Chapter 405
Go to Mingyang faction?Frowning, Liu Ying glanced back at Liu Dasheng and the others.Catching the light of expectation in grandma and grandma's eyes, Liu Ying rolled her eyes and immediately understood the old man's thoughts.Hearing Zhitong Daoist's hype bragging, I became curious in my heart, wanting to see the difference between the so-called cultivation world and this place.

Liu Ying thought about it, and felt that it was nothing.Anyway, I have already agreed to be the elder guest of the Mingyang faction, and it is reasonable to go to the Mingyang faction to show my face.After calculating the time, there is still half a month left for the holiday, so there should be enough time. "Okay, fellow Zhidao, please wait for a while, let's go back to the hotel to pack up."

Returning to the room, Liu Ying met everyone's bright eyes and shook her head amusedly.

"Yingying, is it okay for us to follow?" Grandma Liu was both looking forward to and worried at the same time.

"Yeah, Yingying, the realm of comprehension is a place where immortals live. Would it be inconvenient for us to go there?" Liu Dasheng listened to the conversation between Liu Ying and Zhitong real person from beginning to end, and heard Zhitong real person talking to Liu Ying. senior.He was not used to it, and finally seeing Liu Ying nodding and agreeing to be an elder of the Mingyang sect, he was so shocked that his heart jumped out of his throat.

"Sister (big sister)." Liu Tao and Liu Hai knew that they could go to the realm of self-cultivation, where practitioners gather, their faces flushed red with excitement.

"Grandma, Dad is fine. Let's just treat it as a trip. It won't be a big deal. Brother Luo, Su Qigang, you should go too. The speed of cultivation in the secular world is too slow, especially Brother Luo. If you stay in the mundane world where spiritual energy is thin at night, even with the unlimited support of elixir, even if you are lucky enough to succeed in building a foundation, the chances of achieving a golden elixir are very slim. Since Big Brother Luo has resigned from the military, it is better to stay in Mingyang Paizhong concentrate on training, learn the systematic knowledge of self-cultivation by the way, and make other plans after the cultivation base is successful."

Seriously comforted the family, then turned his attention to Luo Cheng and Su Qigang.Thinking of something, Liu Ying persuasively said.Being together doesn't have to be sticky every day, as long as the cultivation level improves, there will be plenty of time for each other in the future.Liu Ying is not a short-sighted woman, and she is indeed too young now, and the brief separation is only for the sake of being together for a longer time in the future.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Looking at Liu Ying affectionately, Luo Cheng understood what Liu Ying said was reasonable.A series of events made Luo Cheng feel powerless, and he almost couldn't wait to improve his strength quickly.Since the opportunity is right in front of him, how could Luo Cheng not seize it.

"Master, I will listen to you. Since the master said that it is better to stay in the cultivation world, the disciple should stay in the cultivation world and practice hard."

A teacher for one day and a father for life, since Su Qigang has identified Liu Ying as his teacher.So as long as Liu Ying said, Su Qigang would seriously implement it.Furthermore, Su Qigang also felt that this mundane aura is indeed too little, and the further you advance, the more difficult it becomes.If it wasn't for the support of royal jelly and spirit pills, Su Qigang was [-]% sure that it would be even more difficult for him to cultivate in the future.

On the journey of cultivation, who would be willing to stop halfway, Su Qigang himself did so.

"Okay, since that's the case, Brother Luo, tell your family that it's inevitable that you will practice for three to five years." Liu Ying was relieved to receive affirmative answers from the two.

After simply tidying up, I threw the things I brought along with a lot of souvenirs I bought into the storage bag.After Luo Cheng and Su Qigang finished dating, everyone left the hotel and met Zhitong Zhenren.Under the leadership of Zhitong Zhenren and Liao Ke'er, everyone first set off in a car.After dark, for the sake of convenience, Zhitong suggested to put away the car and fly there.

For her own family, Liu Ying didn't want to trouble others.He sacrificed the flying sword to input spiritual power, and the small flying sword suddenly turned into a giant sword holding up the sky under the shocked eyes of Grandma Liu and others.Liu Ying jumped on the flying sword first, controlled the flying sword to stop on the ground, and asked everyone to jump on it.Then waved a barrier to protect everyone inside.With a thought, he flew to catch up to the real Zhitong in front.

As for Xiao Jin, he flew up out of thin air, and followed behind him at a leisurely pace.

It was the first time to experience this novel flight, and everyone's eyes sparkled with excitement.They obviously felt that they were flying fast in the dark night, but everyone felt that it was no different from standing on flat ground.Looking up at the bright moon and twinkling stars in the sky, everyone couldn't be more excited.

This is the uncanny power of a cultivator, it's incredible.

At first they were afraid of falling, but gradually everyone realized that the surroundings seemed to be covered by a transparent layer, so there was no need to worry about falling.Liu Tao has a more lively temper, so he couldn't hold back immediately, and looked around curiously.Liu Tao was extremely envious when he saw Liu Ying standing in the front and facing the wind.At this moment, Liu Tao truly felt that Liu Ying was different from them.

The snow-white gauze skirt fluttered with the wind, the long black hair was scattered and intertwined, and the bright moonlight shone on Liu Ying's face, reflecting a faint gleam.It makes people feel that Liu Ying is so sacred at this moment, as if she is a fairy who has fallen from the world, unattainable, and will go away with the wind at any time.

Liu Tao felt flustered for no reason, and couldn't help but want to call Liu Ying to stop, fearing that Liu Ying would fly away in front of his eyes. "Sister, sister, what is the cultivation world like? Is it any different from where we live?"

Hearing Liu Tao's shout, Liu Ying looked back at Liu Tao, caught the panic in Liu Tao's eyes, and a flash of surprise flashed in Liu Ying's heart.Patience and a shallow smile, Liu Ying distractedly explained while controlling the flying sword to protect the speed.

"The world of comprehension is similar to ancient times. Everyone preserves the traditions passed down from their ancestors. There are no so-called high-rise buildings, and there are no modern advanced furniture. Generally, everyone can use magic to get everything done. Put an end to the modern Only by avoiding industrial pollution can we protect the environment and prevent pollution from polluting the aura of the cultivation world."

It is similar to ancient times, and everything is done with magic.

Everyone pricked up their ears to listen, and a flash of light flashed in their eyes. If so, it would be similar to the magical world in the movie.

In everyone's curious imagination, unknowingly, under the guidance of the real Zhitong, we came to the enchantment between the world of ordinary people and the world of self-cultivation.Master Zhitong glanced at Liu Ying, nodded, and took out the talisman.After inputting spiritual power, he murmured for a while, and the talisman in his hand emitted a bright light and hit the barrier.Suddenly, a transparent hole slowly appeared out of thin air.

It grew bigger and bigger, and soon a big hole that could accommodate dozens of people freely entered appeared.

Real Zhitong winked at Liu Ying, and went in first with Liao Ke'er.Liu Ying and Xiao Jin looked at each other, nodded, and the sword quickly flashed in.When Liu Ying and Xiao Jin both disappeared, the big hole that appeared out of thin air quickly healed itself and returned to its original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.Everyone seemed to be in a car, and suddenly there was a burst of dizziness in the brain. When they opened their eyes again, they found that the scene had taken a 360-degree turn.

(End of this chapter)

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