Chapter 149 Two birds with one stone

In fact, it wasn't that Yun Qianxue didn't want to do things, but that Xuanyuan Yi didn't respond!

The stamina of the aphrodisiac had already come up, Yun Qianxue felt hot all over, her breathing became short of breath, and her eyes began to blur.

But looking back at Xuanyuan Yi, after drinking that glass of wine, his expression remained the same, as if he hadn't drunk anything.

"What are you doing looking at this prince?" Seeing Yun Qianxue's wolf-like eyes, Xuanyuan Yi frowned slightly.

Yun Qianxue looked embarrassed, and with the effect of the aphrodisiac, her face became redder than a tomato.

Moving her mouth, Yun Qianxue said shyly, "Your Highness, it's getting late, why don't you stay tonight and let Qianxue serve you well?"

Yun Qianxue, who always showed the face of the Virgin Mary, actually said such a thing tonight?

Not only the prince, but even Yun Xiao who was hiding under the bed felt a bit chilly.

It's really not used to not listening to the white lotus pretending to be pure.

Xuanyuan Yi gave Yun Qianxue a disgusted look, and said impatiently, "You don't know the secret of the treasure map at all, and you tricked me to come here tonight just to climb into my bed?"

"No! Qianxue didn't mean that, Qianxue just... just..." Yun Qianxue stumbled and couldn't figure out the reason for a long time.

So far, Xuanyuan Yi is unwilling to listen any more.

He flicked his sleeves, got up straight away, and made a gesture to leave, "Yun Qianxue, you who have lost the halo of the Yun family are really getting more and more stupid!

Do you think this prince is the kind of man who would casually drink in a woman's room?Find a man to deal with the aphrodisiac you took by yourself, the crown prince doesn't want to play with you! "

Hearing this, Yun Qianxue was completely desperate.

It turns out that His Royal Highness has already seen through everything?
If Yun Qianxue heard such words in normal times, she would definitely explain it immediately.

But now, after taking the aphrodisiac, Yun Qianxue completely forgot how to react, and could only follow her instincts.

"Your Highness, you can stay with me, Your Highness..." Yun Qian hugged Xuanyuan Yi eagerly.

She began to tug at Xuanyuan Yi's clothes, and skillfully took off her own clothes as she did so.

If it is an ordinary man, it will probably be easy at this time.

But who is Xuanyuan Yi?A man who aspired to be the emperor of the sky since he was a child.

Let alone one Yun Qianxue, even if there were ten Yun Qianxues, he would still not be shaken!

Kicking Yun Qianxue away, Xuanyuan Yi put on his clothes and said in a cold voice, "Yun Qianxue, you really make me sick!
A woman like you is not worthy of being a princess! "

Not worthy to be a princess?

Hearing such a blow, Yun Qianxue completely collapsed.

She roared loudly, with a hint of madness on her face, "Xuanyuan Yi! You can't do this to me! You can't!
It was you who made me fight for the position of Patriarch!It was you who made me attack Yun Xiao!You promised to marry me! "

"This crown prince did promise to marry you, but this crown prince only promised to marry the head of the Yun family, Yun Qianxue.

And you, Long Qianxue, the little bastard living outside the Long Family Fort, you are not worthy at all! "

"I'm not a little bastard! I'm not!" Yun Qianxue retorted loudly, her expression even more excited than seeing Yun Xiao.

From this point of view, the prince stepped on her pain point.

However, the prince is not a person who likes to bicker, and after seeing Yun Qianxue broke down, he didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

As for Yun Qianxue who had taken the aphrodisiac, he didn't care what happened tonight.

After looking at the crazy Yun Qianxue, the prince opened the door and left directly.

Yun Xiao and Bai Yu, who were hiding under the bed, glanced at each other to make sure that the prince was far away before they came out from under the bed.

On the ground, Yun Qianxue, who was rolling around because of the aphrodisiac, didn't notice the two of them at all.

