Chapter 415 It's All Over (1)
After buying spirit wine, Liu Ying brought her family to buy another mess.Suddenly, Liu Ying was surprised to find that someone was selling Lingwu tea trees at the street stall.It's a pity that the seller didn't have enough vision, and mistakenly thought that it was just an ordinary spiritual tea tree, and they didn't pick it well.I just found a flower pot, planted it randomly, and was dying.

Ever since Liu Ying drank the taste of Lingwu tea, she has been fascinated by this dreamlike and dreamlike Lingwu tea.It's a pity that this thing is rare.City Lord Mo didn't give much, Liu Ying finished drinking it early in the morning, so she had to order some ordinary spiritual tea instead, but it's a pity that it's not a state at all.I'm used to picking my mouth, and drinking this low-grade spiritual tea, I can't find this feeling at all.Looking at this Lingwu tea, which is still a seedling, Liu Ying feels that the future is bright.

Not caring much, Liu Ying couldn't hide her excitement and rushed to the booth that specializes in seedlings, and opened her mouth to ask the price of this spirit tea. "Fellow Daoist, may I ask how many spirit stones you can buy for this spirit tea seedling?"

"Juniors don't dare to do it, seniors, this spirit tea is a spirit tea seedling that juniors accidentally got in the sea of ​​clouds and mist some time ago. Because it is not well raised, it can't be sold, and it is about to die. If seniors like it, 20 Yuan Ling Give the stone to senior." The stall owner was just a monk in the late stage of Qi training, and he couldn't see Liu Ying's cultivation level, so the stall owner was shocked.Hastily stood at attention and explained respectfully.Not daring to hide anything, he told Liu Ying the origin of the spirit tea.In case Liu Ying buys it, if he can't support himself, he will come back to settle accounts with him.

Lingwu tea grows into a high-level spirit plant, and it only sells low-grade spirit stones for 20 yuan. Liu Ying's mouth twitched uncontrollably when she heard the stall owner's words.It is really not a crime for those who don't know, to sell such rare spiritual tea seedlings at a low price.This was a big mistake, Liu Ying suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, nodded and handed the 20 yuan spirit stone to the stall owner.

Fearing that the spirit tea would wither and die, Liu Ying carefully moved it into the space.Fearing that someone would discover something, Liu Ying deliberately put it in a storage bag beforehand, and then quietly moved it into the space.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay."

After completing the transaction and picking up a big leak, Liu Ying immediately took her family and wanted to leave the booth.Unexpectedly, before he had gone far, he was suddenly stopped by a sharp female voice behind him.Although he didn't want to talk about it, it was obviously too late. The other party took a step ahead of Liu Ying and came to Liu Ying.Pausing in her tracks, Liu Ying squinted in surprise when she saw the other party's appearance clearly.

Zuo Xiaoxiao?It's not that friends don't get together, I didn't expect to meet my former rival here.

Zuo Xiaoxiao was lucky enough to escape before, but Liu Ying never thought that Zuo Xiaoxiao was so lucky.Not only was he rescued by others, but he was also lucky enough to be favored by others and led to practice in the realm of cultivation.Glancing at Zuo Xiaoxiao's cultivation base, it turns out that he is at the ninth level of the late stage of Qi training, and the double spiritual root can reach the late stage of Qi training in just a few years.Zuo Xiaoxiao was not only lucky, but also the master he worshiped should not be bad, and he gave Zuo Xiaoxiao a lot of training resources.Otherwise, in such a short period of time, it would be really difficult for Shuang Linggen to break through to the late stage in one fell swoop with his own ability.

Turning her head and looking at Xiao Jin, and seeing the murderous look in Xiao Jin's eyes, Liu Ying knew that Xiao Jin also recognized Zuo Xiaoxiao.And I still remember the past, and I haven't forgotten it because of the passage of time.

