Chapter 420 It's All Over (6)
Even the mermaid princess, this kind of beauty Xiaojin who is both angry and angry, can do it without raising her eyes.Sun Ning is such a crap, it's not worth mentioning.Why do women make things difficult for women? If Sun Ningjing only likes Xiao Jin wholeheartedly, he has no other purpose.As long as it's not too much, in essence Liu Ying can turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, treating it as a farce.

It's a pity that this Sun Ning is too ignorant and doesn't know how to advance and retreat, so he dared to come to her territory to threaten her.If it weren't for the fact that Sun Ningjing was Liao Ke'er's senior sister, and she was also a direct disciple of Daoist Zhitong, Liu Ying would never have just warned her and settled down.

"Thank you, Elder Tai, for your extrajudicial grace." Gritting his teeth to swallow the unwillingness in his heart, he kowtowed, and Sun Ning's sharp eyes caught the murderous look in Liu Ying's eyes.Terrified, he shivered and didn't dare to stay any longer. After getting Liu Ying's consent, he hurriedly turned around and left in a hurry.

"Okay, Liao Ke'er, next time you see her, just tell your master to expel her from the sect, and you don't need to entangle her any longer."

Liu Ying knew that Liao Ke'er was a little cautious at first, but Liao Ke'er is a smart person who knows how to advance and retreat.Knowing that there was no hope, she obediently put away any thoughts she shouldn't have, and did her best to help her manage Xian Lefeng well.The smart Liu Ying appreciates it and is willing to give it a chance.Thinking of Sun Ningjing's unwillingness when he turned around, Liu Ying had to remind Liao Ke'er.

Human favors belong to human favors, but it's okay to trap yourself because of such a small matter.

"Yes, I would like to follow the instructions of the Supreme Elder." Understanding the kindness in Liu Ying's words, Liao Ke'er was overjoyed and quickly nodded in response.With Liu Ying's words, Liao Ke'er can act more freely in the future without being too restrained.

Liu Ying is not a person who is obsessed with the love of her children. Knowing that Luo Cheng has sunk into deep cultivation, she didn't bother her anymore.After leaving a message, he took his family and left the cultivation world.Before leaving, Liu Ying received a surprise gift from Lord Wu Deyuan, a bunch of alchemy recipes, and some experience on alchemy.Liu Ying didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after looking at it, Liu Ying was overjoyed and wanted to scream.

These are treasures that are hard to find, and are the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors.What shocked Liu Ying even more was that this alchemy cauldron had a lot of background, it was originally a very old school.It's a pity that due to the decline of aura in the cultivation world, the spirit grasses and medicines are getting worse and worse, and the alchemy technique has also declined with the passage of time.There is no way, although there is no pill method, there are still these experiences.

It's just that a clever woman is suffering without grains of rice, and without a good elixir, what can she use to make alchemy.

As a result, the Danding faction, which had been prosperous for a long time, gradually declined, and finally became what it is now, and the faction was annexed by another small sect.Liu Ying took this cheap pick for nothing with peace of mind, because apart from her, no one in the entire Mingyang Sect could refine the high-level elixir in the alchemy formula.It's better to make the best use of it than to let it go moldy and disappear.Let her study these pills thoroughly, refine them into pills, and carry forward these forgotten panaceas again.

Mr. Wu Deyuan is a good person, he knows how to be a man and do things.Knowing that Mr. Wu Deyuan's life is coming to an end, Liu Ying decided to help Wu Deyuan Jun.I gave him a few bottles of sudden elixir, so that he could continue to manage the Mingyang faction in the late stage of sudden.As long as there is this old guy in the door to support her, she can sit back and relax for a while, and she can also have a place to stay in the cultivation world.

Countless successes in one fell swoop, everyone is happy, why not do it.

The family returned to the familiar environment, and the dirty air came in, making everyone frowned unaccustomed.There is no way, I am used to staying in the cultivation world, the environment is good, and the air is good.

From simplicity to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to simplicity is difficult, this is the reason.

Back home, grandma was worried about her husband, and asked Liu Ying for a jar of spiritual wine, and hurriedly asked Liu Dasheng to take her back to her hometown.Without Luo Cheng and Su Qigang, grandma returned to her hometown, and everyone felt that the house was much empty.

Originally, it shouldn't be too late, because Liu Ying never went to college.So I didn't know that freshmen in freshmen had to undergo military training, receive the admission notice, and read the contents inside.Liu Ying was a little dumbfounded. Although the first year of freshman year did not start so soon, there was a one-month military training. Liu Ying calculated the time in her mind and found that the date of military training had already passed most of the time.

With her butt not even hot, Liu Ying told everyone in a hurry, packed up some necessary things casually, and had to leave early.When Liu Dasheng came back after sending Grandma Liu off, Liu Ying and Xiao Jin had already boarded the plane and hurried to Beijing to study.While dumbfounded, Liu Dasheng, like Li Meijuan, was worried that the school would blame Liu Ying for being late for so long.Punishment doesn't matter, the most important thing is don't fire Liu Ying.

"Master, what is military training for? Why do you need military training for reading?" Xiao Jin wrapped around Liu Ying's neck, poking his head out while no one was looking, and asked curiously.

"Military training is about exercising and checking the physical condition of the students. Well, don't ask, you will understand when you see it for yourself." I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs running around anyway.Liu Ying has never participated in any military training, but she has seen some scenes on TV before.It is to wear a green military uniform, then stand upright in the sun, and listen to the instructor's slogan to stand at attention and take a break to do these simple actions.

After spending a day, Liu Ying finally got off the plane.Looking at the very rich cultural atmosphere in Beijing, Liu Ying's eyes lit up.As expected of the capital of China, it looks different to people.Whether it is the environment or the quality of humanities, there are no small counties that can compare.He lowered his head and glanced at the notice in his hand. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know the way, as long as he has money.After taking a taxi, Liu Ying rushed to Beijing University in a hurry.

The taxi driver kept secretly looking at Liu Ying through the rearview mirror, and looked at Liu Yingmei's shocking face, and his heart fluttered for a while.Just Beijing University?A look of doubt flashed across the taxi driver's face. The freshmen were already in military training, while the sophomores and juniors didn't start school so soon.Could it be that this hurried beauty is a freshman, but she was a little too late.

I thought in my heart that although I thought so, it was someone else's business, and the taxi driver didn't dare to ask casually.Misfortune comes out of the mouth, the young masters and young ladies in Shangjing are all over the street, and they are not something ordinary people like them can provoke.And the beauty with extraordinary temperament in front of him, at first glance, is not something that ordinary people can raise.In case someone gets anxious, it's his own bad luck.Stepping on the accelerator, the taxi driver didn't dare to deceive Liu Ying's unfamiliarity with the road, so he took a shortcut and sent Liu Ying to the gate of Beijing at the fastest speed.

After Liu Ying paid the money and got out of the car, the taxi driver let out a long breath.

There is no way, Liu Ying's aura is too strong.

It doesn't matter if you don't know the way, Liu Ying opened up her spiritual consciousness and covered the entire Shangjing University under her spiritual consciousness.At a glance, you can have a panoramic view of every corner.Liu Ying's eyes lit up when she saw rows of students standing at attention under the scorching sun.Seeing those instructors looking back and forth with expressionless faces, Liu Ying's heart moved again.It turned out that this was military training, and it was quite interesting to watch. Liu Ying couldn't wait to try it and see what the legendary military training was like.

(End of this chapter)

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