Yun Qianxue's clothes were messy, with only a bellyband left on her whole body, it could be said that the spring is infinitely good.

"Young master, a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, why don't you help this beauty?" Yun Xiao looked at Bai Yu with a smile that was not a smile.

Bai Yu looked at the white thighs on the ground, her eyes were clear, and she said indifferently, "I'm not interested in this woman."

Hearing that Bai Yu didn't make a move, Yun Xiao was slightly stunned.

Are all men in this world Liu Xiahui?Do you want to sit still like this?

Looking at Bai Yu's eyes again, it was clear and bright without any impurities.

Based on this point, Yun Xiao has a different view of Bai Yu.

The saint child of this Holy Cult seems to be a little different from other members of the Holy Cult.


Although Yun Qianxue was in a daze, under the influence of the aphrodisiac, she was extremely sensitive to creatures like men.

Without any explanation, Yun Qianxue rushed directly in Bai Yu's direction.

Bai Yu cleverly dodged to avoid Yun Qianxue's fall, and then looked around.

Judging from the prince's attitude towards Yun Qianxue, it is impossible for the treasure map to be here.

That being the case, he has no reason to stay.

When Yun Xiao saw that Bai Yu was about to leave, a calculation came to his mind.

She grabbed Bai Yu, and before Bai Yu could react, she threw a pill into Bai Yu's mouth!
"Ahem—what did you give me?" Bai Yu wanted to spit out the elixir, but the elixir was so strange that it melted in the mouth, and there was no time to react.

"Of course it's a good thing!" Yun Xiao narrowed her eyes, and there was a hint of teasing in her eyes.

In the last college selection competition, Yun Xiao could clearly remember that if it hadn't been for the pursuit of the Holy Cult, she and Xuanyuan Che wouldn't have been hunted down overnight and forced to jump off the waterfall in the end.

Since there is a chance tonight, let's avenge everything by the way.

The holy boy who is clean and self-sufficient, and the hypocritical white lotus, what if these two people have a one-night stand?The scene is absolutely wonderful!
"What you gave me was an aphrodisiac?" Bai Yu's face turned red, he never thought that Yun Xiao would be so despicable!

Aphrodisiac, aphrodisiac, he has been a virgin for 17 years, and he has not confessed to the person he likes, how can he be defiled by other women?

Although Bai Yu thought so in his heart, when Yun Qianxue's hand hooked his neck, his spirit began to slacken, and the veins on his forehead were exposed.

"Haha, continue, both of you, I won't bother you." Yun Xiao looked at the two with a smile, then quickly exited the room and closed the door by the way.

This strategy of killing two birds with one stone is really excellent.

It's a pity that Yun Xiao walked so fast that he missed the next good show.

In the room, Bai Yu had just taken the aphrodisiac, and in order to keep himself awake, he slashed his thigh severely.

Blood spurted out, severe pain came, and the effect of the aphrodisiac faded.

Yun Xiao was more just trying to tease Bai Yu, so she didn't use strong aphrodisiacs like Yun Qianxue.

As long as Bai Yu's spirit is firm enough, the effect of the medicine can still fade.

However, Bai Yu's medicine had worn off, but Yun Qianxue's hadn't.

Yun Qianxue continued to pester Bai Yu, but Bai Yu didn't bother to take care of her, so she wrapped Yun Qianxue in a quilt, and then randomly threw it to a servant's residence in the Prince's Mansion.

Immediately afterwards, at the servant's residence, Yun Qianxue's extremely tragic screams came!

Bai Yu turned a deaf ear to it, and there was a trace of cold air in her eyes, as if she had stepped out of hell.

"Yun Xiao, I, Bai Ziyu, will settle with you sooner or later the pain of tonight's revenge for killing my father!"

Bai Ziyu, the son of the Seventh Elder, was the person entrusted to Yun Xiao by the Seventh Elder before his death.

This is Bai Yu's true identity!

(End of this chapter)

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