Chapter 232 The Poison King Appears (5)
Instead of calling Zhou Liehong's real name, Liu Ying announced the names of almost a hundred kinds of elixir one by one in a distant and polite tone.Seeing Zhou Liehong's complexion getting worse and worse listening to the name of the medicine she gave, Liu Ying snorted in her heart with disdain.These are all spirit herbs and medicines, and the age is almost at least a hundred years old, and the main medicine is even thousands of years old.Even if Zhou Liehong knew, it would be difficult to gather together. Even if Zhou Liehong was lucky enough to find the elixir he needed.If there is no alchemist to refine it, nothing can be done at all.

Liu Ying couldn't help gloating at Zhou Liehong's painstaking effort and getting nothing in the end, vomiting blood angrily.Greed for things that don't belong to you, sometimes you have to pay a price.And let Zhou Liehong know everything, can only think about it, but can't get things done is the best lesson.

Zhou Liehong keenly sensed the change in Liu Ying's attitude, but after hearing Liu Ying name a long list of medicines, Zhou Liehong no longer cared about such insignificant matters.Concentrate on writing down the names of the medicines one by one. It was too long for one person to remember. Zhou Liehong asked Lin Zhengxin and others beside him to help me.Just as everyone nodded to show that they remembered, Zhou Liehong was relieved.

Full of excitement, the sky gradually darkened unknowingly.It was still far away from the villages and small towns where there were people. After obtaining Zhou Liehong's consent, everyone started camping on the spot and prepared to sleep out overnight.Lin Zhengxin ordered everyone to take good care of the crown prince, so he took a few close men and hurried into the woods to hunt, preparing for dinner tonight.

Liu Ying was a woman, she seemed a bit abrupt among a group of men, everyone wisely didn't ask Liu Ying to help.After helping Prince Zhou Liehong set up the camp, the second one started to help Liu Ying prepare for the camp. Liu Ying saw that everyone was active, so she didn't stop everyone from being busy.After a while, a simple tent was set up under everyone's busy work.Liu Ying thanked everyone, bent down and walked into the pengli curiously to take a look, and found that although the sparrow was small, it had all internal organs.

"Hey, they came here so soon, it seems that he should know that they have betrayed the master and left." Liu Ying's consciousness has been let go all the time, and within a hundred meters around, Liu Ying can sense it immediately if there is any abnormal movement arrive.Aware of the little mouse hiding in the dark and peeping secretly, Liu Ying's mouth was slightly curved, and a wicked look appeared on her face.

The good show has just begun, I don't know if the poison lost two snake kings, will it go crazy, and use its housekeeping skills to seek revenge from Zhou Liehong.Through her spiritual sense, Liu Ying easily caught the raging anger in the eyes of the poison king Gui Jianchou.Glancing at the sky outside, it was still early, presumably the Poison King would not choose this time to strike.The night is dark and the wind is high to kill people. Presumably the poison king should choose the second half of the night to attack.

Something is wrong?
Just as Liu Ying wanted to withdraw her consciousness, she suddenly found that the aura of the poison king Gui Jianchou was a little weird, not like the aura that a normal person should have.Liu Ying seriously wanted to observe carefully, and was shocked to find that there was a very strong dead air in the poison king.What shocked Liu Ying the most was that the poison king didn't even seem to have a heartbeat or breath, which was unbelievable.

How is this possible, what is going on?

When he wanted to get closer to find out what was going on, suddenly the poison king Gui Jianchou turned his head and swept towards her with a fierce look in his eyes.Liu Ying was taken aback, and quickly withdrew her consciousness.Liu Ying patted her chest with lingering fear, secretly startled.What a terrifying gaze, the entire eyes are blood red, and the bloodthirsty light is not like the eyes that humans should have at all.With a downcast face, Liu Ying's watery eyes showed a dignified look.

It's not easy for the Poison King to be sad, it seems that he's busy tonight.

Take a deep breath to relax your tense nerves.Riding a donkey and reading the libretto, every step counts, just pay attention.

Liu Ying picked a bunch of grapes from the space and sat on the soft quilt, eating comfortably.Don't be in a hurry to tell Zhou Liehong's potential enemies, just start to scare the snake, and wait to see who has the upper hand.Zhou Liehong is not simple. After today's surprise attack, his vigilance should be greatly improved.I won't be stupid and defenseless, and I can sleep with peace of mind.Closing her eyes and resting quietly, Liu Ying kept her energy to watch the good show in the second half of the night.

"Miss Liu, dinner is ready, would you like to bring it in?" Outside the account, Lin Zhengxin was full of excitement and asked respectfully, holding a whole big pheasant that had just been roasted and was still steaming.Respecting the strong is a consistent tradition in Wuxing Continent. What Liu Ying showed today made the five bodies that Lin Zhengxin admired look like gods.

"Come in." The speed was really fast, smelling the faint fragrance in the air, Liu Ying quickly threw the grapes in her hand into the space.She clapped her hands and said in a deep voice.

With Liu Ying's consent, Lin Zhengxin straightened his clothes and walked into the tent with joy on his face.When he saw Liu Ying casually sitting on the quilt, inadvertently showing laziness and fascination, Lin Zhengxin's eyes flashed with astonishment.With a light cough, he suppressed the strange mood that suddenly appeared in his heart.The sharp eyes caught the flash of joking on Liu Ying's face, and Lin Zhengxin's face suddenly became red like a monkey's butt.He stuffed the steaming grilled chicken with sticks into Liu Ying's hands.Looking down, Lin Zhengxin stammered nervously.

"Miss Liu, take it. I, I'll go first. If you have any orders, there are people guarding outside. Just yell loudly."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Liu Ying to reply, after seeing Liu Ying holding the roast chicken firmly, he hurriedly left in a panic.

"These ancients are incredible, each family doesn't know how many wives and concubines they have married, why are they still so easily shy." Looking at the back of Lin Zhengxin fleeing in a panic, Liu Ying frowned and muttered to herself in bewilderment.He lowered his eyes and glanced at the roasted wild in his hand. Although there were no spices, the faint smell of meat still whetted the appetite.Not afraid of burning her hands, Liu Ying proudly tore off the half-pound pheasant leg, opened her mouth and began to eat it.

"That's right. I added some salt flowers. It's neither salty nor bland. It tastes just right. I don't know whose skill it is. It's baked so well. It's as tender as a hotel chef's."

After three or two strokes of the big pheasant that weighed three or four catties, Liu Ying licked the remaining juice on her fingers with unsatisfied enthusiasm.Looking down at the bone residue on the ground, looking at the gnawed and clean skeleton, Liu Ying giggled a little embarrassedly.With a wave of his hand, all the bones on the ground were removed, and a whole pheasant was eaten, Liu Ying didn't feel much.She is used to binge eating and drinking, this chicken is really not enough for Liu Ying.

However, as a lady, it seems not good to let too many people know that she can eat so well.Liu Ying was on top of eating, how could she wave her hand so quickly, dig out from the space, and get out a lot of dried meat and other stocks.He took out a big pillow, leaned on the pillow while reclining, and continued to stuff her bottomless hole leisurely.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and as time passed, the night slowly fell.The soldiers guarding the watch also became sleepy as the night deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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