Chapter 411 Goodbye Old Friend (2)
Everyone couldn't help looking at Liu Ying. Although most of them didn't know who Liu Ying was, they thought of Wu Deyuanjun's words about the Supreme Elder.Everyone agreed that she must be from the Mingyang sect.Staring brightly at the blood dance in Liu Ying's hand, everyone's eyes were full of enthusiasm.A high-level treasure, joined by this strange Supreme Elder.From now on, the Mingyang Sect will be able to stand up straight in front of other monks, and will no longer be afraid of being oppressed.

With the cultivation base of Jindan stage, he easily eliminated the powerful man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, just thinking about it makes all the monks of Mingyang sect fall in love with the five bodies worshiped by Liu Ying.After becoming famous in the first battle, Liu Ying has become an idol respected by the whole faction.

Different from these unaware disciples, Zhitong Daoist returned Liao Ke'er and others, and his eyes were so shocked by Liu Ying's terrifying combat power that they could be used as light bulbs.Thinking of Xiao Jin who hadn't made a move, he was even more ecstatic.Even Liu Ying in the Golden Core stage is so powerful that he can leapfrog to kill a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage.Then, they can imagine how devastating Xiao Jin's combat power would be if he was in the concentration stage.

The day when the Mingyang faction exhaled and raised their eyebrows came, and they looked at each other, looking at Wude Yuanjun who came down from the sky, with strong hope in his eyes.

"Thank you for the help of the Supreme Elder, so that the Mingyang faction will not be in danger of being wiped out." Throwing Qiu Minghe's head aside, Wu Deyuanjun clasped his fists at Liu Ying gratefully.

"Why does the head of the sect need to be like this? As the Supreme Elder of the Mingyang Sect, it's only natural to help." Liu Ying replied with a smile as he turned sideways and skillfully avoided Wu De Yuanjun's gift.

"The elder Taishang is right, but I am confused." Seeing Liu Ying dodging his gift of gratitude, Wude Yuanjun's face beamed with joy.Turning her mind, she immediately understood that Liu Ying's heart had begun to favor the Mingyang School.This is definitely a good omen, the corner of his eye glanced at the blood dance in Liu Ying's hand, and the joy on his face deepened a bit.

"Okay, Sect Leader, I'll leave the rest of the matter to you. You can do whatever you want. I'll go back to accompany my parents first, so that they won't be worried." The door was sitting on an equal footing, and when speaking, it was a little more casual.Waving her hand, Liu Ying interrupted what Wu Deyuan Jun was about to say.

The first time I came to the cultivation world to play, I ran into the bloody extermination of factions.Grandma and the others must have been shocked. Seeing that everything was over, the rest was just a matter of hand, and Liu Ying was not in the mood to participate in these trivial matters.

"Okay, then the Supreme Elder, please take care of yourself first. After I have dealt with these matters, we will discuss other things later. But, you go to guide the Supreme Elder, and make arrangements for the accommodation by the way. First arrange Le Feng, if the Supreme Elder doesn't like it, then show other peaks, as long as the Supreme Elder likes it, you can go anywhere." Knowing that Liao Ke'er and Liu Ying had met, Wu De Yuanying thoughtfully arranged for Liao Ke'er to be in charge reception thing.

"Yes, disciple takes orders." Liao Ke'er ran over with unconcealed joy, saluted, and nodded respectfully.

The other disciples showed envious expressions when they heard that Liao Ke'er could get close to the Supreme Elder.

"Let's go." Because Liao Ke'er is a monk in the late stage of Qi training, she can't fly with her own sword.Liu Ying started a blood dance in her heart, and took it back to her dantian to continue to nourish it.He sacrificed a flying sword, signaled Liao Ke'er to come up with his eyes, then soared into the sky and flew towards the main hall.

Liao Ke'er stood behind Liu Ying, her face flushed with excitement.His hands were tensely clenched into fists, he didn't say a word, and obediently remained motionless, for fear of causing Liu Ying's displeasure.

After a few breaths, Liu Ying took Liao Ke'er to the main hall, and saw the family members who were still anxiously waiting in place.Liu Ying's face was filled with joy, and she hurriedly landed.He nodded at Xiaojin, then turned his attention to his family members, with a slight smile on his face, and comforted him: "Grandma, Dad, I'm back. The matter is settled, you don't have to worry anymore."

"It's all settled, that's good, that's good. You girl, you didn't wait for grandma to say a word, you ran away like burning your ass, but you worried grandma to death." Grandma Liu pressed The big stone on the chest finally moved.Looking at Liu Ying with a fawning smile on her face, Grandma Liu gave Liu Ying an angry look and complained endlessly.

"That's right, Yingying, you scared grandma to death." Grandma Li also came over and gave Liu Ying a sharp look.Taking a deep breath, he suppressed his beating heart.Although it is still far away, but staying in the main hall, everyone can still hear the screams from the mountainside, and the strong blood in the air.

Even if she hadn't witnessed the power of destroying the faction with her own eyes, Grandma Li could still imagine how tragic the scene would be.



Liu Tao and the others were also frightened, their faces turned slightly pale, and they approached Liu Ying anxiously.Liu Dasheng's complexion was a little heavy, and when he looked at Liu Ying, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.But he couldn't say anything, because Liu Dasheng knew in his heart that Liu Ying's world was no longer on the same level as his.These fights and fights are inevitable.Even if Liu Ying didn't want to, there would still be people who would come to her door. What happened in City H is the best example.

"It's okay, everyone, don't worry. Liao Ke'er, didn't the head tell us to arrange a place for us to live in? Please take us to have a look." Feeling the panic in everyone's hearts, Liu Ying was a little at a loss and didn't know what to say What can comfort everyone.Seeing Liao Ke'er standing aside with sharp eyes, Liu Ying had an idea and quickly changed the topic.

"I don't dare, please come with me, the Supreme Elder." Startled by Liu Ying's polite words, Liao Ke'er didn't dare to be arrogant, she quickly lowered her head, and replied respectfully and with a hint of fear.

If there were no such bloody killings in the world of comprehension, perhaps it would really be a good place to retire.Mingyang Sect is just a small sect that is not in the mainstream, but the environment and scenery are no less than a secular tourist attraction, or even worse.In order to share the panic in everyone's hearts, Liu Ying asked Liao Ke'er to lead the way and took everyone to Xianle Peak.

Looking at the antique buildings with unique flavors, the green scenery along the way is also appreciated.Hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, all kinds of unheard-of low-level spiritual fruits are happily hanging on the branches, and there are occasional crane spirit beasts flying up, which is even more dazzling.Before arriving at Xianle Peak, the sound of waterfalls rushing down could be heard far away, approaching from far away.

With a flash of inspiration, Liu Ying suddenly understood why Lord Wu Deyuan named this peak Xianle Peak.Presumably it is because of the sound of the waterfall that it got its name.

People are forgetful, especially for some bad memories.Grandma Liu looked at the surrounding scenery dizzyingly all the way, and Liao Ke'er gave an enthusiastic introduction.Gradually let go of the chest, there is a kind of joy of traveling and vacation, and the eyes are shining.I couldn't help looking around, wishing I had a few more pairs of eyes, so that I could have a panoramic view of the fairyland-like scenery in front of me.Thinking of the next period of time, everyone can live here.

(End of this chapter)

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