Chapter 301

In God's Continent, apart from feather master and warrior, there is also a subsidiary profession, that is knight.

A knight can be a feather master or a war master. Every family will send some children to study at the knight academy, and everyone who goes to the knight academy will improve their cultivation by leaps and bounds after they come out and be selected by other families. ties between families.

The selected knight represents their family, and the selected knight's family is also connected with the knight's family.

There is one difference between knights and feather masters, that is, knights wear armor, which is heavy. Therefore, among knights, there are always more powerful and thick-skinned fighters.Therefore, when the man at the front desk saw that Ji was wearing armor, he took him for granted as a knight.

"I want your Lord Ji's armor." Ji raised his eyebrows lightly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said coldly, "It's up to you, you don't have the qualifications yet."

"You..." The man gritted his teeth resentfully. Suddenly, Wen Fengyin took out a card and threw it in front of him. He snorted disdainfully. Somehow, he stretched out his rough fingers and picked it up. , At the bottom of the card, the word "Baili" was written, his face changed, his pupils suddenly widened, and he stared at the card, as if he wanted to stare at it out of a hole.

" lord, I'm sorry, I don't know that you are from the Baili family, please forgive me for the sake of my ignorance!" Moist, lips trembling, really want to find a place to hide.

The Baili family is no longer as glamorous as it used to be, but it's not something they can provoke!

Wen Fengyin looked at him with sharp eyes, he shook his body, swiped the card in a hurry, and respectfully presented the spirit stone card and the room card at the same time.Wen Fengyin took back the card and smiled coldly. If Baili Chen hadn't asked Baili Xinyun to hand over the card and token of Baili's family to her before she left, in order to avoid trouble when she came to the Continent of Gods, she might have given her the card and token. Those spirit stones are simply not enough to use in the Continent of Gods.

Thinking of Bailichen, she sighed lightly. Bailichen gave her a very bad impression when they first met, but because he helped her a lot and found her mother again, maybe she no longer hates her, but, She will not admit that he is a cousin, and, as she said, she must surpass him and let him experience the feeling of being locked up, which will be done no matter what.

"Hey, drive everyone out of your hotel. Our Murong family will take care of it." At this moment, an arrogant voice came, Wen Fengyin frowned slightly, turned his gaze, and saw a woman holding a Putting the beautiful sword on the table, she raised her head proudly: "Our Murong family is about to come, within 5 minutes, let them all go out."

The Murong family?Hearing this, the man hurried out from behind the front desk, bowed his fists, and said, "I don't know if it's Miss Murong who came, so I'm not far away to welcome you, but our hotel is full of guests, and there are several other big families, all of them should be driven out." , doesn't it look good?"

Frowning, the man's expression is very embarrassed, no matter what he does, he will offend one party.

"What? Our Murong family is the head of the five great families. I, Murong Tian, ​​want them to go out. Do they dare not?" Murong Tian raised his eyebrows, put his hands on his waist, and said proudly, "Hmph, do you want to offend our Murong family? ? Our Murong family is the strongest except for the Seven Great Temples, and the other families are all servants of the Murong family."

Seeing Murong Tian's arrogant and self-respecting appearance, Wen Fengyin's eyes became more and more cold, but she still folded her arms and looked like she was watching the show.

"Hmph." Ji Leng snorted, clenched his fists, and was about to teach the woman who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, but Wen Fengyin stretched out his hand and grabbed him. He looked at the person beside him in some puzzlement, and challenged My eyebrows asked, "Yin?"

Wen Fengyin curled his lips into a smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "Why should we be such early birds, wait, someone will show up."

At this time, the hotel had already gathered a lot of people, but they knew that the woman was Murong Tianhou of the Murong family, so they didn't dare to come out rashly.

"Murong Tian, ​​our aristocratic family is not a servant of your Murong family, so you can't help but be the master."

Suddenly, a floating figure appeared at the stairs. The man was holding a folding fan in his hand, wearing a fluttering white robe and wearing a jade pendant around his waist. He opened the folding fan and fanned it gently, with a warm smile on his lips, making everyone breathless. Can't help but stagnate, what a handsome young man.

"The Murong family is only the head of the five great families. In case of major events, other families must listen to the Murong family, but it does not mean that all the families belong to the Murong family. Murong Tian, ​​I think you have mistaken the relationship between the families." He put away the folding fan and looked at Murong Tian, ​​his eyes were cold and cold in contrast to that gentle and handsome face.

When Murong Tian saw the man's appearance, his tone was still so disdainful: "Nangong Yunmo, why are you here? You want to fight the Murong family?"

Nangong Yunmo waved his folding fan, curled his lips into a faint smile, did not speak, but acquiesced to her words.

Behind him, a silver cedar shirt appeared, with a plum blossom border underneath. The man who walked out was handsome, with an elegant temperament in his hands. If one kind of flower were to be used to describe him, it would be plum blossoms in winter, set off by the white snow It is easier to show his incomparable value.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp, what kind of place can grow such an elegant man who is not stained with dirt.

"Yun Mo, what happened?" The man's eyes were cold, and the words that should have been as cold as frost, were spoken from his mouth, making people feel like lying in a hot spring, warm and relaxing. After coming down, even listening to him speak is a kind of enjoyment.

Seeing those naked eyes that seemed to swallow him up, he frowned in disgust, but at this moment, he saw two special figures.

Those two men, one of them, was dressed in red and had green eyes, with a cold expression, and in his cold and indifferent eyes, it seemed that all distracting thoughts had been eliminated, as if there was nothing that could be put in her eyes, especially his face, which was very similar A woman, if she were a girl, she would be so beautiful.

The other person next to the man in red has golden armor, exquisite and beautiful features, and a natural domineering look between his brows. He dominates the world and is unstoppable.

For some reason, the man in red felt that she looked like a woman, not to mention her cold eyes without a trace of distraction, which made him have a good impression, and the man in the golden armor was also very beautiful, but he knew that He is a man.

(End of this chapter)

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