Chapter 202: The Proud Son of Heaven (2)
But now, the boss actually gave Sun Xueyun a bad look in public for the sake of a woman he met for the first time, and even slapped her in public.This, this is really shocking.Everyone turned their gazes to the expressionless Liu Ying, staring at Liu Ying's stunningly beautiful face, everyone couldn't help guessing.Could it be that the boss fell in love with her at first sight, and Sun Xueyun became a thing of the past.

"Qigang, you hit me for this ignorant outsider?" Su Qigang slapped me resoundingly in the face in public, and Sun Xueyun was a little confused.Covering Lao Gao's swollen face, he stared blankly at Su Qigang.Seeing Su Qigang who was ruthless and turned his back on anyone, Sun Xueyun's pretty face was filled with mixed emotions, blue and white.

Suddenly, she realized that in Su Qigang's eyes, she was no different from those women who were used and discarded.Maybe it's just because of grandpa's face that he treats her, a woman who sticks to the door, differently.It was precisely because she didn't care that she ignored her various means to those women.As for the woman in front of him, what is so good about it is worth his smiling face to please her.The drooping eyes glared at Liu Ying viciously, and a hint of cruelty flashed across the gloomy eyes.

It was all because of this woman, if Liu Ying hadn't appeared, even if Qi Gang didn't like her, he wouldn't have treated her like this.Her gaze flickered, and a gleam of splendor quickly flashed across Sun Xueyun's eyes.Not daring to let Su Qigang find out, Sun Xueyun quickly put away the strangeness on her face, and squeezed out tears, and I cried pitifully.

"What is an outsider? Do you think you are my insider? That's enough, Sun Xueyun, you are too unruly and have forgotten your duty. Feiying, let someone send Sun Xueyun back to Sun's home. , Sun Xueyun is not allowed in the villa. If I find someone negligent, let him in, clean his neck and wait for self-execution."

Ignoring Sun Xueyun's fake tears, Su Qigang's expression remained unchanged, and he warned mercilessly.

Elder Sun has been with his father for decades, and he can be regarded as a veteran.The Su family has developed to the present and has become the number one wool merchant in Tengchong, thanks to Mr. Sun's contribution.Many people around him have a good relationship with Mr. Sun.If their minds are confused, it is nothing new to let Sun Xueyun in for the sake of Elder Sun.

"I, I didn't, Qigang, I didn't mean that, you misunderstood." Su Qigang's thought was broken, Sun Xueyun's face turned pale as paper.Before Sun Xueyun could finish her argument, Feiying had brought two of his subordinates to pinch Sun Xueyun involuntarily.No matter how Sun Xueyun resisted, after receiving Su Qigang's signal, Feiying quickly dragged Sun Xueyun out of the villa.

For a long time, Sun Xueyun's miserable cry still echoed in her ears.

Thinking of Sun Xueyun's murderous eyes at the end, Liu Ying unconsciously frowned slightly.This time she was really shot while lying down, she had nothing to do with this Su Qigang.It was obvious that Su Qigang had disliked Sun Xueyun a long time ago, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to drive Sun Xueyun away.And she is just a pawn for Su Qigang to take advantage of, so innocent.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Liu, I made you laugh." The corner of his mouth slightly curved, Su Qigang apologized politely.Looking back at Liu Ying, Su Qigang did not miss the regret in Liu Ying's eyes.His face darkened, and a strange thought surged in Su Qigang's heart.

What is the meaning of this regret?
He said that his health was slightly ill, except for the closest people, no one outside knew about it.Could it be that she saw something?Turning his eyes around, Su Qigang's crimson eyes shone with a faint light.His body was out of control for more and more time. Originally, he only needed to have sex with a virgin for half a year to stay awake.But now, it seems a little unbearable to have a virgin a month, and the situation seems to be getting worse.

Su Qigang couldn't imagine what would happen to him if the last method failed.Su Qigang couldn't help but shuddered as his mind flashed the appearance of the attack.

No, he doesn't want to die yet, even if it's a tiny chance, he must hold it tightly in his hands.If she can really see the abnormality of his body at a glance, doesn't that mean that maybe she has a way to save him.Thinking of this possibility, Su Qigang's eyes flashed suddenly, and his gaze on Liu Ying burned a little.

Even if it is a tiny bit of hope, he will never let it go.

"This is Young Master Su's housework. I'm an outsider, so it doesn't matter. Well, people don't say dark words. Young Master Su has tried his best to invite me here. What is the reason? If you don't say anything, then you will trouble Mr. Su." Please don't ask someone to take me away." Sensing Su Qigang's overly hot gaze on her, Liu Ying frowned.She sideways avoided without any trace, pursed her lips tightly, and said in a cold voice impatiently.

She is not a naive little girl, she would believe that Su Qigang had gone to great lengths to ask someone to abduct her to this remote place just to meet her and make friends with her.With Su Qigang's status, it's not enough to make any kind of friends, so why bother to compromise.There must be a purpose in this, but Liu Ying didn't know why Su Qigang suddenly changed his mind.

With a flash of inspiration, Liu Ying suddenly thought of something.Was it because Su Qigang was afraid of what she just showed, so he suddenly changed his mind?

"Hehe, well, Ms. Liu is also a straightforward person, so I won't hide it. If I guessed correctly, Ms. Liu must be the same as me, she is not an ordinary person. Seeing that they are all of the same kind, I don’t blame you for injuring the mouse’s head. My ability is to control fire, and Ms. Liu must have noticed that my body temperature is several times higher than that of ordinary people. I don’t know, it’s not convenient for Ms. Liu, let me tell you what your special ability is ?”

Don't look at Su Qigang's easy-going words, but actually confessed his old background to Liu Ying, Su Qigang was still a little nervous.Still harboring a small expectation in my heart, I watched Liu Ying quietly, waiting for her answer.

special power?

After hearing Su Qigang's confession, Liu Ying was taken aback for a moment, trying to understand something, and a playful look flashed across her face.Ignorance is terrible, Su Qigang still doesn't know what the hidden danger is.It is simply thought that the spiritual fire erupted from the spiritual root is what people call superpowers, controlling fire.Shaking her head, Liu Ying said succinctly, "No, I don't have any special superpowers, you misunderstood."

"No, how is this possible? I just saw you dodging here. This kind of speed is impossible for ordinary people to have. Or, you have practiced ancient martial arts, and this is the pinnacle of lightness kung fu." Su Qigang couldn't believe it. Eyes wide open, he hastily argued.Suddenly remembered something, Su Qigang looked at Liu Ying in shock.

The legendary ancient martial arts have long been lost in the real society, even if a small number of people still get the secrets to practice.It has long been less miraculous than in the legends, at most it is to strengthen the body, and it is impossible to be as light as a swallow and step on the snow without a trace.

"Hmph, what's a small ancient martial arts, low-level." How can the arrogance of a cultivator allow others to slander, the supreme cultivation technique is said to be a pediatric ancient martial arts.No matter how good-tempered Liu Ying was, she couldn't help showing a hint of irritation.It's fine if I have the enviable single spiritual root, and I don't have any sight at all. I deserve it if I don't meet Bole.

(End of this chapter)

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