Chapter 203: The Proud Son of Heaven (3)
Frowning, Liu Ying murmured gloatingly in her heart.

Low level?

As soon as these words came out, there was a series of gasps.

The security personnel in the entire villa couldn't help but look horrified when they heard Liu Ying's extremely arrogant words.

Bearing the brunt of the blow, Liu Ying's arrogant and disdainful tone made Su Qigang's jaw close in shock, and he stared blankly at Liu Ying who showed a faint anger on his face.Su Qigang suddenly felt a gust of wind and chaos, it's incredible that some people say that Gu Wu is low-level.If legendary things like Guwu can be counted as low-level, then what is high-level.

After recovering, Su Qigang caught the pride in Liu Ying's eyes, and he was shocked.Could it be that she really has something more powerful than Guwu? Think about the amazing agility she casually showed just now.Su Qigang immediately believed Liu Ying's statement, maybe Liu Ying really had something more magical.Just, what the hell is this?

Thoughtful drooping eyes pondered for a moment, although he still couldn't find any clues, Su Qigang's inner expectations for Liu Ying were a little bigger.Perhaps, she really has the ability to save him, but he is not related to her, not even a friend.What can he use to impress her and make her willing to help him.

"If Gu Wu is considered low-level, then tell me, what else can be more advanced than Gu Wu."

I understand that if Liu Ying agrees to save him, it will definitely be hopeless for a while.However, since it was Liu Ying who started it first, he shouldn't be able to provoke her if he asked one more question.The itchy Su Qigang also wanted to know what it was, took a deep breath, Su Qigang's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask.Not to mention Su Qigang, even the security personnel in the villa also pricked up their ears, curious to find out.

"Want to know? It's a pity that it's not the time yet. If there is fate, you will know in the future. Meeting is fate, for your attitude is not bad. I will make an exception and tell you an extra piece of information. Actually, you What you have is not simply the ability to control fire, let alone the so-called super power. You can conjure fire out of thin air, but because you have the root of fire, but no one taught you. If you continue like this, within a year, you will die Undoubtedly. Well, this is the end of my talk, and good-bye."

Handsome guys always make people feel good, and Su Qigang didn't do anything excessive to her from the beginning to the end.Seeing that they also have spiritual roots, they are considered to be the upper half of the same kind.It was a rare time for Liu Ying to show her kindness, and she took it as a bond to tell Su Qigang the real condition of his body.After finishing speaking, before Su Qigang opened his mouth to continue asking, Liu Ying's figure flashed, and under everyone's shocked eyes, he disappeared from the spot in the blink of an eye.

"Wait, don't go, tell me what is a spiritual root?" Su Qigang stared blankly at the empty place, and a frenzy flashed across Su Qigang's face.Such a miraculous ability, without any fluctuations, people just disappear out of thin air.Thinking of Liu Ying's words, Su Qigang shouted unrelentingly, but unfortunately only silence answered him.Obviously, Liu Ying was no longer in the villa at this moment.

Fire root?This unfamiliar word made Su Qigang confused, not understanding what it was.

With a sullen face, Su Qigang lowered his head and muttered to himself.No one taught him that he would die within a year. Although this sentence was cruel, Su Qigang believed that it was not just Liu Ying's empty words.My body knows well that if the current method fails, it will only be a matter of time before I will be burned by the fire that erupts from myself.

What should he do to break this deadlock?

In a flash of inspiration, didn't Liu Ying just say that he did this because no one taught him?Well, does this mean that as long as someone is willing to teach him, he doesn't have to worry about dying.His eyes flickered, and Su Qigang suddenly had a strange thought in his heart.

He has friends who practice ancient martial arts, and they have very strict requirements on the inheritance of masters.Not only to test a person's personality, but also to see whether the person has the qualifications to practice martial arts.In addition, respecting the teacher is the most important thing.If what she said was better than Gu Wu, it would be even more difficult to learn from a teacher, as he didn't have much time.He didn't have a clue, where should he go to apprentice and find someone to teach him.

The red eyes turned, and a flash of light flashed through his mind.That's right, why didn't he think of this, since Liu Ying knows these things, why should he look far away.Like a headless fly, looking for someone to be a teacher without thinking, although it would be a bit embarrassing to worship a woman as a teacher.But compared with life, this little face is nothing.With his eyes fixed, Su Qigang already had an idea in his heart, or she reminded him of this, it should be something like this.Eyebrows raised, Su Qigang thought affectionately to himself.

"Come here, help me look up information about Liu Ying, find out what she needs, and report back as quickly as possible." With a wave of his hand, Su Qigang gave an evil smile and ordered in a deep voice.

Half an hour later, Luo Cheng received a message from Song Quanliang that Liu Ying had been arrested by Su Qigang, the only son of the Wool King.Luo Cheng quickly found out some of Su Qigang's secrets through channels, and guessed the general purpose of Su Qigang's arrest of Liu Ying, Luo Cheng's hair turned gray in a hurry.Afraid of missing the time to save people, Luo Cheng immediately ordered the nearest person who could spare his hands to arrive as quickly as possible.In the end, Luo Cheng was still worried, left the task he was doing in a panic, and ran to Tengchong himself.

However, not long after they set off, they received another message from Song Quanliang that Liu Ying had already left the villa safe and sound.The big stone on Luo Cheng's heart was finally relieved, and he originally wanted to go personally to confirm whether Liu Ying was really safe and sound.Unexpectedly, he received an order from the organization, asking him to rush back immediately and continue his mission.There is no way, the military order is like a mountain, after thinking twice, Luo Cheng finally returned to the team helplessly to continue his mission.

Not long after we got back to the hotel, the sky was getting dark.After ordering dinner, Liu Ying lazily hid in the room and finished the dinner.Just about to continue today's practice, unexpectedly received a call from Xu Tianyang.Hearing Xu Tianyang said that he would go to see the underground gambling stone with him later, Liu Ying became a little excited in an instant.

After a hasty wash, it didn't take long before I heard Xu Tianyang call again saying that he had arrived.After finishing her clothes, Liu Ying locked the door and hurried downstairs. As soon as she got out, she saw Xu Tianyang honking at her.Liu Ying was going to take the passenger seat as usual, but unexpectedly found that a young woman in a red formal suit was already sitting in the driver's seat.

The other party seemed a little surprised when he saw her. When he saw her clearly, Liu Ying clearly caught the flash of guard and jealousy in the other party's eyes.Liu Ying was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xu Tianyang thoughtfully, wondering about the other party's identity.Xu Tianyang never hides anything. Could it be that this beautiful woman is also one of Xu Tianyang's many beauties.

(End of this chapter)

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