could retreat, she immediately felt saved, so she immediately rolled away, "Yes! I will retire now!"

After the maid left, there were still Yun Qianxue and Xuanyuan Fei in the room.

Xuanyuanfei looked at Yun Qianxue with a half-smile, seeing Yun Qianxue's face ruined, she was inexplicably happy.

Why is it that Yun Qianxue is prettier than her and often shows off her beauty in front of her?
Now that this face is gone, the identity of the heir of the Yun family is also lost. If it wasn't for the sake of the Long Family Fort, how would Yun Qianxue have the chance to dominate the Prince's Mansion?
"Fei'er, don't be so dazed, come and think of a way for me? What can I do with my face? If this continues, His Highness the Crown Prince will definitely not like me!" Yun Qianxue looked anxious, but there was nothing she could do. .

Sitting next to her, Xuanyuan Fei saw that the noble and holy white lotus in the past had turned into a bitter woman, and she had to lament that good fortune made people fool.

Of course, after sighing, she still had to come up with an idea, "Sister-in-law, I think there is only one way to act now!"

"What way?" Yun Qianxue had a gleam of joy in her eyes.

"A mother is more expensive than a child! As long as you have a child of the prince and brother in your stomach, he will definitely marry you, not to mention you still have a marriage contract." Xuanyuan Fei was not smart, so she came up with some bad ideas.

Yun Qianxue is also in a hurry to go to the doctor now, she just wants to get rid of the status quo quickly, and has no long-term plans at all.

After hearing Xuanyuan Fei's idea, he thought about it for a while, and finally agreed!
Although the tragic consequences of Israel serving the king - Yun Feiyan's case was right in front of her, who was Yun Qianxue.

Yun Qianxue, who has always been full of confidence, thinks that even if she embarks on the path of serving the emperor with Israel, she will definitely become a leader on this path!
In a short while, the Crown Princess, Empress, Empress Dowager... Kang Zhuang Dao, is waiting for her!
Having found the direction of her daydream, Yun Qianxue immediately thought of a way.

"But, with my current face, the crown prince doesn't want to see me at all, what should I do?" Yun Qianxue looked embarrassed.

As for Xuanyuanfei, she didn't know whether she wanted to deceive Yun Qianxue or Xuanyuan Yi on purpose, but she actually took out a bottle of aphrodisiac and put it into Yun Qianxue's hands.

Xuanyuan Fei said softly, "Sister-in-law, brother Huang has been busy with treasure maps recently, you must know that.

As long as you reveal the information about the treasure map, will he not come to see you?As long as I see you, dry wood meets a raging fire, and use some special methods, won't everything be a matter of course? "

After finishing speaking, Xuanyuan Fei looked at the time and found that it was not too early, so she hurriedly left, leaving only Yun Qianxue sitting in front of the dressing table, thinking for a long time.

Yun Xiao patiently waited on the roof, blending in with the surrounding environment.

It wasn't until three hours later that Yun Qianxue finished thinking, then began to dress up, hid the aphrodisiac, and finally went out.

Right now, Yunxiao finally found a chance!

She sneaked into the house, and what she had to do was to add another dose to the aphrodisiac!

This medicine was colorless and tasteless, and harmless to ordinary people, but it was a fatal blow to the wound on Yun Qianxue's face!

As soon as Yun Qianxue took the aphrodisiac, the scars on her face would start to fester, and eventually her entire face would rot away!

Yun Xiao was really looking forward to the last rotting scene.

Just after adding the medicine, when Yun Xiao was about to evacuate, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside, and Yun Xiao immediately hid under the bed!
It stands to reason that Yun Qianxue should have gone to hook up with the prince, why did she come back so soon?
"Damn it, where did Xuanyuan Yi put the treasure map? Why can't I find it? Could it be in his woman's room?" A rather anxious voice came.

And this voice was somewhat familiar to Yun Xiao, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

However, before she could think about it carefully, another person's footsteps came from outside.

Then, the owner of the first footsteps immediately hid under the bed!
All of a sudden, ten thousand muddy horses galloped past in Yun Xiao's heart. Is there an evasion artifact under the bed?Why is this guy hiding here?
Before Yun Xiao could hide in the Linglong Tower, the owner of the first footsteps was already lying beside her.

Does this kid need to be so fast?

"It's you?" Bai Yu stared wide-eyed, looking at Yun Xiao in disbelief.

"Hush—" Yun Xiao gestured to Bai Yu not to speak.

Yun Xiao looked at Bai Yu, no wonder the voice sounded familiar to her just now, it turned out to be the boy sent by the Holy Sect to assassinate her last time.

Why is this kid also in the Prince's Mansion?Hearing what he said, it seemed like he was looking for some treasure map?Is there a treasure map in the Prince's Mansion?
Things seem to be getting more and more interesting!
Bai Yu glared at Yun Xiao. Last time, he thought Yun Xiao was dead, but he somehow came back to life later.

In the past few days, if he hadn't been busy with the treasure map, he would have gone to Zao Yunxiao to settle the score.

Yun Xiao, on the other hand, ignored Bai Yu's stare.

She is not weak now, absorbing Soul Devouring Fire, plus dark elements, and a little bit of soul control master spirit veins, a white jade, she is not afraid!

When the two stared at each other like this, the protagonist of the room finally appeared.

Yun Qianxue prepared a jug of wine, and then put the aphrodisiac into the wine. After the aphrodisiac was mixed into the wine, it quickly fused together.

After waiting for about half an hour, tonight's hero, His Royal Highness, finally arrived.

"His Royal Highness, you are finally here. Xue'er has been waiting so long." Yun Qianxue's voice was raspy, and her eyes were deliberately charming.

"Don't waste time, what is the secret of the treasure map? Now that you know it, tell me quickly." Xuanyuan Yi's voice was impatient.

Obviously, Yun Qianxue didn't arouse his interest at all right now.

Seeing the coldness in the prince's eyes, Yun Qianxue's heart became even colder. With tears in her eyes, she said softly, "Prince, does Xue'er really have no weight in your heart?"

Xuanyuan Yi really wanted to answer, no!

But thinking that Yun Qianxue could still be used, he didn't attack her, so he changed the subject and said, "Your wine is quite fragrant."

When it came to wine, Yun Qianxue immediately burst into laughter, "Since the prince likes it, how about we have a drink?"

"Anything." Xuanyuan Yi didn't doubt that he had it, so he vaguely agreed.

Seeing this, Yun Qianxue was even happier, so she immediately poured wine and had a drink with Xuanyuan Yi!
Yun Xiao hid under the bed, and after hearing the two toast, a trace of helplessness appeared on her face.

It seems that her ears will suffer a lot tonight!

It's just that, after waiting for 10 minutes, the aphrodisiac should have started to work. Why haven't those two done anything yet?

(End of this chapter)

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