Chapter 401 The position of elder (4)
No matter how many beautiful things you see, you will get bored. After playing at the beach for several days in a row, everyone's excitement began to cool down.Everyone started to drive around, walk around the streets and alleys, taste the local delicacies, and buy some souvenirs by the way.The unlucky Gao Jiabao, because of Luo Cheng's phone call, is so busy right now that he doesn't have the energy to think about revenge.

Luo Cheng gave a death order, Gao Cheng Group, Song Quanliang and other subordinates must be taken down.With all kinds of tricks, the entire Gaocheng Group suffered heavy losses, and the stock kept falling by the limit.Taking advantage of the fire to rob, Song Quanliang and the others did not show any merciful manners, and started to secretly buy them resolutely and resolutely.

People are unlucky, and they will clog their teeth when they drink water.Xu Shi and his family wandered around the street with a big target, but the evil cultivator that Sun Ningjing was talking about actually caught his eye.No way, who Liu Ying is not only a cultivator, but also a beautiful unbroken female cultivator.It would be a ghost if the evil cultivator didn't focus on Liu Ying. You must know that sucking the vitality of a female cultivator is far more effective than sucking a hundred ordinary virgins.

Unknowingly, he slapped the breath restraining talisman on his body, and Xie Xiu pretended to be unintentional.He passed by Liu Ying in a hurry, but actually took the opportunity to sprinkle special medicinal powder on Liu Ying.The medicine will be effective at night, when the time comes, Xiexiu smiles evilly, Xiexiu quietly dodges and hides, and follows from a distance.

Liu Ying didn't feel anything at first, there were so many people on the street, so the occasional touch was not surprising.It's just that she suddenly smelled a faint smell, which made Liu Ying feel a strange feeling in her heart.After running the spiritual power in her body, she found that there was nothing abnormal, so Liu Ying put the matter aside and didn't bother with it anymore.

She thought to herself, maybe she was just being overwhelmed.

However, as the sky was getting darker, Liu Ying found that she couldn't help feeling a hot feeling in her heart.Not only did Liu Ying notice something was wrong, but even Xiao Jin felt something was wrong with Liu Ying.Hurrying back to the room, Xiao Jin also followed into the room, looking at the irritable Liu Ying, Xiao Jin frowned and asked worriedly: "Master, what's wrong with you, your face seems to be much rosier than usual, is it because you are not in good health?" Comfortable?"

"It's a little bit, I feel very hot in my body, and I still feel a little weak." I walked around the room irritably, opened the neckline of my clothes a little, felt the cool air from the air conditioner, and felt the irritability in my heart. Feel better.However, as time went by, Liu Ying felt that this weird feeling was getting more and more wrong.

In a flash of inspiration, thinking of the weird smell she smelled when she was shopping during the day, Liu Ying wondered if she had been tricked by someone else.Uneasy, Liu Ying quickly took a detoxification pill.It's a pity that Liu Ying underestimated the power of this medicine, a detoxification pill can't cure this medicine.Because the medicine Xiexiu gave Liu Ying was not poisonous in essence, but it could be said to be a great tonic.

Damn it, Liu Ying felt that the detoxification pill didn't exert its medicinal effect, not only did it not suppress the fire pressure hidden in Liu Ying's body.On the contrary, it was even better, and Liu Ying, feeling overwhelmed by wave after wave of emptiness, wanted to slap herself.

Damn, what's going on, how can she feel this way.With a low curse sound of hatred, Liu Ying bit her lip fiercely, until the blood came out from the bite, and her broken mind came back a little.After all, Liu Ying is someone who has been there, and when she rolled her eyes, she suddenly wanted to understand something.Ten fingers clenched tightly, and the palm of the hand was squeezed hard by Liu Ying to bleed.

Bastard, she was so careless, and fell into someone else's trick.If she doesn't understand now, then she is an idiot. Who the hell and why did she use this medicine?With a low face, Liu Ying Senhan's eyes were stained with blood, and the cold and murderous aura disappeared in a flash.Not daring to stay any longer, Liu Ying stepped into the space and plunged into the spiritual spring, trying to suppress the hotness and emptiness in her heart.Thinking of something, Liu Ying asked Xiaolu for a spiritual fruit, chewed it a few times, and swallowed it eagerly.

The spiritual fruit on the small green tree has unexpected miraculous effects. It can not only detoxify all kinds of poisons, but also remove impurities from the body.Feeling the dryness and heat in her body slowly fade away, Liu Ying breathed a sigh of relief.Thinking that Xiao Jin was still outside, Liu Ying quickly sent a voice transmission: "Xiao Jin, in a moment, help me take down that bastard who drugged me, and I will deal with him myself."

Although I don't know who the other party is, but I will give her this kind of medicine, and I will definitely come to her tonight.With a sinister smile on her lips, a bloodthirsty light flashed in Liu Ying's eyes.If she thinks about it, she will definitely entertain him well and let him taste that life is worse than death.

"Okay, don't worry, Master, I will definitely catch him." Sensing that Liu Ying's breathing has become much calmer, Xiao Jin felt relieved.Without Liu Ying's explanation, Xiao Jin also saw what was going on, because Xiao Jin had only played once not long ago.It's just that Xiao Jin didn't expect that the retribution would come so quickly, and it would be on Liu Ying.

With a gloomy face, Xiao Jin sat on the bed, transformed into Liu Ying, and quietly waited for the arrival of the other party.

When the twelve o'clock bell rang, Xiao Jin immediately noticed a black shadow suddenly appearing in the room out of thin air.The opponent skillfully created a barrier, separating the entire room from the outside world.After doing this, the other party suddenly let out a piercing smirk.Walked slowly to the bed.Seeing Qiao Ying lying on the bed tossing and turning, Xie Xiu Le Budian's mouth almost turned up behind his ears when he smiled.Just as he was about to reach out to touch the beautiful woman on the bed, he suddenly found that he didn't smell a familiar scent.

Le Budian's face was startled, he quickly moved aside, and sternly shouted: "Who are you, where did you hide the real's prey, hand it over. Tell you, you'd better not be ignorant, Without the real person's antidote, she won't survive tonight."

"It's really rude. Didn't your parents teach you that you have to give your own name before asking someone's name. It turns out that you are an evil cultivator. No wonder you don't even understand this basic etiquette. How dare you dare Give my master a drug, and it's that damn drug. In return, I will let you taste this kind of life that is worse than death."

It was just an evil cultivator at the early stage of Golden Core, Xiao Jin's face was filled with surprise.

Sitting up gracefully, ignoring Le Budian's cannibalistic gaze, Xiao Jin waved his hand to turn on the light.With a thought, he changed back to his original appearance, glanced at the real Lebudian, and saw the ordinary face of the real Lebudian.Xiao Jin squinted his eyes, and a thick murderous look flashed undisguised.Before the real Le Budian could react, Xiao Jin made a sudden move, waved a wave of spiritual power, which involuntarily sank into the real Le Budian's body.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

Owner?Xiao Jin's words startled Master Le Budian, and he stretched out his spiritual sense to see Xiao Jin's cultivation.Master Le Budian was horrified to find that he couldn't see through, his eyes bulged, and Master Le Budian's heart constricted in fright.Damn it, did he kick the iron plate this time? This man who looks young is actually an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage.

(End of this chapter)

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