Chapter 410 Goodbye Old Friend (1)
Advanced treasure?

Zhao Lianqing's exclamation shocked everyone in the fight, Qi Qi stopped the attack in his hands, and looked at the giant snake in the sky with its teeth and claws in shock.High-level treasure, oh my god, this is a treasure that is almost extinct.Except for what was left by the ancestors in ancient times, there are not many master craftsmen who can forge magic treasures at the treasure level.

The refining of low-level treasures is barely possible, and it is unimaginable for advanced treasures.

The world is getting worse, who are these people, Jindan actually has a high-level weapon, so that these old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage have no face.

Right now, apart from those big families or ancient sects that have returned their stocks, there are no traces of treasures for ordinary monks or small sects.To have a top magic weapon is to be a good master, his eyes flashed, when Zhao Lianqing looked at the blood dance, his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of greed.He must snatch it as a high-level treasure.

It's just a small Jindan late-stage female cultivator, what qualifications does she have to possess such a perfect treasure.

Wu Deyuan Jun was also shocked, he never thought that Liu Ying would have such an amazing treasure.It turned out to be a high-level treasure, Wude Yuanjun was agitated when he thought about it, looking at the aura of blood dancing in the air, his eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred.Thinking of Xiao Jin, the great god in the concentrating stage, Lord Wu Deyuan shivered, and immediately thought that this treasure might be given to Liu Ying by the Supreme Elder.

Envy is envy, it shouldn't be his stuff, Mr. Wu Deyuan doesn't have the guts to covet it.Treasures are good, but you have to live to enjoy them.If the Supreme Elder knew what he was thinking, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

"Leave the magic weapon, and I will let you live." Zhao Lianqing is not afraid of how others will look at him. The strong are respected, and the treasures naturally belong to the capable.A little golden core stage female cultivator, he wanted her to give him a treasure, and keeping her alive was an extrajudicial favor.Swallowing his saliva, Zhao Lianqing showed his old face and sternly shouted righteously.

Hearing Zhao Lianqing's hypocritical words, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched uncontrollably.I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such a shameless person like Zhao Lianqing.To be so self-righteous and to order her to hand over her talisman is simply brain-dead.With a downcast face, Liu Ying cast a cold glance at Zhao Lianqing as if she were looking at a dead person, and the thick murderous look in her icy pupils was undisguised.

"kill him."

Word by word, almost squeezed out between teeth.Feeling moved by heart, Xue Wu sensed Liu Ying's strong murderous intent, and roared excitedly.Ignoring everyone's astonished gazes, Xue Wu rushed towards Zhao Lianqing regardless.The sad Zhao Lianqing didn't even have a chance to react, and in the blink of an eye, he was tightly entangled by the blood dance.Like a rice dumpling, it was tightly entangled in the blood dance, leaving only one head.

Under everyone's terrified eyes, Xue Wu tightened up quickly without any delay.On the silent battlefield, only Zhao Lianqing's sharp screams were heard, mixed with creepy clucks.It was the sound of bones breaking all over the body. The monk's eyes were so sharp that he could see Zhao Lianqing's blood vessels bursting and his seven orifices continuously overflowing with blood at a glance.

What was even more unacceptable was that no matter how hard Zhao Lianqing struggled, he couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the blood dance.The powerful man in the middle stage of Yuanying was so aggrieved that he was entangled alive by Xuewu to death, and even Yuanying couldn't escape.The terrifying scene was far more than that. Even though Zhao Lianqing was out of breath, Xue Wu still didn't have the slightest sense of letting go.Under everyone's horrified eyes, the huge snake head suddenly bit Zhao Lianqingyuanjun's head.

But in less than a breath, Zhao Lianqing was sucked up by the giant snake, leaving only a skinny skeleton.All the blood in the whole body, as well as the unscattered spiritual energy, were sucked up by the blood dance, and he raised his head and neighed.Xue Wu took a smack in satisfaction, loosened the grip on Zhao Lianqing, and let him fall to the ground.After a full meal, the light on Xue Wu's body became brighter again, which surprised people again.

Hell, this treasure actually sucks the monk's spiritual blood and spiritual power, this, this is simply shocking.

Not only everyone present was in a cold sweat, but even Liu Ying, who was using it for the first time, saw Zhao Lianqing being entangled in the blood dance and didn't even have the strength to fight back.He was entangled to death, and in the end he sucked up all his blood miserably, and his shocked eyes were even bigger than a bull's eye.Secretly amazed in my heart, it is indeed a top-grade treasure, it is really extraordinary, and it is a blockbuster.

As if sensing Liu Ying's praise, Xue Wu glanced back at Liu Ying, and roared a few times excitedly.

Once Zhao Lianqing died, and he died so horribly, all the monks of the Danding Sect were almost scared out of their wits.One after another, Qiu Minghe, whose cultivation base was only at the peak of Yuan Ying's early stage, saw Zhao Lianqing's miserable situation with sharp eyes, and his expression changed drastically.At the moment of life and death, Qiu Minghe had no guts to abandon Lord Wudeyuan, regardless of the Mingyang Sect returning thousands of disciples.He sacrificed the magic weapon of flight and fled like lightning.

Seeing Qiu Minghe abandoning them and fleeing privately, the disciples of the Danding Sect were ashamed.Gritting their teeth, unwilling to die here like this, they tried their best to escape from the Mingyang faction.

"Where can I escape?" Sensing Qiu Minghe's behavior like a bereaved dog, Wude Yuanjun's face flashed with contempt.Cutting the weeds does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. How could Lord Wu Deyuan be willing to leave such a big disaster, so he hurriedly sacrificed his flying sword and chased after him.

Liu Ying knew that Wude Yuanjun's cultivation base was in the middle Yuanying stage, so it would not be difficult to take down Qiu Minghe who had lost his fighting spirit in the early Yuanying stage.Instead of chasing after him to help kill him, he joined the melee and killed the monk who was trying to escape and resisted with all his strength.Liu Ying is not a bloodthirsty person, those little monks who put down their weapons and obediently raised their hands to surrender, Liu Ying did not do anything again, and spared his life.

These little monks are just following orders, there is no need to drive them all out.

The other monks of the Danding faction who were fighting were aware of this change, and it was not the most loyal monks of the Danding faction who rushed into the weapons in their hands.He raised his hands in surrender, expressing his willingness to belong to the Mingyang faction.Someone took the lead, and the Mingyang faction really stopped, and didn't kill them all.Everyone followed suit one after another, and within a few minutes, the bloody battle quickly turned into a one-sided situation, and the Mingyang faction that should have been wiped out was finally.Because of Liu Ying's joining, the morale was greatly shaken.

Not only did they keep the Mingyang Sect, but they also turned defeat into victory, annihilating nearly a thousand members of the Danding Sect in one fell swoop, and captured more than [-] monks for the first time.What made the Mingyang faction even more ecstatic and shocked.With the appearance of Mr. Wu Deyuan, they saw Mr. Wu Deyuan holding Qiu Minghe's head in his hand.As a result, it was obvious that in this battle, the Mingyang faction not only kept the sect, but also destroyed the Danding faction.

Together with the two powerful men of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Danding Sect, they were all destroyed together, and the two became one.In the near future, Mingyang School is about to usher in a brand new beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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