Chapter 312 Five-Colored Immortal Clothes (2)
Without the Yao Pill, she wanted to see what else this Zhenshanhu could do.

"No, my inner alchemy." As soon as the inner alchemy disappeared, all his mana was lost, and Zhenshanhu's face changed drastically, and he screamed in panic.With the disappearance of the demon pill, the huge body slowly shrunk several times, and the smooth fur was instantly overshadowed.Just when Zhenshanhu lost his mind, Liu Ying, who was hiding in Zhenshanhu's belly, suddenly showed his power, and easily split Zhenshanhu in two with his sword.

Blood splattered everywhere, and everyone in the scuffle was startled again. They couldn't think of the great monster in the middle of the fourth rank.It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable that it was split in half by an unknown female cultivator at the Golden Core stage.The monsters in the middle stage of the fourth stage are equivalent to the existence of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, even if the Lord Mo is facing the vicious Zhenshanhu, he will definitely be able to get a bargain.

Messy in the wind!

However, the facts are right in front of our eyes, Zhenshanhu in the middle stage of the fourth order.Right under everyone's noses, she was slaughtered by this female cultivator who appeared out of nowhere, and was directly dismembered miserably.

Seeing Liu Ying smiling, she raised her sword and stepped out of the rain of blood step by step.Everyone couldn't help shivering, looking at Liu Ying with horror in their eyes.

Even the fourth-order monsters dared to ruthlessly slaughter them. These rookie monks are no match for them.It's better to stay far away, don't accidentally offend this female cultivator who is more terrifying than the demon cultivator.

Because of the existence of two perverted terrorists, Xiao Jin and Liu Ying, everyone persisted in this battle between humans and beasts that had no chance of winning.Although there were heavy casualties, they managed to hold on for two days, and waited with difficulty until the various sects came to support them.With the continuous addition of high-level monks above the golden core stage, the last three major factions even sent a master of the concentration stage to help.

With the help of high-level monks in the concentration period, there is no suspense in the final result.A group of monks survived the attack of the beast horde, and once again saved Molin City.Liu Ying and Xiao Jin, as the great heroes of this beast tide, not only made Xiao Jin and Liu Ying famous in Molin City, but also let the monks who participated in this beast tide remember Liu Ying and Xiao Jin.In addition, the two of them also unexpectedly received extra rewards from Mr. Mo Shiyuan, and each of them got 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones.And Mr. Mo Shiyuan gave each of them a token.Tell Liu Ying to ask Xiao Jin, and she can get an unconditional help from Mr. Mo Shiyuan with the token.

An unconditional help from a Yuanying Zhenjun is precious and priceless to many people.But for Liu Ying and Xiao Jin, it was dispensable. However, knowing that this was the kindness of Mr. Mo Shiyuan, Liu Ying did not lose face to Mr. Mo Shiyuan in public.Smiling all over her face, she nodded and accepted, and Liu Ying responded lazily with hypocritical politeness, and responded with a few perfunctory words.So he found an excuse and hurriedly left Molin City.

For 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones, one piece of middle-grade spirit stones is equivalent to 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.Then, 5000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones is equivalent to 50 low-grade spirit stones.The two together have 100 million low-grade spirit stones.Liu Ying looked at the mid-grade spirit stones in the storage bag that were shining with emerald green light, and made some calculations in her heart, her eyes stared straight.

Oh my god, 100 million is huge.

If you pay, you will gain, and you will spend two days fighting with the herd with your life.In actual combat, Liu Ying not only greatly improved her mental state and spell skills, but also got such a large sum of spirit stones by accident, which is definitely worth the money and worth the fare.If the time comes again, Liu Ying will continue to insist on this decision without hesitation.

"Master, where are we going next?" Seeing the embarrassment of the master who was almost drooling, Xiao Jin's mouth twitched, and he had no eyes to look again.A light cough interrupted Liu Ying's continued staring at the spirit stone in the storage bag.

"Where are you going? Do you have to ask, of course it is Tiancheng. The grand event held once every ten years must have a lot of excitement. Although we say that we don't bother to enter any sects, it is still good to see these legendary sects of self-cultivation Choose. Moreover, so many casual cultivators have gone to Tiancheng, and they may have some unexpected surprises when they go shopping in the market."

When a woman has money in her pocket, she can't help but want to go shopping. Although Liu Ying is a serious cultivator.But I still can't get rid of this instinct. After getting so many spirit stones at once, I naturally want to spend them with itchy hands and live the addiction of the rich.

After putting away the storage bag, he gave Xiao Jin an angry look, and rushed to the sky first, heading for Tiancheng.

Looking at the route to Tiancheng in advance, it took Liu Ying and Xiao Jin less than five days to arrive at the monks' gathering, the real big city - Tiancheng.With the first experience, Liu Ying didn't foolishly make another oolong, but rushed into the city with flying speed.The guards guarding the city mistook her for an assassin who had come to attack Tiancheng, and landed steadily on the ground. Accompanied by Xiao Jin, she handed over two low-grade spirit stones and entered Tiancheng smoothly.

It is impolite to use spiritual sense to probe others casually, so Liu Ying put away her spiritual sense.Use your eyes to look around at the bustling Tiancheng with people coming and going.Feeling the lively atmosphere of Tiancheng, Liu Ying sighed a little in her heart, this big city is a big city, and it is far from what a medium-sized town like Molin City can match.There are many mortals in Tiancheng, but most of them are monks.At a glance, Liu Ying was shocked to find that there were not an average number of monks above foundation establishment in the city that day, at least four or five out of ten.

As soon as she changed her mind, Liu Ying quickly realized that the main purpose of this conference was to recruit casual practitioners.Those who can come from thousands of miles to participate will naturally be based on Foundation Establishment Loose Cultivation.In addition to the inconvenience of flying, the little monks in the qi training period, the most important thing is that the entry threshold is too high, and it is not suitable for the little monks in the qi training period to participate.Of course, monks in the Qi training period are not completely excluded.A few stewards with good spiritual roots and strong Qi training monks who also had the opportunity to pass the exam looked at them differently, so they accepted them to start.

Just as Liu Ying was looking around curiously, suddenly a cute-looking, clever child walked up to Liu Ying.Looking at only about seven or eight years old, he respectfully gave Liu Ying and Xiao Jin a junior generation gift, just like a little adult, not shy and restrained at all.Under Liu Ying's puzzled gaze, the little boy spoke smoothly.

"This junior, Chu Erlang, has met the two seniors. Seeing the appearance of the seniors, he must have been to Tiancheng for the first time. This junior is very familiar with every corner of Tiancheng. If the two seniors need it, Erlang can guide the way for you. Of course, if the two seniors want to Going around by yourself, this junior has a map of Tiancheng in his hand, which records every place in Tiancheng in detail. If the two seniors like it, Erlang can sell it for ten low-grade spirit stones."

Ten low-grade spirit stones?

Liu Ying looked strangely at Chu Erlang, who was as slippery as a little fox, and frowned, thinking to herself, how could she and Xiao Jin see that it was a fat sheep that was slaughtered at will.

The fine Chu Erlang caught the brilliance in Liu Ying's eyes, and immediately guessed that Liu Ying must think the price was too high.Putting back the bright smile on his face, Chu Erlang calmly explained, "Senior, ten low-grade spirit stones are definitely worth the money. But if you think it's too expensive, you can directly hire Erlang as a tour guide. It only costs five yuan. A low-grade spirit stone. Erlang can tell everything he knows, and he can tell the two seniors everything he knows."

(End of this chapter)

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