Chapter 428
"Let's drive, little guy, have you had breakfast? Elder sister brought her own fruit juice here, do you want to drink it?" She rummaged through her backpack, took out a bottle of oranges in a mineral water bottle, and handed it to Lu Xin Mingji.

"Yes, I want to drink, thank you sister, I know that sister treats me the best."

Lu Xinming's eyes lit up as he quickly handed over the juice that Liu Ying handed over.Can't wait to unscrew the bottle, and gulp it into his mouth.Delicious self-squeezed juice with oranges in it. As soon as it entered the stomach, Lu Xinming felt a big shock.Looking at Liu Ying excitedly, she secretly thought in her heart that it was indeed something made by her sister herself.Even the juice is better than the one squeezed by the chef at home.

Sharp-eyed saw Steward Wang turning his head and secretly staring at the juice in his hand.Lu Xinming narrowed his eyes, afraid that Butler Wang would ask him for it, so Lu Xinming hurriedly raised his head and drank the remaining half bottle of juice in one go.

"Why do you drink in such a hurry, be careful to pee your pants after drinking too much."

Seeing Lu Xinming staring at Butler Wang like a thief, Liu Ying and Butler Wang smiled knowingly.Shaking his head, seeing Lu Xinming's cute appearance, a doting light flashed in his eyes.Knowing that Butler Wang is also a good old man, Liu Ying took another bottle of juice from his backpack and handed it to Butler Wang.Seeing the expression on Lu Xinming's face, Liu Ying's smile deepened a bit.

The car drove slowly on the highway, and after a few streets, Liu Ying looked through the rearview mirror and unexpectedly found two cars following unhurriedly.At first, Liu Ying thought it was Lu Xinming's bodyguards, but after asking, she found out that the last car was not followed by bodyguards.Someone followed them, and when their consciousness swept away, Liu Ying was surprised to find that one of them sitting in the car was an old acquaintance, Luo Cheng's mother Deng Minzhi.

Frowning slightly, Liu Ying easily caught the hostility in Deng Minzhi's eyes.After hearing what Deng Minzhi explained to the other party, the smile on Liu Ying's face immediately sank.She has no grudge against Deng Minzhi, she even saved her son, if Deng Minzhi doesn't know how to reciprocate, it's fine.She actually did the opposite and called someone to warn her not to get together with Luo Cheng.As expected of a noble lady, she is indeed noble and extraordinary. She didn't show up, and she directly invited someone to ruin her appearance.

Her eyes narrowed, if she hadn't considered that Deng Minzhi was Luo Cheng's biological mother, Liu Ying would have taken Deng Minzhi's life on the spot without hesitation.

"What's the matter, sister, has something happened?"

Lu Xinming's ability to read people's faces was like that of Lu Qingtian's, and he caught the flash of light in Liu Ying's eyes.Frowning suddenly, she looked at Liu Ying worriedly, and asked anxiously.Thinking of something, Lu Xinming glanced back, trying to see something.It's just that there are too many cars going to Beijing, looking at the densely packed cars following behind.For a while, it was difficult for Lu Xinming to find anything wrong.

"It's okay, it's just that there will be a good show in a while, you just sit down obediently, and the good show will start soon." Turning the corner, he saw Deng Minzhi get out of the car gracefully, gave a few words of advice, and left in a hurry.She thought her work was flawless, but she didn't know that every word she said in the car just now was heard by Liu Ying.

If people don't know, unless they have done nothing.Deng Minzhi probably never dreamed that Liu Ying could hear and see her every move from such a distance.

good show?

Lu Xinming and Steward Wang glanced at each other, not knowing what kind of show Liu Ying was referring to.Steward Wang and Lu Xinming didn't wonder for long, and soon, the car drove a few blocks away.A black car in front of him suddenly seemed to have a pedal failure, and rushed towards the car Liu Ying was sitting in as if drunk.The bodyguards at the back were startled when they saw the car rushing up with the gas pedal, and hurriedly drove to block it.But obviously it was too late, the other party calculated the time correctly and rushed ahead.

"Hmph, stupid, just want to scare me with this little skill." With a cold snort, Liu Ying looked at the rushing car with disdain.Waved a transparent enchantment to protect the entire body tightly.

"Sister?" Lu Xinming and Steward Wang turned pale with fright when they saw this thrilling scene.Hearing Liu Ying's indifferent cold snort, her expression changed again, she stared blankly at the car, not knowing how to react for a while.The old driver who was in charge of driving saw that this was obviously a deliberate car.With a pale face, he stepped on the gas truck and desperately changed lanes, trying to avoid the collision of the other party.

Under everyone's horrified gaze, the old driver was hit from the side by the other side before he could dodge.And Liu Ying happened to be sitting on the side of the opponent's collision, just when everyone thought that being hit by such a speed, he would not die or be disabled.However, a miracle happened right under everyone's noses, and Liu Ying sat in the car steadily, not only did nothing happen.On the contrary, it was the car that hit it, as if it had met a ghost hitting a wall, and it was knocked over several times in turn.

What was even more shocking was that the car seemed to have been hit by a fuel tank, and with a loud bang, it suddenly exploded.The huge flames startled the people in the whole street, and they all turned their eyes to the cars that were engulfed by the fire.Some people took out their mobile phones and called the police anxiously, while others were frightened and stood there in a daze for a long time without any movement.

Lu Xinming and Wang Butler were startled back to their senses by the loud explosion.He stared in horror at the car surrounded by raging fire, his face was full of shock.Secretly guessing in her heart, could this be the good show Liu Ying just said?Looking at Liu Ying who was calm and composed, looking at the overturned car with a half-smile, the two of them were shocked again.

I couldn't help but think of the moment when the car hit, that thrilling scene, but what happened was a big reversal.What's going on, why they didn't do anything at all, but the other party reaped the consequences.Recalling what Liu Ying said again, a complex look flashed across Wang Butler's face.Although things are a bit weird, Butler Wang can assure you that what happened in front of him must have something to do with Liu Ying.

"Okay, it's just an ordinary car accident, let's go, we don't have to go shopping today when the traffic police arrive." With a smile on her face, Liu Ying snapped her fingers, waking up everyone who was in deep thought.Facing Butler Wang's complicated eyes, Liu Ying grinned fearlessly, like a person who had nothing to do, with a harmless smile on her face.

Seeing that Steward Wang and Lu Xinming didn't object, the driver stepped on the gas pedal and left the scene quickly.Not long after Liu Ying left, Deng Minzhi followed behind and watched Liu Ying's whereabouts.Seeing Liu Ying leaving in the car safe and sound, it was the people she sent who died in Huangquan.His face turned pale with fright, and his heart constricted for a while.

Damn, how did things turn out like this?
"Sister, did my sister do what happened just now?" Unable to suppress the curiosity in his heart, Lu Xinming couldn't help asking.

"What do you think?" Liu Ying smiled and blinked at Lu Xinming, and asked back.Liu Ying knew that Lu Xinming was a very smart thief, and she definitely had the answer in her heart, she just wanted to confirm it.

(End of this chapter)

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