Chapter 348
"Stop, okay, everyone stop talking. I've seen it all. Let's let the matter of Chen Yanmei pass. Anyway, if there are no accidents, from tomorrow on the school will never see Chen Yanmei again." With a stop gesture, Liu Ying interrupted the chatter of Niu Mengli and the two of them, and said with a smile.But he was just a passerby, so there was no need to waste too much energy on Chen Yanmei.

"Hey, are you excited? It's alright. Since my goddess doesn't want to hear it, let it be. Anyway, Chen Yanmei will soon suffer retribution. It doesn't matter if you say it or not. My mother, it's almost seven o'clock, no I told you, Ruhua, hurry up, and there will be no food later." Niu Mengli suddenly thought of something, looked down at the watch in her hand, and saw the time pointed by the hands.Niu Mengli raised her eyes, screamed, and dragged Xu Ruhua away as if her butt was on fire.

"Yang Shaoyuan, do you have anything to say to me?" Seeing Yang Shaoyuan's complex expression with sharp eyes, Liu Ying asked frankly.

"No, by the way, Chen Yanmei's father has some dealings with some gangsters in the county who go to pick up private jobs. Today's incident has become like this. The Chen family will definitely blame you. You should pay more attention recently and try not to go to places where there are few people. place to go."

Suddenly remembered something, and Yang Shaoyuan reminded him a little worriedly.Chen Yanmei is an only child, the Chen family has always been proud, and the whole family loves her very much.And Chen Yanmei's father, Chen Zhizhong, treats Chen Yanmei like a treasure. If he finds out about Liu Ying, Chen Yanmei will be kicked out of school and lose the chance to take the college entrance examination when he is about to take the college entrance examination.More or less, he will definitely transfer his anger to Liu Ying.

"Okay, I know, I will be careful." Hearing Yang Shaoyuan's warning, Liu Ying's eyes flickered, and when Yang Shaoyuan didn't notice it, a sharp gleam flashed away from her downcast eyes.Chen Yanmei's father?Hmph, I'm afraid you don't dare to come, if you dare to cause trouble for Chen Yanmei and kill yourself, she will definitely entertain him well.

"Master, do you want Xiaojin to act first and take care of Chen Yanmei's father as well." After bidding farewell to Yang Shaoyuan, Xiaojin immediately became fierce again.Thinking of Yang Shaoyuan's reminder, Xiao Jin became even more interested.He wished he could rush to Chen Yanmei's house immediately, catch Chen Zhizhong and kill him by surprise.

"No, it's so boring to go to school and get out of class like this every day. It's good to have some fun. As long as he dares to make trouble, we're afraid he won't succeed." Qingli's eyes twinkled with starlight, coupled with an evil smile on his face, let People looked horrified.

The master and the servant are of the same mind, and I don't know when they developed this temperament of fearing that the world will not be chaotic.

Back home, without any surprise, Liu Ying saw Lu Xinming who was waiting at the door of the house again.Catching the flash of light in everyone's eyes when they saw her, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched involuntarily.I am really addicted to eating, and I wait for her to go home every day.Fortunately, there is only one week before the school officially starts, otherwise Liu Ying would really have a headache.

She is not a nanny, so she is not in the mood to cook for a few rice buckets every day.Although she really likes Lu Xinming, this cute little lady is precocious, understands and winks.It's just that if you like it, you like it. In essence, she doesn't have much relationship with Lu Xinming.There is no such responsibility to help Lu Qingtian raise his son, plus a few irrelevant adults.

The things in the space are treasures that are hard to come by, so there is no reason to give them away for free.

Fortunately, Butler Wang was quite knowledgeable, so he didn't bother him after dinner, and left in a hurry with his group.After arranging everything, Liu Ying and Xiao Jin flashed into the space again, and saw the hardworking beauty bees in the orchard.Liu Ying's anxious mood immediately improved a lot, and she went into the bamboo house and soaked a cup of royal jelly honey water with Lingquan water.After drinking most of the glass in one gulp, Liu Ying felt so comfortable that she wanted to sing out loud.

It is worthy of being a divine object produced in the space, and it is many times better than the royal jelly produced in the Ghostly Misty Forest.The aura contained in it is even more shocking, without Liu Ying's guidance.The aura from the royal jelly circulated in the body automatically, and then all of it poured into the golden core.Seeing the golden core that was a little bigger in the internal view, Liu Ying's mood was even better than ever before.

With Zhu Guo's help, Liu Ying's spiritual root is no longer the most trashy five spiritual roots.It is the most enviable chaotic spiritual root with complete five spirits, which is a rare spiritual root in ancient times.Not only the speed of absorbing spiritual energy is more than N times faster than before, even the spiritual energy absorbed into the body is no longer the same as before, only one tenth or two can be absorbed.There are already 80.00% of the aura, which can be completely collected for use.

Liu Ying, who discovered it for the first time, was overjoyed by this wonderful event.After this period of practice, coupled with the breakthrough in the state of mind, Liu Ying feels that the breakthrough stage is not far away.As long as you work harder, you will soon be able to break through this thin layer of wall membrane in the later stage.Not in a hurry to practice, anyway, there is plenty of time, and I left the bamboo house with a water cup.Seeing Xiaolu happily waving at her, the smile on Liu Ying's face deepened a bit.

Beauty bees were introduced into the space, and they exchanged a few words with Yaya from time to time, as if infected by Yaya, Xiaolu became lively again recently.No longer boring, just focus on practicing in the space every day.It may also be due to the good mood. Not only has the cultivation base not been abandoned, but it has improved a lot.He reached out and patted the branch that Xiaolu stretched out, and said with a smile: "Little Lu, congratulations, your cultivation has taken another big step forward. The master believes that it won't take long for Xiaolu to become a demon baby." , turned into a human body."

"Thank you for the good words, Master, Xiaolu will work hard." The progress in cultivation gave Xiaolu confidence, she nodded happily, and smiled prettily.

"Hey, by the way, Xiaolu, why didn't I see Yaya today? Isn't she the most active person to come here?" She had been in the space for a while, and Liu Ying was a little surprised when she didn't see Yaya. asked.

"The master is really stupid. You can tell if you just scan it with your spiritual sense. Ya Ya is laying eggs and is going to hatch more bees. There is too much pollen in the space, and just a little bees can't be busy." Xiao Jin Hearing Liu Ying's question, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows to explain.Thinking that it won't take long for Ya Ya to make the beauty bee colony produce more royal jelly, Xiao Jin couldn't help swallowing wildly.

Cool, this royal jelly is really a good thing, the spiritual energy is many times more than eating spiritual fruit.If he drank royal jelly like water like this, he would suddenly reach the middle stage of fourth order in a short time.Thinking about this possibility, Xiaojin's excited eyes narrowed into smiles.

"Laying eggs?" Xiao Jin's explanation made the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitch, and when she saw the buds busy in the hive.Liu Ying was shocked again, after not seeing her for a day, Ya Ya's stomach felt as if she had blown air, it was almost twice as big as her original body.Seeing that Yaya pulled Xiao Shangao's bee pupae easily like pooping, Liu Ying's goosebumps fell all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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