Chapter 233 The Battle Between Two Kings (1)
In the dead of night, at this moment.

Liu Ying, who was sitting quietly, suddenly opened her eyes at this moment, opened her consciousness and slowly patrolled the area within [-] meters.Soon, Liu Ying discovered a figure that was as fast as lightning and suddenly jumped out of the darkness.Liu Ying was taken aback for a moment, then quickly got up and stepped out of the tent.Seeing a black figure who wanted to rush into Zhou Liehong's account with sharp eyes, Liu Ying made a decisive decision and dodged in front of him.

"Stop, is the poisonous king here?" Liu Ying shouted with a sullen face.

Through the light of the fire, Liu Ying finally saw clearly the middle-aged man who stopped and looked surprised.A black robe wrapped her skinny body tightly, and the strong death energy continuously radiated from the robe, which made Liu Ying feel unusually unhappy.Wrinkled unconsciously, the tip of his eyes caught a glimpse of the long and sharp black nails on the ten fingers of the poisonous king, and a gleam of light flashed in Liu Ying's piercing eyes.

Looking up at the face of Poison King Vigilantly, Liu Ying gasped in shock.Shocked and exclaimed in my heart, my God, is this still a human face?Its face was full of pits and hollows, and at first glance it was full of rotten flesh, and what was even more shocking was that a large number of disgusting insects continued to fall from these rotten flesh.

Through the light of the fire, Liu Ying finally saw clearly the middle-aged man who stopped and looked surprised.A black robe wrapped her skinny body tightly, and the strong death energy continuously radiated from the robe, which made Liu Ying feel unusually unhappy.Wrinkled unconsciously, the tip of his eyes caught a glimpse of the long and sharp black nails on the ten fingers of the poisonous king, and a gleam of light flashed in Liu Ying's piercing eyes.

Looking up at the face of Poison King Vigilantly, Liu Ying gasped in shock.Shocked and exclaimed in my heart, my God, is this still a human face?Its face was full of pits and hollows, and at first glance it was full of rotten flesh, and what was even more shocking was that a large number of disgusting insects continued to fall from these rotten flesh.

Liu Ying couldn't hold back for a moment, and almost spit out a lot of food that she ate tonight.Looking into the eyes of the Poison King, Liu Ying couldn't help shivering.The blood-red eyes flickered with a strong hostility without any concealment, and just one glance made people feel intimidated.

No, the Poison King is probably not human, and Liu Ying made a conclusion in her heart with her pink lips pressed together.

Liu Ying's yell woke up the dizzy soldiers, and they ran away following the sound.When they saw Liu Ying in front of the prince's account, and an unidentified person in black robes, everyone was startled, and hurriedly grabbed the weapons in their hands and rushed over here.

"Enemy attack, everyone, get up quickly." Lin Zhengxin was in charge of the night watch and rushed over. Seeing the two people facing each other, Lin Zhengxin's expression changed drastically.Opening his throat, he roared loudly.

"Quack, it smells so good. I didn't expect such delicious food to be hidden around the prince. Damn girl, it's you who let my two little pets go today. Tat for tat, to make up for it, tonight The king will suck all your blood, and this matter will be settled." The poisonous king Gui Jianchou didn't pay attention to the soldiers rushing one after another at all, and stared straight at Liu Ying with bright eyes.He stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips lightly, showing an ecstatic smile.The corners of the mouth opened from time to time, revealing two sharp teeth.


Every word and every sentence carried a strong evil spirit, and everyone was stunned when they saw the Poison King's appearance through the firelight.He stared wide-eyed, looking at the poisonous king Gui Jianchou in horror, his legs were so weak that he almost couldn't even hold the weapon in his hand steadily.

"This, this is fangs, he is a zombie. Oh my god, no wonder there is such a strong death aura on his body. It turns out that he is no longer human. Damn, he is still a bronze armored corpse. This time he met his opponent." Liu Ying looked at Poison King Gui Jianchou showed his long fangs, and his eyeballs popped out in fright.The whole body stretched into a line, and with a thought, a flying sword appeared in the empty palm, watching the Poison King vigilantly, sternly daring not to underestimate the enemy.

The Bronze Armored Corpse is different from the ordinary Jumping Corpse. It has no wisdom and only knows how to bite people. Its cultivation level is equivalent to the foundation building stage of a monk.However, in terms of attack speed and body strength, this bronze armored corpse is better than the human monk copper.Bronze armored corpses have been cultivated through hundreds of years of hard work, or eaten precious flowers and fruits. They are invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and can breathe poisonous corpse gas. They are still a little stiff and not flexible enough to move, but they can already be as normal as ordinary people. walk.Whether or not to suck human blood is just a preference, there is no hard requirement.

Wait, according to Zhou Liehong, the poison king should be a human being.It may be that the research poison was accidentally contaminated with corpse poison, and was not removed in time, and accidentally swallowed the strange flower elixir.Instead of becoming a jumping corpse that only knows how to bite people, I was lucky enough to advance into a bronze armored corpse.Her eyes changed, and Liu Ying's eyes flashed thoughtful.

What kind of strange thing is it that can make a poison king who has not yet become a jumping corpse instantly jump to the level of a bronze armored corpse.No matter what kind of spiritual thing it is, it must be extraordinary. If you have the opportunity to investigate and see where the poison king's lair is, I don't know if you can find some clues through this, maybe there may be unexpected discoveries.Turning her eyeballs, Liu Ying's heart suddenly became interested.

"Zombie? Unexpectedly, you know something that I haven't figured out after searching all over the books." Liu Ying's words shocked Gui Jianchou, and doubts flashed in his blood-red eyes.What exactly is a zombie and why did he become like this.

In fact, it was only this month that Gui Jianchou turned into a bronze armored corpse. Originally, Gui Jianchou's body was not unusually good.It's just because of researching a new poison and dealing with corpses every day.Taking the corpse poison from the corpse, the body was also stained a little without knowing it.After days and nights, Gui Jianchou realized that it was too late to get rid of the corpses on his body.He can only study various poisons, but he is not very specialized in detoxification.

Seeing that the body loses its flexibility day by day, the ghost sees anxious thoughts of killing people.Later, His Royal Highness came to him and asked him to help remove the prince Zhou Liehong. As a reward, Zhou Nanxiao gave Gui Jianchou a lot of elixir and poisonous herbs.The ghost went to the doctor in a hurry when he was worried, and ate the elixir and poisonous herbs given by Zhou Nanxiao indiscriminately, but he didn't expect to hit the wrong way, and finally turned into the ghost he is now.

The body finally stopped being stiff, and Gui Jianchou found that the changes in the body were very scary.Not only is the speed beyond imagination, but even the body becomes invulnerable. As long as you suck some human blood every once in a while, your body will be similar to that of an ordinary person.This discovery made Gui Jianchou both surprised and delighted. He didn't let it go to fear that something would happen again. Gui Jianchou searched for information everywhere, but found nothing. He didn't expect to hear the news from Liu Ying today.

It turned out that what he looks like now is a so-called zombie.Corpse, does this mean that he can no longer be considered a human being.

"What, the poison king is a zombie, how is this possible?" Zhou Liehong got up in a hurry and walked out of the tent, just in time to hear what Liu Ying said, and he let out a low voice in shock.Looking up at the silent eyes of the poisonous king, Zhou Liehong shuddered, and the goosebumps all over his body could not be controlled and went straight out.When he saw the worms constantly falling down the Du Wang's face, Zhou Liehong's face was frightened and he almost vomited out.

(End of this chapter)

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