Chapter 412 Goodbye Old Friend (3)
Everyone had a cheerful smile on their faces, leaving behind the unhappiness of the previous moment.

"Elder Supreme, Xian Le Peak is here. I don't know if Elder Supreme likes Xian Le Peak. If you don't feel uncomfortable, I will show Elder Supreme to see other peak masters." Liao Ke'er stood sideways and respected Ask yourself.She glanced at Xiao Jin thoughtfully with her sharp eyes. Along the way, seeing Xiao Jin standing respectfully behind Liu Ying made Liao Ke'er feel very puzzled.

How can a powerful person in the concentration stage show respect and even obedience to the monks in the late Jindan stage?
The doubts in my heart are doubts, this is the matter of the seniors, Liao Ke'er is a young monk in the Qi training period, but he has no courage to question anything.She only needs to be responsible for arranging the things the head orders, and then perform well, if she can please the elders and agree to let her stay on the peak to serve, then she will be satisfied.Xianle Peak, this is the mountain with the best aura besides the Shanggan Peak where the head of the sect lives.Of course, if the two Supreme Elders could look at her pleasingly, it would be more perfect to reward her with some small things to dismiss her.

Liao Ke'er's eyes lit up when she thought of the high-grade Peiyuan Pill that Liu Ying took out before, and she couldn't help but feel a wave of anticipation in her heart.

"This place is good, the environment is good, and the place is big enough, so let's go here." Letting go of her spiritual sense and glanced at the entire Xianle Peak, Liu Ying looked at the garden-style house in Jiangsu, and couldn't help nodding in satisfaction.There are small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, towers and pavilions, and beautiful gardens that are dazzling.In addition, there is a large orchard behind the courtyard, which Taozai must like very much.

"Yes, Supreme Elder, this is the token of Xianle Peak. If the Supreme Elder doesn't like people disturbing you, you can open the mountain protection formation so that no one can enter the peak." Hearing that Liu Ying agreed to live in Xianle Peak, Liao Ke'er's face brightened.Take out the token from the storage bag, and present it to Liu Ying with respectful hands.After seeing Liu Ying accepting it, Liao Ke'er thought of something and said nervously and expectantly.

"Elder Supreme, Xian Le Peak is usually in charge of taking care of the miscellaneous servants, and there is no special attendant. I don't know if the Elder Supreme needs it. If the Elder Supreme needs it, this disciple can immediately arrange for someone to come and serve him."

At any rate, Liu Ying also stayed in the sect for a while, and knew more or less about some twists and turns in the sect.This handyman is only responsible for sanitation of flowers and plants or some hard work, and he is self-sufficient in doing tasks.And those who are responsible for taking care of the high-level monks are the disciples of the inner sect.Taking care of high-level monks is a fat job for some low-level disciples.

In addition to the daily supplies in the door, the high-level monks enjoy meticulous and considerate care, and will reward these disciples with some spirit stones or spirit pills every month.Occasionally, he would give some pointers on his cultivation base. If these disciples can live up to their spirits, they might still have shit luck.If he is favored by a high-level monk and accepted as a named disciple, he can become a direct disciple just after he builds his foundation.

The divine sense easily captured the anticipation in Liao Keer's eyes, and Liu Ying could guess what Liao Keer was thinking when she turned her mind.If she agrees to let Liao Ke'er arrange someone to come in, it means that she makes Liao Ke'er the head of Xian Le Peak, responsible for managing the affairs of Xian Le Peak.Thinking about the journey, Liao Ke'er's performance was remarkable, without any mistakes.Even though I was a little cautious in my heart, I didn't act too much, and I advanced and retreated properly.

Let Liao Ke'er be the master of Xianle Peak, her cultivation base is a bit low.But the advantage is that the faces are familiar, so grandma and the others won't feel too strange when they look at them.She has no shortage of spirit stones, and there are countless spirit pills. Liu Ying nodded and agreed with Liao Keer's words.Thinking of grandma, Liu Ying decided to let everyone enjoy the feeling of being taken care of.They are rich and powerful, and they are not short of those things, Liu Ying said.

"Okay, you go and arrange a few more elf spots, and you don't have any crooked attendants to come over. Oh, yes, it's better to find some people with good craftsmanship to come to the peak. My family members are all mortals, and I need to eat normally every day. meals."

Thinking of something, Liu Ying quickly added something.Money can turn ghosts around. If you want a horse to run fast, how can you not have good food to feed the horse.Since Liu Ying ordered Liao Ke'er to help her, naturally, she would not treat Liao Ke'er badly.He took a bottle of Qi Condensation Pill from the storage bag with his backhand and threw it to Liao Ke'er. He nodded, indicating that this bottle of elixir was a reward for her.

Panacea?Liao Ke'er's eyes lit up after receiving what Liu Ying threw.He didn't dare to open the contents of the bottle immediately to see what it was, but Liao Ke'er thought about it.Since it was rewarded by the seniors of Jindan stage, it must not be too bad.Joyfully put the things into the storage bag, and nodded without delay. "The disciple takes orders, please wait a moment for the elder, the disciple will arrange someone to come over in a while."

Glancing at Xiao Jin with sharp eyes, Liao Ke'er said again: "Elder Xiao, do you know whether you and Elder Liu will live in Xianle Peak together, or let the disciples arrange to live in other peaks."

"No need, just stay here, you can go down and make arrangements." With a wave of his hand, Xiao Jin declined Liao Ke'er's kindness.

"Yes, I will come back as soon as I go, please the two elders." Blessing Fushen, seeing Xiao Jin and Liu Ying nodding, Liao Ke'er ran away from Xianle Peak quickly with the wind under his feet.After descending the mountain, Liao Ke'er took a breath, took out the jade bottle and opened the lid.A strong medicinal fragrance wafted out of her nostrils, and Liao Ke'er was overjoyed.

It turned out to be a high-grade Qi Condensing Pill, which was the panacea she needed most but could not afford.After taking a few strong sniffs, Liao Ke'er put the lid back on.Carefully put it back into the storage bag, afraid of being seen by others, glanced around secretly, and found that there was no one, Liao Ke'er's heart that was hanging in the air finally fell to the ground.Not daring to delay, Liao Ke'er gathered enough spiritual power and rushed to the residence of the inner disciples.

Fat water does not flow to outsiders' field, along the way, Liao Ke'er already has a suitable candidate in her heart.

"Sister, are we going to stay here tonight?" As soon as Liao Ke'er left, Liu Tao immediately came to life, jumping up and down in front of Liu Ying.Liang Faliang eagerly asked, while talking, his eyes still kept looking around.

"Yeah Yingying, can we really live here? This place is like a fairyland. Grandma feels like she is dreaming. It's so unreal." Grandma Liu held Liu Ying's hand and looked at Liu Ying with disbelief. Ying, I want to hear Liu Ying's answer.

"Grandma, you are not dreaming, it's true. If grandma likes it, it doesn't matter if you live for a while, even if you live for a long time. Grandma, parents, Xianlefeng is very big, and the house is enough. You can take a look for yourself , live in whichever one you like, and someone will come to clean it up in a while." Clutching Grandma Liu's trembling hand tightly behind her back, Liu Ying said with a smile.

"Master, can we stay here too?"

Su Qigang has never lived in any kind of house since he was a child, but he looked at the Xianle Peak surrounded by clouds and mist, and the aura was compelling.Su Qigang was still shocked, he was as happy as a child, and he couldn't believe it.Thinking that he might live in this fairyland-like place and practice in the future, Su Qi couldn't help but feel his heart bubbling just as he thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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