Looking at the snow-white gauze skirt, Zuo Xiaoxiao, who was so shockingly beautiful, was about her age, but also as tall as a lotus.Glancing at the two men who were dressed in the same style behind her, Liu Ying's eyes flashed with clarity.They should be from the same sect as Little Master Zuo, and their cultivation bases are all in the foundation building stage.After meeting each other for many years, Liu Ying felt that those were old things from her childhood, so there was no need to keep them in her heart.Goodbye now, just be a stranger.

With a smile on her lips, Liu Ying looked lazily at Zuo Xiaoxiao, and said in a deep voice, "What can you do, fellow Taoist?"

The monk is very sensitive to the breath. Although Liu Ying's appearance has changed a lot, the breath has not changed much.Zuo Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and when she looked at Liu Ying, she felt a little familiar. With a flash of inspiration, she immediately guessed who the nun who was one step ahead of her was.Resentment flashed across Zuo Xiaoxiao's eyes when he thought of the past.What made Zuo Xiaoxiao even more annoyed was that this Liu Ying, whom she had disliked since she was a child, unexpectedly became one of the cultivators.

Unable to see Liu Ying's current cultivation level, Zuo Xiaoxiao deduced with common sense, and decided that Liu Ying must have used a spell to cover up his cultivation base, so he couldn't see it.Glancing at Liu Ying's clothes, he found that they were just ordinary clothes, not even the school's logo.Zuo Xiaoxiao concluded that Liu Ying must be a little-known casual cultivator.Eyebrows raised slightly, Zuo Xiaoxiao sneered disdainfully, and said sharply: "I don't know who it is, so it's you, Liu Ying. It's not that friends don't get together, I didn't expect to see you in the realm of comprehension."

"Yeah, the cultivation world is really small, and I still see you in this small town. I haven't seen you for many years, and you've been doing well, and you've already broken through to the late stage of Qi training." Ignoring Zuo Xiaoxiao's sarcasm, Liu Ying couldn't help but smile. Change, said coolly with a half-hearted smile.

The two are old friends?Liu Dasheng and Grandma Liu were taken aback when they heard their insinuations.Sensing the strong hostility in Zuo Xiaoxiao's words, everyone stood behind Liu Ying in unison, for fear of causing trouble to Liu Ying.

"Yeah, I can't help it. I was lucky enough to worship Wuyue Yuanjun of the Kunlun School as my teacher. With the support of unlimited panacea, I can't even advance slowly. Hehe, looking at you, you seem to be confused. It's not very good, even if I have to cover up my cultivation, it must be not very good. Wulinggen is not even qualified to be a handyman in Kunlun. For the sake of old acquaintances, even if I want to help you Too much heart but not enough strength.”

The arrogant Zuo Xiaoxiao didn't seem to understand Liu Ying's sarcasm, she raised her chin triumphantly, showing off to herself.Pretentiously, he said with a look of charity, and then pretended to be regretful and guilty, which made Liu Ying's mouth twitch, and she was speechless to the extreme.

Crazy, Zuo Xiaoxiao has practiced too much, and his brain has convulsions.His cultivation base is low, so it's fine if he can't see her cultivation base clearly, but he still uses it to ridicule her.My brain was really kicked by a donkey, and I had a convulsion.


Zuo Xiaoxiao really spared no effort to belittle her, but unfortunately let Zuo Xiaoxiao down, what happened to Wulinggen.Didn't she still run ahead of Zuo Xiaoxiao, didn't join any great sect, so what if she didn't find a big backer.Now she can live a better life on her own than anyone else.A half-smile glanced at Zuo Xiaoxiao, who was still confused about the situation, and a hint of disdain flashed in Liu Ying's eyes.

"Thank you for your kindness. I don't need it. I have already joined the Mingyang Sect, and I can't join other sects." Interrupting Zuo Xiaoxiao's words that still wanted to taunt her, Liu Ying shook her head, and refused decisively and bluntly. Zuo Xiaoxiao's hypocritical kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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