Chapter 300

After arriving in the field, she has experienced the skills of the field, and can turn the surrounding field into a combat situation suitable for her own attributes.

At the same time, the beasts are promoted one by one, Xiaoyou and Motian are two-star beast kings, ten flame men are nine-star beast kings, Sen, Xiaofeng, and Agni are respectively ten-star beast kings, eleven-star beast kings, twelve-star beast kings, Huofeng, and Peso. They are all four-star beast kings, Suzaku, Xiaolei, and unicorns are all six-star beast kings, Yin, Huolongma, Shuieryas and one-corner two-corner triangle are three-star beast kings, Mi is a seven-star beast king, and Logas is a three-star beast king. It is the ninth-level feather emperor, and the blood lion and the sacred tree in the distance are the ten-star beast emperor.

Standing up from the ground, Wen Fengyin's eyes flashed coldly, and she learned about the situation of the Baili family from Bailichen. Since the Baili family is her mother's family, she will not sit idly by. Anyone who bullies the Baili family , she will make them pay a painful price...

This is the fifth layer of God's Continent in Nine Heavens. This continent is similar to Yuluo Continent. It is composed of various towns, mountains, and seashores. The rest are ordinary towns. The main city is in the center of God's Continent. The name of the city is the City of Gods.

The City of Gods has grand buildings and imposing aura. As the name suggests, it is the place where gods live. In the Continent of Gods, there are only seven gods in the seven great temples who can be called gods.

Apart from the tall and sacred City of Gods, the Imperial City is the most special. The people living in the Imperial City are the five major families in the Continent of Gods.

More than 20 years ago, among the five major families, the Baili family was the head. The other four major families, the Nangong family, the Sima family, the Murong family, and the Ouyang family, all followed the orders of the Baili family. The aristocratic family is so closely linked that even the Seven Great Temples dare not touch them, and the Seven Great Temples have been trying every means to win over the Baili family.

The daughter of the Baili family, Baili Xinyun, has a strong heart. In order to become stronger, she ran for the Holy Maiden of the Temple of Light, and was lucky to be elected, but the Baili family has always distinguished between public and private, even if Baili Xinyun As the saintesses of the Temple of Light, they did not take refuge in the Temple of Light.

Until later, Baili Xinyun disappeared, and Bailichuan, the patriarch of the Baili family, was hit hard and devastated. Although the five major families were implicated, who was without ambition?The Murong family seized the opportunity and seized the power of the imperial city, becoming the head of the five city lords, while the Baili family dared to bully the children of the Baili family because of Bailichuan's indifference.

But fortunately, after the Murong family became the head of the five great families, they did not attach themselves to any temples, because they all knew that once they took refuge in one of them, those waiting for the imperial city would perish.

At this moment, in a small town far away from the imperial city, the originally quiet town has been full of people these days. Those people are all dressed in brocade clothes, which only some aristocratic families can afford, and some people have strong Breath, unlike adventurers and people born in this small town.

The teahouse was already full of people, and there were two godlike men sitting by the window.

One of them, with red clothes and green eyes, was full of cold and arrogant temperament, with a trace of coldness between his brows, holding a tea cup in his hand, put it to his lips, took a sip, put it on the cup again, brushed off his red robe, and cast his gaze on The view from the window.The other man, with blond hair and golden eyes, was dressed in golden armor, with a little golden flame symbol between his brows, and he had the aura of dominating the world. He was supposed to be domineering and ruthless, but he stared at the opposite person with very gentle eyes. .

"Have you heard about it? Recently, Ziluolin has noticed a change. It is said that there is a very powerful feathered beast breath, which is not the feathered beast that our world should have."

The voice from the table on the left brought the man in red back to his senses. She lowered her eyes, with an unknown meaning in her eyes, and whispered softly: "Zi Luolin..."

A powerful feathered beast?It seems that she is interested...

"Yes, many families have dispatched people, and the Seven Great Temples have also sent people. No wonder our remote Hongtu Town is so lively these days. It seems that they are all here for the feathered beast." A person also went on to say that there was a hint of envy in his voice, but he also understood that the feathered beast was beyond his imagination.

The man in red moved his eyes, wondering if he could see the Baili family on this occasion.

"Yin, do you want that feathered beast?" Ji smiled faintly, with a hint of certainty in his eyes, "If you need Yin, I'll get it for you."

That's right, these two people are Wen Fengyin and Ji who came from the Blood Sea Purgatory. Because Baili Xinyun's strength is low, it is not safe to walk here, so let her temporarily stay in the colorful glass bracelet, and she is afraid of the wind. Zero will hurt her, so Xiaofeng and other beasts are sent in to protect her. I believe that during this period of time, Feng Ling will be tortured terribly by Xiaofeng.However, because An Yanru's cultivation was not yet in the domain, she stayed and continued to practice, while Wen Fengyin took a step ahead.

Before leaving Blood Sea Purgatory, Wen Fengyin resumed men's clothing, she was used to men's clothing, and walking in men's clothing could avoid many troubles.

Looking at the gorgeous sunset in the sky, she smiled faintly: "Ji, we'll stay here for a while, I also want to see the so-called powerful feathered beast, it's getting late now, let's go to the restaurant first."

The hotels in Hongtu Town are not very luxurious and exquisite, but there is only a quiet and comfortable feeling. As soon as you step into the hotel, you will be greeted with the scent of mint, refreshing your mind, and relaxing your nerves a lot. Walking to the front desk, smelling the wind Yin raised his cold eyes, and said in a calm voice, "We want to stay, is there any room here?"

The man sitting at the front desk was cutting his fingernails. Hearing her question, he casually raised his eyes. When he saw Wen Fengyin's handsome face and temperament, his eyes flashed with jealousy. Then, he went up and down After looking at her clothes, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "We still have a room here, but the business has been booming recently, and the price of the room has increased. You two poor boys from other places, can you afford it?"

After finishing the sentence, without looking at them, she just cut her fingernails, and after she finished cutting, she put it to her mouth and blew on it.

"You." There was a cold flash in her eyes, and she looked at the man at the front desk expressionlessly, "How do you know that we won't be able to afford it?"

"Hmph." With a cold snort, the man discarded the nail clippers in his hand, frowned impatiently, and said, "I don't even look at the material of your clothes. Now Hongtu Town, other hotels are full. , only our family still has a room, but how many spirit stones can live in my room with just you guys? But..." glanced at Ji, who hadn't spoken since entering the door, and continued, "You knight's armor is not bad. Give it to me, and I will show mercy and let you stay for one night."

(End of this chapter)

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