Chapter 209 One Step Faster (5)
After explaining this, Xu Tianyang took Liu Ying around to see if he could find some pieces of wool he liked.

After walking around under the leadership of Xu Tianyang, Liu Ying still felt trembling when she looked at the price tag.God, can you imagine that a huge piece of wool is asking for a price of [-] million, which is simply unbelievable.[-] million, even though it is the king of the entire gamble, this price is still too scary.Especially after seeing the situation inside, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched speechlessly.

Too bad, such a big piece of wool.Unexpectedly, only the window cut on the surface has jade flesh, and the inside is full of white stones.500 million, compared with the sky-high price of 500 million wool that Liu Ying saw earlier, it is a sky, a land.If the [-] million yuan is bought and cut down, you may be so angry that you won't be in the mood to eat for several months.Then if the piece of wool bought for [-] million yuan is cut up, the owner of the wool will probably vomit blood and die on the spot.With a teasing smile, Liu Ying secretly cast a sympathetic look at the person who might buy this piece of wool.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong with this king mark?"

Following Liu Ying's gaze, Xu Tianyang glanced curiously.Seeing that Liu Ying was looking at the [-] million bid king, Xu Tianyang was taken aback for a moment, and looked carefully.I found that the Biaowang performed well this time. In addition to the enough space, the most important thing is that the material cut out is actually the rare three-color jadeite from the Fulu Gang.The red, green and purple colors are evenly distributed, and the water head is not bad. It can be counted as a good jadeite made of glass.If the performance of the jade meat inside is the same as that of the window cut out, then this piece of standard king is the top material that has greatly increased.

[-] million seems high, but if it rises, it will be a huge profit.You must know that the three-color jadeite for blessing, praying and longevity is a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness, and has always been highly respected and loved by people.Almost as soon as it is released on the market, it will be sold out immediately.

Xu Tianyang's question made many people around listen attentively.Liu Ying discovered this, and quickly shut up and winked at Xu Tianyang, signaling him not to ask any more questions.This Biaowang is Mr. Su's proud work. It would be bad if his business was ruined because of her words.Buying and selling is a matter of mutual agreement between the two parties. If someone is rushing to send money, why should she stop it.Anyway, few people who can come here to play stone betting are those who are short of money.

After walking far away to make sure that he didn't keep up, Xu Tianyang couldn't help asking nervously again. "Girl, what's the matter, is there something wrong with this king?"

"Seeing the wisdom of the people, brother Xu just don't get involved." Liu Ying didn't dare to point it out directly, so she could only hint.Turning her attention to the woolen material, Liu Ying was about to ask Xu Tianyang if there was any cheaper woolen material on the gambling table, but she unexpectedly found a piece of woolen material that was as spiritual as a spirit stone.With a flash in front of her eyes, Liu Ying excitedly left Xu Tianyang, who was in deep thought, and ran in the direction of wool.

It's not bad at all, just grabbing it before others, if it is slower, this piece of wool may be taken a step ahead by the old man behind.Fortunately, Liu Ying took a deep breath to suppress her beating heart.What exactly is hidden inside, and why is there such a strong aura.Frowning slightly, Liu Ying guessed curiously, and glanced at the price tag.The corners of Liu Ying's mouth couldn't help twitching again. The asking price for a piece of wool half as tall as a millstone was 2000 million. Do you want to be so scary?

It's not that friends don't get together, Liu Ying only cares about the wool in her hands, and doesn't care much about who is also discerning behind her.

Looking back, three black lines flashed across Liu Ying's forehead.What a coincidence, just after kicking Qian Yanbing out of sight, I didn't expect to meet again so soon.See also standing obediently behind an old man, don't bother to guess.Liu Ying immediately knew that this old man with bright eyes staring straight at the woolen material she liked was definitely Qian Yanbing's father, Qian Duoduo, the boss of Qian's Jewelry.

Xu Tianyang obviously noticed it too. As a junior, Xu Tianyang shouted politely. "Uncle, long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Mr. Qian just nodded, without blinking his eyes, still focusing on the wool.Looking at Liu Ying with sharp eyes, he seemed to be very concerned about this piece of wool, and Mr. Qian couldn't help being a little anxious.Regardless of the rules, he urged anxiously: "Little girl, have you finished reading it? If you don't want to buy it, can you let the old man take a look?"

Mr. Qian's unruly and abrupt words caused many people around to cast strange glances, and he was in charge of guarding the owner who placed the order.Hearing Mr. Qian's words, he immediately drank coldly.

"Mr. Qian, you are also a veteran of stone betting. Have you forgotten the most basic rules of stone betting? If someone gets started, others are not allowed to intervene. Unless the other party is sure to give up, the later ones can continue. And, Mr. Qian, don't you see that this young lady clearly intends to buy it. If there is another time, Mr. Su will never have to come back for gambling money in the future."

There is no rule without rules, this is the rule passed down by the ancestors, how can it be broken casually.If everyone was like Mr. Qian, who suddenly opened their mouths to snatch other people's fancy wool, then the stone gambling business would be messed up.As the organizer, we have the absolute power and the obligation to prevent this from happening.In this market environment where supply exceeds demand, the organizer is not afraid of offending one less customer.

"I'm sorry, I was too impatient, and I forgot this rule for a while. Manager Yang, don't be angry, I just apologize. Girl, I'm sorry, I didn't think well and said something wrong, please forgive my mistake." Qian Laozuo I have been in business for decades, and I have never seen any big storms.Being scolded mercilessly in public by a small manager in charge, although I can't hold back my face.But he also understood that it was he who was wrong, so he bowed his head and apologized to Liu Ying earnestly on the spot.

Qian Lao felt nothing, but Qian Yanbing who was beside him felt extremely ashamed and humiliated.However, Qian Yanbing was still reasonable and didn't get mad on the spot.Gritting her teeth, she secretly slapped Liu Ying viciously with the knife, cursing resentfully in her heart.

"It's okay." Catching the sincerity in Qian Lao's eyes, Liu Ying smiled and shook her head.With a half-smile, she glanced at the resentful Qian Yanbing, the spoiled young lady.As a father, Qian Lao is a good man, but it is a pity that having a daughter is not enough.The eyes are higher than the top, and they don't know how to look at people with their eyes.

Seeing that Liu Ying was not unhappy, Manager Yang blamed Mr. Qian for his fault on the spot, so he shut up and didn't say anything else.

With the lesson from the previous moment, Mr. Qian obediently stood behind Liu Ying, waiting for Liu Ying's final decision.Qian Yanbing looked at her father who was staring at the wool with fiery eyes, and complained in a low voice impatiently: "It's just a piece of iron sand leather, Dad, there are a lot of wool around, why do you have to use this piece, let's look at the other ones." Can't you?"

"Shut up, what do you know, Dad has eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. Dad knows better than anyone else whether this piece of wool is good or not."

Turning his head and glaring at his daughter who was still confused about the situation, Mr. Qian shook his head angrily.Glancing at Xu Tianyang next to him, he saw that Xu Tianyang's eyes were also fixed on Liu Ying.The tip of his eyes caught the faint pampering in Xu Tianyang's eyes, and Qian Lao frowned in shock.Looking back at his daughter who showed a little jealousy on his face, Elder Qian suddenly understood why his daughter was so abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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