Chapter 416 It's All Over (2)
Mingyang faction?Hearing Liu Ying's words, Zuo Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and looked at Liu Ying with a sudden realization.An unpopular little sect, but I have the nerve to speak out.The disdain on Zuo Xiaoxiao's face grew a little bit more, and he sneered: "So that's it. I heard that the Mingyang Sect is doing well now, although there is only one big monk in the mid-Yuanying stage in the sect. But the disciples below the Golden Core Stage There are thousands of people, which can barely be regarded as a third-rate sect. Congratulations to your old classmate, for finding such a promising sect."

Zuo Xiaoxiao really dared to say that he stepped on the territory of the Mingyang Sect, blatantly stating that the Yang Sect is only a third-rate sect.And that sentence of congratulations caused three black lines to draw on Liu Ying's forehead.Being ridiculed repeatedly by Zuo Xiaoxiao, Liu Ying couldn't help but smile, and continued to flirt with Zuo Xiaoxiao hypocritically.With a downcast face, Liu Ying shouted in a cold voice with no expression on her face.

"That's enough, Zuo Xiaoxiao, don't pretend to be so hypocritical. Let's bid farewell if there's nothing else to do."

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and it is considered good if they can pull out a few false smiles, there is no need to continue and waste each other's time.

"Hmph, I've gotten to this level, and I'm ashamed to pretend to be high-minded. Forget it, I'm not in the mood to talk to a person like you who has no taste, so as not to lower my style. Take the Lingwu tea you just bought The saplings were left behind, that’s what I was interested in first. For the sake of familiarity, I’m willing to give you twice as many spirit stones to buy back.”

Laughing back in anger, Zuo Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, raised his chin arrogantly, and said in a loud voice of charity.

Zuo Xiaoxiao thinks that she is superior and no one dares to say anything, but she doesn't know that there are some monks around who recognize Liu Ying's identity.Hearing Zuo Xiaoxiao's reckless words, they all stared at Zuo Xiaoxiao sympathetically.

The female cultivator who doesn't know how to live or die is just a rookie in the Qi training period, and she has the audacity to ask for something from the seniors in the later stage of Jindan.Either his head was pressed by the door panel, or he was born with neurological problems.

Lingwu tea tree?When Liu Ying heard Zuo Xiaoxiao's domineering request, she narrowed her eyes, and a trace of cruelty flashed away.Zuo Xiaoxiao is worthy of being Zuo Xiaoxiao, she is stubborn and even more self-righteous than before.It's funny to be the first one, she has already bought it, Zuo Xiaoxiao said that it's too pretentious.The tiger doesn't show his power, Zuo Xiaoxiao really treats her like a sick cat, holding his hands in front of his chest, Liu Ying sweeps at Zuo Xiaoxiao with a half-smile, and refuses in a cold voice without hesitation.

"If you don't sell it, you'd better keep your Lingshi for yourself."

"Not for sale? Liu Ying, what do you mean? Do you think there are too few spirit stones? I warn you not to be too greedy, but it's just a dying sapling. If there is no high-level spiritual field planting, it will not be able to support it. I If you are willing to pay twice as many spirit stones to buy it, it is considered a great favor. Hand over the spirit mist tea immediately, or don’t blame me for being rude.” He stared at Liu Ying fiercely, left Xiao Xiao said angrily.

"Oh, you're welcome, Zuo Xiaoxiao, I want to see how you're being rude?" Hearing Zuo Xiaoxiao's threatening shout, Liu Ying raised her eyebrows, her face was as cold as frost, and stared at Zuo Xiaoxiao with a cold voice Ask.

"Junior Sister?" The two Foundation Establishment cultivators behind him keenly sensed the change in Liu Ying's breath.There was a look of horror on his face, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Liu Ying's eyes.Fearing that Zuo Xiaoxiao would not die, they would continue to burn oil on the fire, the two hurriedly opened their mouths to say something, but Zuo Xiaoxiao interrupted them first.

"Shameless, you found it yourself."

