Chapter 406
From the modern moment to the ancient times, looking around, it is full of antique houses.Even the people wandering the streets are all wearing elegant ancient costumes.Grandma Liu and others watched in awe, as if they were in a TV scene of an ancient costume movie.The only difference is that from time to time, someone steps on a flying sword and flies in the sky.

Sensing that someone came out of the enchantment, everyone took it for granted and didn't pay much attention to it. They were still busy with their own affairs.This is the basic survival rule in the realm of comprehension. Never meddle in other people's affairs lightly, lest you get burned.

"Yingying, is this the Realm of Cultivation? The air is so good, smelling the air here can make people feel refreshed."

Landing on the ground, Li Meijuan stared wide-eyed like Liu Laolao who had entered the Grand View Garden.Looking around with a face of novelty, seeing the immortals flying by from time to time in the sky, and looking at the antique houses.Occasionally, seeing a few beauties or handsome young men in ancient costumes passing by, Li Meijuan was dazzled and dizzy.

"Sister, this place is so beautiful, it's like a fairyland, it's so beautiful." Liu Tao skipped and looked around, his eyes straightened.

As for Luo Cheng and Su Qigang, their eyes lit up when they felt the strong aura around them.Secretly startled, thinking of what Liu Ying said, the two of them suddenly understood.Indeed, the aura here is hundreds of times better than that in the secular world which is heavily polluted.If you can practice in such an excellent environment, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"Mom, it's because there is enough aura in the air to make people feel refreshed. If mom likes it, Yingying can pick her up and live there for a long time." Liuying smiled faintly. explained.Letting go of her spiritual sense, she glanced at the small town in front of her. Liu Ying found that the town was not very big, and most of the people living in it were only monks in the Qi training period, or some spiritual people without spiritual roots, and very few in the foundation building period.As for those above the golden core stage, there is not even a hair.

Glancing at Master Zhitong, Liu Ying asked what was going on with her eyes.Although the world of comprehension has declined much more than before, it will not become this miserable state.

"Hey, that Elder Liu, it's like this. When I teleported, I directly passed it to the foot of our Mingyang Sect. Fellow Daoist Liu also knows that our Mingyang Sect is just a little-known sect in the cultivation world. So, so come to Mingyang There are not many monks from the Yang School to settle down and establish a career, and there are not many high-level monks who will come here. Generally, the monks who are capable and powerful will go to the big towns of Shushan, Kunlun, and Emei. Look for opportunities to practice."

Asked about the situation by Liu Ying, the real Zhitong's old face blushed uncontrollably.He laughed a few times, and replied in embarrassment.Taking a sneaky glance at Liu Ying with sharp eyes, he caught the flash of understanding in Liu Ying's eyes, and the real Zhitong's neck was flushed red.

Cultivators are very realistic people, who would be willing to waste time if they can't get any benefits.Except for some low-level casual cultivators with little capital, who would be willing to stay in such a small town that many people have never heard of.If it weren't for the headmaster supporting the door, maybe there wouldn't even be such a small fish and shrimp.

"So that's it. It seems that the situation of the Mingyang faction is quite bad." Thinking of the so-called meeting ceremony of Master Zhitong, Liu Ying's eyes flashed, and she quickly figured it out.A sect can be mixed up to this level, and it can be described as horrible. Originally, Liu Ying had some expectations.Wanting to see what this little sect is like, now it seems that Liu Ying suddenly feels regretful, and should not have agreed so easily.

He glanced at Zhitong Daoist, who lowered his head timidly and his neck was flushed with guilt.Liu Ying sighed lightly, Liu Ying would not easily regret what she promised.Besides, we have come here, so we just make do with it first.With a wink, he motioned for the real Zhitong to lead the way.

"Yes, Elder Liu, please follow me." Squeezing out a stiff smile, Master Zhitong took Liao Keren to the sky and flew towards the mountain gate of the Mingyang School.Liu Ying sacrificed the flying sword, let everyone get on the flying sword, then soared into the air, and followed.The little monks in the town saw Liu Ying and Xiao Jin standing out of nowhere, their eyes widened, and they looked at them with admiration, their eyes full of envy.

Flying in the air, this is the ability of the powerful people above the golden core stage.What's the matter, such a powerful person has also come to the territory of the Mingyang faction. Could it be that something happened to the Mingyang faction?Everyone was full of thoughts, and when they thought of the real Zhitong who was leading the way ahead, everyone couldn't help but feel waves in their hearts.

"Bold, who dares to fly with a sword in the bright sun?" The disciple in charge of guarding the mountain suddenly noticed a wave of spiritual energy in the air, and his expression changed drastically.Thinking it was an enemy attack, he was about to unleash his flying sword and rush up to stop him.Unexpectedly, it was discovered that the person who came was actually the only Jindanqi elder in the sect, a wise man, his face changed drastically.Hastily retreated to the side, cupping his fists respectfully to salute.

"Outer disciple He Dawei has met Elder Zhitong, please forgive me for not being able to recognize the aura of the elder just now."

He Dawei's expression changed again as he glanced at Liu Ying and others who had stopped behind him.They are also powerful men above the golden core stage, and there are still two of them, their heads are so low that they can't be lowered, He Dawei's heart is so frightened that it almost jumps out of his chest.What day is it today? Why is Master Zhitong, who is rarely seen even a shadow, suddenly brought two seniors to the door.

"It's okay, step back." Waving his hand, Master Zhitong nodded to Liu Ying, and continued to fly to the hall with Yujian.

And the leader Wude Yuanjun, who has been waiting eagerly, has been waiting eagerly since the day he sent Zhitong Daoist to be a lobbyist in person.If it weren't for the fact that there are no capable people in the gate, Mr. Wu Deyuan would like to go there in person.If two powerful people in the Nascent Soul Stage can be persuaded to join the Mingyang Sect, then the Mingyang Sect will be even more powerful.From now on, there is no need to be afraid of being bullied by the Danding Sect of Linshan, who will send people to the sect to make troubles from time to time, and poach potential disciples away by the way.

But just because the Danding faction had two Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in command, he was so bullied that the Mingyang faction couldn't even raise its head.Wait for Zhitong to invite two Taoist friends from the Nascent Soul stage to join him, to see if there is still a place for him to gain a foothold.Counting his fingers, Mr. Wu Deyuan was eager to see through.Looking forward to the return of Daoist Zhitong soon, I also invited the two fellow Taoists mentioned by Liao Keer who are also in the Nascent Soul stage.Fearing that there would be joy in the air, Wu De Yuanjun had mixed feelings, so nervous and excited that he didn't even care about the practice, he stayed in the hall every day and walked around.

Just as Wu Deyuan Jun was in a daze, he suddenly sensed a powerful aura rushing towards him, and Wu De Yuan Jun was startled.Leaving behind a group of incomprehensible disciples, he hurriedly flew out of the main hall to welcome the gentlemen who came from afar.

"Senior in the concentration stage!"

Wude Yuanjun sensed the seemingly invisible coercion coming from Xiaojin's body, and his face turned pale with horror.Under the astonished gaze of Zhitong Daoist and others, Mr. Wu Deyuan didn't care to explain a lot, lowered his head, and saluted Xiaojin respectfully. "Wu De of the Mingyang School has seen the senior, but he didn't know it was the senior who came, so please don't blame the senior if he came out to greet him in time."

(End of this chapter)

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