Chapter 347
She didn't even leave her underwear behind, revealing her snow-white skin.

God man, which corner is this nervous spirit running out of, just take it off, we can treat it as body art, showing up for art.Anyway, in today's society, it's nothing new to make excuses.However, if she wants to be so scary, Chen Yanmei is crazy, and she still doesn't want to mess around.

Principal, this is the principal, how dare she dare to flirt with Principal Guo in such an ambiguous way under Principal Guo's cannibalistic gaze.Looking at this scene, everyone collectively gasped, their eyes almost fell to the ground.And each mouth is so wide that it can stuff a big watermelon.At this moment, Chen Yanmei, who was pushed to the ground by Principal Guo, seemed to suddenly regain her senses.Seeing his embarrassing appearance, he returned everyone's weird gazes and screamed, then at a loss, he pulled up his clothes and covered his naked body tightly.

She was flirting like a vixen just now, but now she's pretending to be garlic, it's too fake.

Looking at the anxious I felt pity, and the tearful Chen Yanmei, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched again, and the eyes looking at Chen Yanmei changed again.Disgusting, really disgusting.Things have come to this point, only to pretend to be pitiful and innocent, to gain everyone's sympathy is to treat everyone as idiots.Especially Principal Guo, who stretched out Chen Yanmei, saw Chen Yanmei burst into tears, crying as if she had been wronged by some great wrong.He was even more angry, his eyes sparkled when he looked at Chen Yanmei.

"Shut up, don't keep screaming, you've been thrown away by the school. Put on your clothes, immediately, go to the training room and stay there. Director Wang, why are you still in a daze, why don't you hurry up and call, Let the girl's parents come over to deal with this matter. I hope that starting tomorrow, she will not be seen on the campus of No. [-] Middle School."

Looking back and seeing the subordinates who were still in a daze, President Guo was so angry that smoke was coming out of his head.Gritting his teeth and roaring, Chen Yanmei was thrown into the abyss of hell that would never see the light.

drop out?
Listening to the implication in the words of the bright Principal Guo, Chen Yanmei forgot to shed tears.Putting on her clothes in a hurry, she knelt down in front of President Guo, begging with snot and tears. "Principal, please don't expel me. I don't know what's going on. It's like being possessed by an evil spirit. My body is out of control and moving on its own. Principal, please forgive me. Don't expel me, regardless of the principal. I can agree to the principal if I make any high request. My father is rich, so even if the principal asks for a donation of 100 million, there is no problem in building a new campus.”

When she went to the doctor in a hurry, Chen Yanmei begged desperately.Who would have thought that it would be good if Chen Yanmei didn't speak up, but as soon as she said this, Principal Guo became even more intent on killing people.These things are all done in secret. Didn't Chen Yanmei slap Principal Guo when she said it in full view?Even if he was a little moved, Principal Guo couldn't hold back his face in front of so many students.

He has only been the principal of No. [-] Middle School for a few years, and he hasn't even earned back the money he paid for the position. How could he be ruined by Chen Yanmei like this.Glaring fiercely at Chen Yanmei, Principal Guo, who was about to explode in anger, yelled at Director Wang next to him again. "Go, quickly drag this lunatic to the training room, and don't let me see her again. Don't let her talk crazy here again, and lead other students to harm."

At the end of the song, I looked at Chen Yanmei who was half-dragged to the training room by Director Wang and a few stronger male teachers.Everyone still couldn't get back to their senses for a long time, and were dumbfounded by Chen Yanmei's shocking behavior.


These two words flashed through everyone's minds. Seeing the long blood stains left on the ground, everyone was too lazy to give sympathy, and directly despised it.

"Master, what's the matter? Is the play that Xiaojin helped lead is more exciting than the one made by the master, so that people can't bear to blink." The spiritual sense kept seeing Chen Yanmei being dragged into the training room, and Xiaojin took it back with unsatisfied intentions. Consciousness.Seeing Liu Ying whose mouth was twitching in shock and whose eyes were bigger than a bull's, Xiao Jin retracted her neck guiltily.Wrapped around Liu Ying's neck motionless, pretending to be a dead body.

It's too bad, I accidentally overplayed it.

"Okay, Xiao Jin, stop pretending, let's forget about this time. The poor man has his hateful things. Although this is a bit too much for a girl, what she did is not much better. Let's go , After watching the play, we are going home. There is such a big commotion, I believe Principal Guo will be stupid enough to cover up Chen Yanmei."

Thinking of Chen Yanmei waking up and begging for mercy to Principal Guo, Liu Ying couldn't help showing a cheerful smile.What a brainless idiot, I really don't know how she got into the top class.Since she slapped her mouth, she can't blame others for not giving her a way out.Picking up her schoolbag, Liu Ying turned and left with brisk steps.Before he walked out of the school gate, he was stopped by Xu Ruhua's sharp voice.

"Liu Ying, don't rush away, just tell me, did you see Chen Yanmei's performance just now? Excuse me, did you see that when Principal Guo was entangled by Chen Yanmei, his face, which was swollen like a pig's liver, seemed to explode with anger. This time, Chen Yanmei was doomed, and even the principal was offended. Still making such a big commotion under the watchful eyes of everyone.”

Xu Ruhua was so excited that the corners of her mouth nearly crooked when she saw Chen Yanmei's miserable state.He hurriedly called Liu Ying, and before Liu Ying could say a word, he started yelling endlessly.

"Yeah, it's really cool. Chen Yanmei is a little slut today. I don't know what kind of crazy she is. She dares to do such a crazy thing. One day has passed, and I saw Chen Yanmei walking out of the school. I thought that Chen Yanmei must have escaped, and she didn’t want to admit to the video recording. I didn’t think about it, and she turned around. This Chen Yanmei has all the guts. Not only did she admit that she did everything, but she also made a fuss. Such a scandal, haha, really makes me laugh so hard."

Niu Mengli was not to be outdone, and laughed a long series of bombardments, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

And Yang Shaoyuan, who was following behind, looked at Liu Ying with some deep and unclear eyes.Today's facts were so weird that Elder Yang Shaoyuan wondered if Liu Ying had done something to make Chen Yanmei feel as if she had been bewitched by an evil spirit.His eyes were blank, and he unconsciously revealed everything, and even made such a heinous move.

Yang Shaoyuan also had a lot of contact with Chen Yanmei, and he always knew that Chen Yanmei had good intentions and would pretend.Such a smart person should not be so stupid as to cut himself off and let himself fall into the position of critics.

However, even though he thought so, without any evidence, Yang Shaoyuan would not come to question Liu Ying stupidly.No matter what, in Yang Shaoyuan's eyes, Liu Ying is a perfect and admirable goddess, and no slander is allowed.Even if it was really Liu Ying who did it, Yang Shaoyuan would definitely not have the slightest dislike for Liu Ying.Chen Yanmei has done so many things to hurt Liu Ying, and she deserves everything.

(End of this chapter)

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