Liu Ying's provocative eyes immediately ignited the anger in Zuo Xiaoxiao's heart, and stared at Liu Ying with murderous eyes.He patted the spirit animal bag on his waist, and in an instant, under everyone's astonished gazes, a ferocious Fire Rabbit that was as tall as a story came out of nowhere.Under the control of Zuo Xiaoxiao's thoughts, the Fire Rabbit roared at Liu Ying, waved its paws and rushed towards Liu Ying involuntarily.

Tier [-] Fire Rabbit?The monks who were watching the theater gasped in shock when they saw the red eyes of the fire rabbit, and were secretly shocked in their hearts.Not afraid of being a monk of the Kunlun School, even a female cultivator in the late stage of Qi training can easily take out a second-level demon pet.If ordinary monks of the same level unfortunately bump into each other, it is certain that the loss will be inevitable.

It's a pity that this female cultivator was unlucky today, and she didn't have the eyes to mistake pearls for sand and ask for trouble.

"Yingying?" Seeing this giant beast that appeared out of nowhere and charged at it with a murderous look, Grandma Liu's heart constricted in shock.Fortunately, Xiao Jin was careful, and immediately sent out a burst of spiritual power to comfort everyone's uneasiness.

His gaze flickered, looking at Zuo Xiaoxiao who was smiling proudly, Xiaojin's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of blood flashed away.

"As expected of a monk sent by the Kunlun School, the attack is different. Hmph, it's actually a second-level Fire Rabbit. Courtesy is not a gentleman. Since you sent your own demon pet, then? Of course I can't let it go. Downwind. You have lost face of the Mingyang faction, Ya Ya, come out and help me butcher this fire rabbit, and we will roast the rabbit meat together later.”

Not dodging or dodging, Liu Ying stood straight and just waved a barrier to protect the family behind her.Then he looked playfully at the fire rabbit who couldn't catch her, with a murderous look in his eyes.He clapped his hands, and with a thought, he summoned Yaya who was practicing in the space.No matter how you say it, Ya Ya is also a beauty bee at the peak of the third order, reacting quickly and decisively, and instantly releasing coercion.

He crushed the Fire Rabbit that was rushing in front of him, his whole body was trembling, and he fell straight down from the air, before Zuo Xiaoxiao could react, he put the Fire Rabbit away.Ya Ya had already rushed forward like lightning, stabbing the Huo Rabbit's body with the venomous stinger at the back of its tail.I saw the fire rabbit twitched a few times, and after a few breaths, it rolled its eyes and died directly.

The Fire Rabbit of Tier [-] just finished playing like this, without even making a move, just died in front of everyone, and was instantly killed.Everyone was stunned, staring at the beauty bee who suddenly appeared with wide-eyed curiosity, when they saw Yaya's cultivation level clearly.Everyone gasped again and again in unison, Ju, was actually the peak of the third rank, and was about to rush into the fourth rank of the beauty queen bee.

Oh my god, everyone stared blankly at the smiling Liu Ying, and their heartbeats were so shocked that they forgot a few beats.

It is worthy of being the killing god of the Mingyang School, who can kill the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage with the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage, and he will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move.Even the fire rabbit of the second level dared to say that it was slaughtered, and it was roasted and eaten. This kind of courage really makes people want to worship.

The third-order beauty queen bee?

Zuo Xiaoxiao and the two Foundation Establishment cultivators behind him suddenly changed their expressions when they saw the beauty bee who returned to Liu Ying's fawning side and rubbed against Liu Ying's palm.Especially the person involved, Zuo Xiaoxiao, lost a second-level fire rabbit that his master had just given him, and offended Liu Ying, who had a third-level demon pet.His face was pale and white with fright, and Zuo Xiaoxiao yelled out of embarrassment as he foolishly looked at the Fire Rabbit who had collapsed on the ground, never to die again.

"Liu Ying, you are too much, you dare to kill the fire rabbit that my master gave me, I will not let you go, just watch."

(End of this chapter)

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