Chapter 400 The position of elder (3)
"Senior Sister, I'm going." Liao Ke'er's eyes flickered, and she quickly chased after her.How could Liao Ke'er let Sun Ningjing snatch such an outstanding man?If the ancestors in the Nascent Soul stage can be curry favor with them, the family will certainly be able to get a little bit of light.She is just a little monk in the Qi training period, let alone a wife, Liao Ke'er is willing to be a concubine.

"Master, what are these two nuns doing here?"

Liao Ke'er and Sun Ping came straight towards them, only a fool would not be able to guess her purpose.Frowning slightly with thick eyebrows, Xiao Jin stopped playing in the water, walked up to Liu Ying, and said in a puzzled way.

"How do I know? I don't need to know what she said later." Under Luo Cheng's guidance, Liu Ying finally got rid of the landlubber's spell.She squinted from the corner of her eyes and smiled charmingly, staring straight at the two female cultivators that Xiao Jin was looking at.Liu Ying's eyeballs rolled around, and suddenly she had some eyebrows.They came here specifically for Xiao Jin, but what is the purpose?
Luo Cheng returned Grandma Liu and others also found Liao Ke'er and sisters, and saw them walking waddlingly.Everyone was startled for a moment, then a look of curiosity appeared on their faces.Both of them look good, and their temperament is also top-notch, exuding a faint aura of agility.A seductive, hot body that makes people want nosebleeds.One has a pure face, and the big eyes are very pleasing.

"Sun Ningjing (Liao Ke'er) of the Mingyang Sect, the junior, has met the two seniors."

Sun Ningjing and sisters lowered their heads, clasped their fists respectfully, and blessed Liu Ying and Xiao Jin.As for Luo Cheng and Su Qigang, the two who were lower than them were directly ignored by them.

"Excuse me, Mingyang faction? What's the matter with you?" Liu Ying lifted them up with a wave of her hand, flirted with Sun Ningjing and the two of them lazily, and asked their purpose straightforwardly.Showing courtesy for nothing, adultery or robbery, Liu Ying didn't believe that they came with a smile on their faces, and just wanted to say hello.The monks have always been indifferent to each other. If there is no interest, they will never make friends with them easily.

When questioned bluntly by Liu Ying, the smiles on their faces froze.Glancing at Xiao Jin secretly with sharp eyes, seeing that he didn't have any other expressions, his eyes flickered, and a faint sense of loss flashed away.It doesn't appear on the surface, although the main purpose is not to get close to Liu Ying, but the other party is also a high-level monk after all.The two didn't dare to show any negligence, and still replied respectfully.

"Back to senior, the two of us were ordered by our master to catch the evil cultivator who caused this disaster. I would like to ask senior if you have seen it before." There are eight hundred reasons.As for the so-called evil cultivators, Sun Ningjing didn't talk nonsense, but he didn't send them to arrest them, but asked them to inquire about a situation.

"Evil cultivator? I never saw it."

He glanced at Sun Ningping suspiciously, wanting to see if what she said was true or not.After a while, she didn't see anything strange in the eyes of the two of them. Liu Ying raised her eyebrows, guessing that the so-called cultivating evil might be true.However, it was caught that the two of them would always glance at Xiao Jin inadvertently.Seeing that Xiao Jin didn't pay attention, a look of disappointment flashed in the corner of his eyes, Liu Ying had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly understood.

It turned out that it was aimed at Xiao Jin.Su Qigang and Luo grew up well, but their eyes only stayed on Xiaojin, the purpose of which was self-evident.She winked at Xiaojin, signaling to hand him over to him, since it wasn't for her anyway.Liu Ying is not in the mood to look for something to do, to be someone else's roadblock.

"Didn't you hear, we haven't seen any evil cultivators, you can go." Xiao Jin was not as polite as Liu Ying, who directly opened his mouth to drive people away with a blank expression.

Su Qigang, who was watching from the side, twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard Xiao Jin's unceremonious words, but he couldn't open his mouth.Otherwise, it's rare to see such a beautiful beauty, and Su Qigang will definitely open his mouth to tease her.

"Senior?" Unexpectedly, Xiao Jin's words would be so straightforward, Sun Ningjing opened his mouth in astonishment, and was speechless for a while.

"Wait senior, I like you, can you let me stay by senior's side to serve senior?" Sun Ningjing became anxious when he saw Xiao Jin turn around and wanted to leave, and blurted out his purpose.The opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come again. Sun Ningjing is unwilling to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in vain.With a charming smile, Sun Ningjing straightened her chest, and looked at Xiao Jin with a coquettish voice.

This sudden change was so shocking that Grandma Liu was taken aback.He took a deep breath, and couldn't believe that the girl who was upright a moment ago showed the fox's tail so quickly.Ignoring that everyone is watching with open eyes and wanting to save face, he seduces Xiaojin in public.

serve?The corners of Su Qigang's mouth twitched, he couldn't believe that the beautiful blessing that flew in, how could he run to Xiao Jin all of a sudden.Looking down at himself, Su Qigang felt that he was not bad, why did these two people even bother to look at him from the corner of their eyes.

"Shut up, get out of here immediately, don't let me see you again." His face darkened, and Xiao Jin glared disdainfully at the coquettish Sun Ningjing, and sternly shouted mercilessly.But it's just a female cultivator in the Qi training period, and she wants to climb into his bed, it's really whimsical.

"Yes, senior." Xiao Jin's coercion against her made Sun Ningjing's face change drastically, and he gritted his teeth and swallowed the fishy sweetness welling up in his throat.With a pale face, he nodded hurriedly.He exchanged a glance with Liao Ke'er, and hurriedly left in a panic.

Such a terrifying coercion, as expected of an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage, one look can make people feel like they have fallen into hell.The bone-piercing coldness makes people powerless to fight back.Thinking of that moment of murderous intent made Sun Ningjing feel chills from the bottom of his heart.Looking back from a distance, Sun Ningjing's eyes showed a hint of unwillingness, but at the same time, he was unwilling but also helpless.

"Yingying, who are they? Are they cultivators like Yingying?" After seeing Sun Ningjing and Liao Ke'er walking away, Grandma Li approached Liu Ying and asked in a low voice.Grandma Liu and others also pricked up their ears curiously, wanting to hear Liu Ying's answer.

"Grandma, they are cultivators, and they are female cultivators in the sect." Liu Ying also nodded and answered affirmatively.

"Really, why don't they look alike at all?" Hearing Liu Ying's affirmative answer, Grandma Li still frowned in disbelief.There is no way, Sun Ningjing's performance just now made Grandma Li feel disillusioned.Fairy, how could she do such a despicable act, and in full view, she was worse than a prostitute.

"Grandma, one kind of rice feeds all kinds of people, and there are good and bad cultivators. They are no different from ordinary people, and even have more extreme views on right and wrong." Liu Ying patted Grandma Li on the shoulder, comforting her in a deep voice.Liu Ying didn't want to keep these things a secret, lest other cultivators come to her one day, and everyone would foolishly treat him as a god.The delicious and delicious greetings almost didn't give him up.

The vast majority of cultivators are not gods without desires, but more lunatics who are insatiable and want to pursue longevity and power.

(End of this chapter)

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