Chapter 421 Formal Military Training (1)
Anxious and unable to eat hot tofu, Liu Ying first went to the office to report to the head teacher.The Department of Foreign Languages ​​was easy to find, and Liu Ying found the head teacher in charge of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​for freshman year easily.A stern-looking male teacher with glasses.Standing outside the office, Liu Ying took a deep breath and settled down.Then he reached out and knocked on the door, and after getting the teacher's consent, he opened the door and walked in.

"Sit down, what do you want from me?" Gao Wenjie pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his index finger, and looked up to see who was looking for him.Gao Wenjie blushed uncontrollably when he saw that she was a rare and beautiful woman.Sitting stiff and straight, Gao Wenjie stared blankly at Liu Ying without blinking his eyes.

What a beautiful girl, Gao Wenjie is a 38-year-old leftover man. After teaching for so many years, I have never seen a girl who is so beautiful.Regardless of appearance or temperament, they are all beautiful.Gao Wenjie's heart, which was always calm, couldn't help beating violently at this moment.

"Teacher, I'm a freshman in foreign language and foreign languages. I just received the admission notice, so?" With a cough, which woke up Gao Wenjie who was in a fugue, Liu Ying said solemnly.


Hearing Liu Ying's words, Gao Wenjie's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.Pushing the glasses on the bridge of the nose, an embarrassing blush flashed across his face, he was so embarrassed.Gao Wenjie never imagined that this utterly beautiful beauty in front of him would be his student.Taking a deep breath and straightening his mind, Gao Wenjie quickly put aside the unwanted thoughts in his heart.Public is public, private is private, since he is his student, Gao Wenjie will not allow himself to mix with students.

Thinking of something, Gao Wenjie suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Ying.The freshmen of the foreign language department were late for so long, and there was not only one girl, a talented girl who was only 14 years old.His eyes lit up, and he asked anxiously, "Are you this year's liberal arts champion, Liu Ying?"

"Yes, teacher." Stared at by Gao Wenjie's bright eyes, Liu Ying nodded a little guilty.Being able to guess it was her right away, Liu Ying secretly thought that she must be the only one who was late for the military training for so long.

"Really you?"

God, he almost fell in love with a 14-year-old girl, and this girl was still his student.

Upon receiving Liu Ying's affirmative answer, Gao Wenjie was shocked again. 14 years old?This appearance is too monstrous, not to mention the height, this mature face with a touch of extravagance, and the pair of eyes full of wisdom are somewhat 14-year-old.Thinking of his heartbeat just now, the corners of Gao Wenjie's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

However, his student is a bit too arrogant.It's fine if she's prettier than a celebrity, but she skipped a grade at the age of 14, not to mention getting into Beijing University.Dare to be late for half a month for military training, this is definitely unprecedented in the history of Beijing University.Ordinary students receive the notice and know that they are going to be admitted to Beijing University, and they can't wait to fly to the students immediately.

Wait, what did he hear just now, she seemed to say that she just received the admission notice.The corner of Gao Wenjie's mouth twitched again. The notice was sent early in the morning, even if he was on the other side of the world, he should have received it long ago.

"Yes, teacher, this is my admission notice." Liu Ying flipped through her backpack and handed the notice that had just been opened to Gao Wenjie.

"Forget it, it's better late than never. Let's go, I'll take you to complete the formalities, and tomorrow you will start to participate in military training like everyone else." With love and talent, and Gao Wenjie's affection for Liu Ying, let Gao Wenjie couldn't bear to say too many accusatory words.He nodded, got up and led Liu Ying to go through various admission procedures, signed up, and helped Liu Ying get the military uniform. In the end, the lucky man made it to the end and took Liu Ying to find the girls' dormitory.

After bidding farewell to the teacher, Liu Ying simply tidied up her bed.Looking at the newly-collared military uniform, the smile on Liu Ying's face could not help but turn up.She thought she would be scolded by the teacher, but she didn't expect the head teacher to be so funny and let her go like this.He even kindly helped her so much. Sure enough, beautiful women are welcome wherever they go.

Spiritual consciousness glanced at all the freshmen who were training under the scorching sun, and the smile on Liu Ying's face deepened a bit.Interestingly, she actually found a few practitioners among these freshmen, and there were even a few students with supernatural powers and ancient martial arts.As expected of Shangjing University, it really is a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.Squinting her eyes, a gleam of light flashed across Liu Ying's eyes without a trace.

Thinking of something, Liu Ying called and went home.Tell parents that she has successfully arrived at school and has completed various procedures, so that the family does not have to worry about her.

"Master, wouldn't it be good for us to live outside? Why do we have to live in the school? It's so inconvenient." Xiao Jin poked his head out lazily and wrapped it around Liu Ying's neck.Thinking of the days to come, and going back to the way it was before, Xiao Jin couldn't help complaining.

"Stupid, we just came to Shangjing, and we don't even have a place to stay. How can we live outside? After the military training is over, let's go and have a look. I heard that the courtyard house in Shangjing is very good. Let's look for it. If we can buy one, Two sets, that would be the best."

Her eyes lit up. As the capital, the housing prices in Shanghai will only continue to soar upwards, and it is difficult to have a chance to fall back. Liu Ying thinks that she is rich anyway.It would be a pity not to buy some real estate in Shangjing, and besides, she will still be studying here for a few years anyway.If parents are tired of living in their hometown, it would be nice for her to take everyone to Beijing to live.

Compared with the small county towns, there are more interesting places to visit in Shangjing, and it is good to visit once in a while.Don’t you all say that, if you don’t go to the Great Wall, you are not a hero, if you have the opportunity, you will go to the Great Wall, and then go to the Forbidden City to see it.By the way, you can't miss the small alleys in Shangjing. You can read the food column to introduce all kinds of food in BJ.Among them, the most delicious and most representative food is BJ's roast duck with sliced ​​skin.

Liu Ying had eaten it in City H before, but it was not authentic, it tasted no different from ordinary roast duck.Now that I have finally come to Shangjing in person, I am really sorry for not tasting the authentic delicacies of Shangjing.Liu Ying couldn't help but take a breath thinking about it, good things must never be wrong.Do not eat for nothing, do not eat is an idiot.

While Liu Ying was in a daze, there was a sudden rush of sound from the mobile phone she had placed on the bed.Liu Ying picked up the phone, saw an unfamiliar call, frowned, and pressed the answer button. "Hey, who are you?"

"Sister, it's me. I'm Xin Ming. Sister, why did you come to Beijing University now? Xin Ming has been waiting for her for a long time. Sister, when are you free? Xin Ming will take her to press the road. There are many interesting places in Beijing. There are many, and there are a lot of delicious food, if my sister likes it, Xin Ming will take her there." Lu Xinming on the other end was so excited when he heard Liu Ying's voice.Before Liu Ying could say anything else, she hurriedly proposed to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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