Chapter 208 One Step Faster (4)
Is this still Mr. Xu who has a clear distinction between public and private? Could it be that he is bewitched by evil spirits, or has been dropped by someone?How can you listen to someone else's absurd statement, you don't even need to think about it, you agree on the spot.If it weren't for the fact that they personally selected this piece of wool, seeing Xu Tianyang place an order so casually, Master Xie and Master Zhu would both have the heart to vomit blood.

800 million, how could it be spent so casually, and it was not a flower blown by a strong wind.

Before Master Xie could say a word to Master Zhu, Chairman Ma, who saw Liu Ying's figure from a distance, rushed over excitedly.There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.With a glimmer of hope, Mr. Ma wanted to try his luck at Mr. Su's gamble, to see if he could meet Liu Ying, but he didn't expect it to happen.Whether it was for friendship or for other purposes, Mr. Ma approached Liu Ying enthusiastically and greeted him ecstatically.

"Miss Liu, hello, I didn't expect to be able to meet you here. I am so lucky. Do you have any fancy wool? Do you want to dissect the stone here tonight? If you have good jade, don't forget to take care of it, Miss Liu." Old horse me."

"So it's Mr. Ma, you're too polite. It's nothing more than mutual benefit. It's just a coincidence that I have just arrived here not long ago, and I haven't seriously looked at the woolen materials here. When the material is soaring, Chairman Ma must also participate in it. However, Chairman Ma must have sufficient funds. Don’t be like last time, the opportunity is right in front of you, but you just watch the treasure being snatched away. .”

When the rich man came to the door, he treated him with courtesy and a smile.Although Mr. Ma was a little quicker when he saw the wind, he was still a good person. Liu Ying squeezed out a faint smile and reminded him politely.

The sound of Miss Liu, coupled with Mr. Ma's fawning attitude, immediately reminded many people of something.Then secretly took a look at Liu Ying, and compared it with the recent topic, someone quickly responded.Holding the jewelers who wanted to get some good materials from the gamble, many of them also recognized Liu Ying.They rushed towards Liu Ying one after another, scrambling to say hello to Liu Ying.One after another, Master Xie, Master Zhu and other people who didn't know why were stunned. They didn't understand who Liu Ying was, and why so many people rushed to flatter him.

Seeing so many people rushing over, Liu Ying nodded politely.Hearing everyone's earnest entreaties, Liu Ying felt a little guilty, and secretly marveled at the great charm of this gambling stone, which fascinated so many people.Fortunately, the rule of this stone betting is that the highest price wins, otherwise, so many people would beg her for jade.If she agreed to all of them, she wouldn't be exhausted.

Although money is a good thing, she also likes to enjoy the fun of making money.It's just that too much money is tied down, and it's boring if it becomes a burden.

After listening too much, Master Xie and Master Zhu finally realized something was wrong. They stared wide-eyed and looked at Liu Ying in surprise.It never occurred to her that Liu Ying was the emerald beauty who had been rumored to have unearthed several top-quality jades one after another in the past few days.They looked at Liu Ying in surprise, and the two of them suddenly understood why Xu Tianyang, who had always kept a clear line between public and private affairs.Why did he bring Liu Ying to Mr. Su's place to gamble, and why did he trust her so much and ask her for her opinion.

The most important thing about betting on stones is a word of gambling, and luck often accounts for a large part.If this outstanding girl really has such unfathomable luck, sometimes it is not impossible to sense whether wool can bet up by feeling.

You know, human intuition is actually a very strange thing sometimes.

Qian Yanbing, who hid in the distance and watched this scene from a distance, heard that Liu Ying was actually the emerald beauty that was widely rumored these days.Envy, jealousy, hatred, all kinds of mixed feelings are there.Gritting her teeth, she glared at Liu Ying resentfully, knowing that there was nothing Liu Ying could do at the moment, so she had to leave with hatred.

After finally sending everyone away, Liu Ying let out a long breath in her heart, and looked at Xu Tianyang with a helpless wry smile on her face.Xu Tianyang didn't feel too much surprise about this situation, Liu Ying made bets one after another with big price rises.There is a large gap between supply and demand, and it is not new for these jewelers to come to curry favor if they want to receive good materials.

Looking at Liu Ying, who had a bitter face, obviously impatient, but still managed to calmly deal with it with a smile, Xu Tianyang couldn't help showing a playful smile.Thinking of Liu Ying who is only 13 years old, she can deal with these bigwigs in the jewelry industry calmly and with enough flexibility.To be honest, Xu Tianyang was very interested in Liu Ying's sophisticated demeanor, and wondered how the young Liu Ying learned these seven-point fake three-point real superb communication skills.

"Okay, little girl, don't be such a mess. Let's go, Master Xie still has a piece of wool to finish, and you have to help Brother Xu palm his eyes later." He patted Liu Ying's shoulder funny, Xu Tianyang raised his eyebrows very bluntly.

"Brother Xu is worthy of being a businessman. He really knows how to squeeze other people's surplus value." He made no secret of his purpose, and laid it out truthfully, Ming Ba took her as one of his own.Liu Ying really couldn't feel any dislike for Xu Tianyang like this, so she glared at the eager Xu Tianyang angrily, and Liu Ying complained angrily.Although she said so, Liu Ying was not slow on her feet, and quickly followed Master Xie and the others.

Seeing that it was Liu Ying coming, everyone wisely made way for Liu Ying to pass smoothly, without having to squeeze with everyone.Sensing everyone's kindness, Liu Ying smiled at everyone.As soon as the beauty knows that the country is overwhelmed by the city, many people are stunned and can't regain their senses for a long time.

"President Xu, Ms. Liu, this is just a piece. Look at this piece of wool. From the surface, it should be the material produced in Laokeng. The dark brown leather shell is a typical brown leather, and the surface has obvious pine flower jade belt. As long as you cut a little window, you can see how the material inside is. It’s no problem to produce green, and the chances of producing high-quality emerald green are very high.” Kneeling down, Master Xie made sure, and hurriedly reported what he saw. Say it one by one.He glanced at Liu Ying indifferently, wanting to see what Liu Ying thought of this material.

Regardless of what Master Xie thought, Liu Ying glanced at the woolen material indifferently, and found that there was aura in the woolen material, but it was a little miscellaneous.Don't worry about taking another serious look, brows unconsciously furrowed.There is something in the wool, it seems that something is mixed in, making the aura somewhat impure.Receiving Xu Tianyang's questioning look, Liu Ying shook her head without hiding her thoughts.

"As Master Xie said, this piece of wool can indeed turn green. However, the jade meat in this wool is not good. It is almost tens of millions of wool. If you solve it, it may not be so easy to get back the money." Having said that, if Xu Tianyang still can't comprehend the meaning of the words, he still listens to Master Xie's words and insists on buying it.That's none of her business, she's done her duty anyway.

After listening to Liu Ying's words, Xu Tianyang frowned and thought for a moment, then checked it himself.Wool is doing well, although I don't understand why Liu Ying said that.However, Xu Tianyang himself didn't understand why, he just believed Liu Ying's words inexplicably.I gave up this piece of wool and asked Master Xie and Master Zhu to go and have a look again. If there is a good wool, I will inform him later.Taking advantage of Liu Ying's inattention, Xu Tianyang winked and told Master Xie to pay attention to this piece of wool, to see who bought it in the end, and find out what the final condition of the wool was.

(End of this chapter)

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