Chapter 313 Five-Colored Immortal Clothes (3)
This little devil is very calculating, if he hadn't read Yuan Cheng's diary and looked at Chu Erlang with a sincere face.Liu Ying might have been deceived by him. On the surface, it seemed that Chu Erlang was at a loss, but in fact, if Liu Ying agreed to let Chu Erlang lead the way.Maybe Chu Erlang earned more extra money.There are many little monks like Chu Erlang who are looking for fat sheep to make extra money in the town of cultivation.As long as they lead the way, they will lead the customers to the familiar store, and let the customer buy the things in the store with smooth words.

When this business is over, in addition to getting a few spirit stones, they can also get an extra kickback from the store.One back and two back and forth, the calculated earning is definitely more worthwhile than selling a map.

With a half-smile, he sized up Chu Erlang, who looked expectant, with stars shining in his eyes.Liu Ying grinned, displaying a woman's natural talent for bargaining. She compared her fingers and replied bluntly: "No, we don't need this service. Three low-grade spirit stones and one map. Just nod if you agree, and forget it if you don't agree."

Three low-grade spirit stones, the corners of Chu Erlang's mouth twitched unconsciously when he heard Liu Ying's price.Glancing quietly at Liu Ying, seeing the determination in Liu Ying's eyes, the smile on Chu Erlang's face froze.A flash of disappointment flashed in my heart, I thought it was another big water fish, but who would have thought that it was actually a hairless iron cock.The price of three low-grade spirit stones was too high, and he almost lost even his money.

"If you don't want to, then forget it, Xiaojin, let's go." Liu Ying glanced at Chu Erlang who looked distressed, and turned around with a suppressed smile, as if she was about to leave.

Few of the practitioners are ugly, and almost all of them are either beautiful or handsome.And although this Chu Erlang is just a little monk who has just entered the threshold of cultivation, his face is still more agile than ordinary children.The small white and tender face like a steamed stuffed bun, paired with a pair of big watery eyes like black grapes, the frowning and flat mouth look is simply cute.

"Don't, don't, senior, don't rush away, three spirit stones are three spirit stones, Erlang agrees to sell the map to senior." No matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat, as long as it doesn't lose money, it's good to earn one spirit stone back .Seeing Liu Ying's intent to leave, Chu Erlang gritted his teeth and quickly changed his name to call Liu Ying.Passed a jade slip to Liu Ying and agreed to the deal.

A little monk like him is not easy to get along in Tiancheng, except for the rent of 20 yuan of spirit stones every month.I also need to save spirit stones to buy medicines for myself and practice spells for myself to practice.With a low cultivation base, he cannot go out of the city to hunt monsters, or find elixir to earn spirit stones, so he can only live by earning some extra money.Recently, a lot of non-local monks came to Tiancheng, which made Chu Erlang's business better and his life easier.

However, looking at Liu Ying who had a strange smile on his face, Chu Yulang still couldn't help but secretly stared at Liu Ying sadly, complaining a little about why Liu Ying was so stingy.Fortunately, not every monk is like Liu Ying, even the feathered ones have to care about this little spirit stone with him, otherwise he would have gone to drink the northwest wind.

After receiving the jade slip from Chu Erlang, Liu Ying put it between her eyebrows and glanced at the contents of the jade slip.As Chu Erlang said, the content introduced in it is very detailed.The combination of pictures and texts is so vivid that Liu Ying feels that it is similar to a modern electronic map.Seeing Chu Erlang's sad eyes with the tip of his eyes, the smile on Liu Ying's face deepened a little.She quickly guessed that the price she offered must be lower, so she casually threw five pieces of Lingshi to Chu Erlang, and joked with a smile: "Here, don't wrinkle your bitter face."

Such a cute little boy, coming out to play at such a young age, must have a hard time.Liu Ying showed great kindness, and for the sake of Chu Erlang amused her, it was rare for her to be generous and gave Chu Erlang two extra spirit stones.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Chu Erlang to thank him, Liu Ying left quickly.Xiao Jin looked at Chu Erlang expressionlessly, who was smiling happily, and his silly mouth was almost sticking up behind his ears.Without saying a word, he disappeared in a flash.

Visiting street stalls in Cultivator Square is an indispensable hobby for everyone, and Liu Ying is no exception.Following the introduction on the map, Liu Ying quickly found the largest market in Tiancheng.Seeing a street full of all sorts of items, it is impossible to see all kinds of items in modern times, Liu Ying was dazzled and wished to have a few more pairs of eyes.

There are panacea and spiritual fruit magic weapons.In addition to these things that are common in the cultivation world, there are also many rare things that Liu Ying has never heard of.Liu Ying fumbled around curiously, looking around in a daze.There are a lot of spirit stones in the pocket for Liu Ying to spend, and Liu Ying buys something she likes proudly when she sees something she likes.Of course, Liu Ying is not so stupid as to be the chief culprit, bargaining is inevitable.After a long time, Liu Ying has found many treasures that she likes.

Whether you use it or not, as long as it is something she is interested in and the price is not expensive, Liu Ying will sweep it back.There are two storage bags with a size of [-] square meters, and they are full until they can't fit.Only then did Liu Ying stop contentedly, and did not continue to search for treasures at the practice booth.Under Xiao Jin's stare, Liu Ying switched to regular shops.

Because the three major sects recruited a large number of disciples, they even drove the business of the major shops in Tiancheng.In particular, the practical shops that sell all kinds of elixir and magical charms are almost overwhelmed by the crowd.The business is booming like never before, and many shops are almost out of stock of all kinds of panaceas and magic charms.Liu Ying didn't want to get involved or join any sect, but Liu Ying still had a small interest in talismans.

In Liujia Village, Liu Ying saw all kinds of talismans made by witches, and scribbled them like ghostly talismans.It looks interesting, but in fact the drawn talisman has no spiritual power at all, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a fake trick.

But in Tiancheng, Liu Ying would not be stupid to think that the talisman at this time was also a deceptive thing.Going to a well-known and well-reputed specialty store in Tiancheng, Liu Ying straightforwardly asked the female cultivator at the reception for several common talismans that were not too expensive.Like hidden spirit talismans, amulets, and earth escape talismans.Because it was a special time, the price was several times higher than usual, and the asking price for a high-grade talisman was 100 yuan for a low-grade spirit stone.

Special time and special treatment, Liu Ying readily bought dozens of high-grade talismans.In addition to using it for self-defense, the most important thing is to use it for research to see if this talisman is really as magical as it is said in the legend.

Liu Ying spent more than 7000 spirit stones in the store at once, and the female cultivator who was in charge of waiting saw that Liu Ying was a rich owner.With great enthusiasm, he led Liu Ying to the VIP room on the third floor, and showed Liu Ying to see the real good things in Zhenpin Pavilion.

Liu Ying sat in the private room, quietly waiting for the nun who entertained her to present her things.Liu Ying's eyes widened when she saw the surprising treasures sent by the female cultivator.

There are all kinds of magical treasures and panacea. In addition, Liu Ying was shocked to find that there were as many as three of them, which were rare treasures.One is a green lotus seat, a low-grade treasure, and a treasure for flying and fleeing.One is a shadowless needle used for sneak attacks, and it is also a low-grade treasure.It can kill people invisible, making people hard to guard against.The last treasure, Liu Ying, was shocked to find that it turned out to be a top-grade five-color fairy garment that could be transformed at will.In addition to being good-looking when worn on the body, it can change its shape at will, and it can also prevent dust and fire. The most important thing is that it can automatically protect the owner after it recognizes the owner.

(End of this chapter)

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